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GURPS Traveller Chargen


Hey all;

Completed acquiring every one of FFE's DVDs of the different iterations of Traveller.

Rummaging through my gaming materials, I found I have a copy of GURPS 3rd Ed. and a copy of GURPS Traveller, neither look very thumbed through. I likely decided to stick with my CT/Mega mashup.

Is there a good tutorial about creating characters, am unfamiliar with a point build system as GURPS appears to be.
Yes, GURPS is point buy. GT uses templates. The template is just a mostly prebuilt character, with a listed cost, which you subtract from the base, and tweak with the leftover.
GURPS Core Rules include a decent example of how to build, but only GURPS Lite is on the CD.
Yes, GURPS is point buy. GT uses templates. The template is just a mostly prebuilt character, with a listed cost, which you subtract from the base, and tweak with the leftover.
GURPS Core Rules include a decent example of how to build, but only GURPS Lite is on the CD.

Thank you, that gives me a direction to look.
Let me see if this works:
GURPSNameScout Derek RenoldsPlayerDate CreatedSequence
SHEETUnspent PointsPoint Total
CostScoreFatigueSKILLPt. CostLevel
10ST1111Astrogation(M/A) IQ213
ScoreDamageCartography(M/A) IQ213
10DX11Thrust:1d6+1Electronics Operation (Sensors)(M/A) IQ213
ScoreSwing:1d6-1Piloting (Starship)(P/A) DX+2813
30IQ13Kick:Area Knowledge (Galaxy)(M/H) IQ-1212
ScoreComputer Operation(M/E) IQ-10.512
10HT11Hits Taken0Electronics Operation (Comm)(M/A) IQ-1112
BasicEngineer (Vehicles)(M/H) IQ-1212
MvmtSpeedMoveFree Fall(P/A) DX+1412
5.56Mechanic (J-Drive)(M/A) IQ-1112
Swim(HT+DX)/4Round offMechanic (M-Drive)(M/A) IQ-1112
BODY PROTECTIONPhotography(M/A) IQ-1112
ENCUMBRANCEMOVEHeadBodyArmsLegsHandsFeetALLVacc Suit(M/A) IQ-1112
None (0)= 2 × ST22PDAstronomy(M/H) IQ-2111
Light (1)= 4 × ST44DRFirst Aid(M/E) IQ-10.512
Med (2)= 6 × ST66Other PDOther DRIntelligence Analysis(M/H) IQ-2111
Hvy (3)= 12 × ST132Shield:Navigation(M/H) IQ-2111
X-hvy (4)= 20 × ST220Planetology (any)(M/A) IQ-20.511
ACTIVE DEFENSESSurvival (Woodlands)(M/A) IQ-20.511
DodgeParryBlockArea Knowledge (Sol Subsector)(M/E) IQ-10.512
6Beam Weapons (laser)(P/E) DX-10.510
= MoveWeapon/2Shield/2Gunner (laser ship-mounted)(P/A) DX-20.59
10Acceleration ToleranceTactics (Space)(M/H) IQ-2111
10Common Sense
-5Duty (Reactivation 9 or less)
SUMMARYPoint Total
Page one of GURPS character Sheet. It's not complete yet, just took a template and made it into a character sheet.
It's... readable, probably relatively functional. But far from the prettiest thing I've seen.
It's... readable, probably relatively functional. But far from the prettiest thing I've seen.

I create a spreadsheet with at least two pages, one is the front end where I enter the information, and the second page is the output with the table information. I copy the second page and paste into a text window and then I eliminate the carrage returns and white spaces.