The Handheld cutting torch, a thermite fueled cutting torch. A disposable cartridge holds fuel and the nozzle to direct the 4000 degree plasma and metal fragments. Lasts for 2 seconds, enough to cut window bars and padlocks.
Saw the YouTube of the cutter the OP describes - very useful for breaches, etc. And clearly inspired by that movie
That's definitely the best development of armor-piercing technology I've seen, to be able to direct the penetration of the jet so precisely is a bit scary.
its roughly the same principle as the chamber of a firearm/ surround the burning material with something it can't easily compromise..then give it an easier way out.
considering they make model rocket engines out of cardboard and clay...its not unreasonable that the casing wouldn't have to be resistant to the temperatures generated by the burning metal...only strong enough to contain the force of the escaping gases for a few seconds....don't ask me for technical details..I am making a WAG...
I would tend to think the development of technology in the setting of Traveller would have a 'tool-box' variety of plasma cutter available to a ship's engineer or other personnel instructed on the safe use of such.
Said tool reasonably small and self-contained, likely the size of an angle-head flashlight if not the compact but limited-use version discussed in this thread.
Mind having a device of any sort powered by a fusion powerplant the size of a D-cell battery is impressive, more-so if said power-source is in the AA or AAA range
Mind having a device of any sort powered by a fusion powerplant the size of a D-cell battery is impressive, more-so if said power-source is in the AA or AAA range
Theoretically. I saw some articles for an areogel along that lines for storage uses.Hmm... interesting...I'm no chemist, but if LiPo, et all can exist, can LiOC (Lithium-Oxygen-Carbon) exist? They're playing with air batteries, after all, so unless it's chemically impossible...?
Definitely different grades of the same tool for the same application-job, as in the real-world, cost and reliability setting the differential between such items.
I'm wondering if some 'hardened' hatches inside a starship could have built-in cutters for purposes similar to explosive bolts, said 'release' measures needing an over-ride or command code to access such.
Conversely, a blast-door or damage control hatch could employ such to permanently affix said portal closed.