Here's a prompt I ran a while back. I was trying to make it for my Scout character. It got a couple of things wrong and forgot a couple, too. Wish I could remember what folder I put the generated pics in. Give it a try if you want and make any modifications you like.
An intrepid 42 year-old Male Space Explorer, with Dark but Graying Hair and a Goatee, who has Hazel Eyes. Wearing his Service Jacket from the Scout Service of the Third Imperium in the style of Mongoose Traveller version 2. The Space Explorer is holding his Gauss Pistol in his right hand and a Hand Scanner in the other hand with a messenger style bag slung over his shoulder. Keeping a look out for trouble on an Alien Planet, with a determined expression on his face. Standing with him is a beautiful woman wearing intricately detailed colorful clothing and futuristic jewelry. As well as his helpful Butler Robot and his Pet, a small space octopus with only 6 tentacles, called a Tree Kraken, next to him. With Alien Plants and an Alien Bird flying behind them. And his Scout/Courier starship landed behind them. The image should be as realistic as possible, resembling a high-resolution 16k photo with exceptional detail.