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GT Universe Only: GURPS Traveller books on CD-ROM?


SOC-14 1K
Does anyone know if there are sets of GURPS Traveller books on CD, like what Marc had done with the various Traveller edition CDs on FFE website?

I know that all/most are available as PDFs through e23, but considering that I already own these books in hardcopy, the idea of re-buying them in PDF at the e23 prices is a bit much. Something like getting 6 to 8 related books on a CD for $35 (comparable to Marc's pricing) would be much more acceptable, and convenient as I wouldn't have to carry around the actual books.

I have not seen such CDs on e23; wondering if there is a different page at SJG I should be looking at?
No, there's no GT CD. It's unlikely to happen as long as SJG is making money on GT in PDF.

Oh, and none of the CD's from Marc is only 8 books... most are 20+; MegaTraveller is the shortest I've seen at PM, RM, IE, COACC, RC, RS, K, FSotSI, AsV, ArV, AGtDS, HT, the Imperiallines 'zine, and excerpts from Challenge. 12 books, 4 fanzine issues, plus 15+ magazine excerpts.

TNE is 18 books, 2 pamphlets, and some Challenge excerpts.
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No, there's no GT CD. It's unlikely to happen as long as SJG is making money on GT in PDF.

Darn, that is what I was afraid of, since I didn't see any CD deals in e23... :(

Oh, and none of the CD's from Marc is only 8 books... most are 20+

Yeah, I know; I have five of the FFE CDs now, and Marc gives incredible value for money. I was just trying a lowball figure that I thought even Evil Stevie might possibly offer. :smirk: