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Happy Holidays! Issue #6 Now Live!


SOC-14 1K
Good Morning, All,

Happy Holidays! Issue #6 of Stellar Reaches, the fanzine for Classic Traveller and Traveller T20, has now been posted. You can download your copy at one of the following URLs.

Stellar Reaches Issue #6 (PDF)

Stellar Reaches Issue #6 (Zipped)

This particular issue is only a little shorter than previous issues at 32 pages. Nonetheless, Issue #6 contains a Traveller gaming article, two adventures set in the Empty Quarter, the usual Empty Quarter echo, and two starship data articles, complete with deck plans. All in all, there’s plenty in here for your enjoyment.

As if to make up for our art deficiency last issue, the artists among our wonderful supporters rallied to our side and produced a number of great images for this issue. In addition to Mickazoid’s first cover for us, you’ll find within art by David “Mandarin Dude” Askius, Bryan Gibson, Christian “Father Fletch” Kelley, Nik "Klaus" Kraakenes, “Ravs" and Mike “the Bromgrev” Thomas. Thank you, one and all, for your amazing contributions to the look and feel of Stellar Reaches Issue #6.

If you like what you see, please feel free to post something on a discussion board or a mailing list to let the various contributors know that you have enjoyed their hard work. Like myself, their only pay in this is your recognition and appreciation of their efforts, and I, for one, definitely appreciate it. Thank you very much, everyone!

Happy Holidays,
Jason "Flynn" Kemp
Editor, Stellar Reaches fanzine

What an excellent New Years present to us all!

What with the Third Imperium share out and the Signal GK issues, our fanzine riches are overflowing this year!

Thank you,
Excellent as always!

I thought Brom's Shuttle was scheduled for #7? I'm still building the model I was going to use for the pictures...
Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
Excellent as always!

I thought Brom's Shuttle was scheduled for #7? I'm still building the model I was going to use for the pictures...
Shh ... those are for the surprise adventure featuring the shuttle in SR#7 ... don't tell anyone ... ;)
Excellent as usual!

Really enjoying the Traveller Campaigns article, Flynn. Very thorough and useful. Looking forward to the next installment
Thanks, guys. If you are interested in making further contributions, please make your submissions for Issue #7 by February 28th, 2007.

The next Traveller Campaigning article should focus on running your own games, and how to construct your own milieu. Last year, I asked people about how they built their own campaigns, and I'll be using that feedback for the next article.

Happy New Year,