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Heaven & Earth

I'm on Windows 8.1. (blech!)

I right-clicked on the executable file and went to the compatability tab. Told it to run as if it were in an NT environment. Works like a charm now.

Yes this! Works like a champ for Vista and Win 7 as well!

Just go to where H&E is installed, this should be in your C:\Program Files (x86)\Heaven and Earth folder. Right Click on the Heaven&Earth.exe file.

Choose Properties off the popup menu.

Then click the Compatibility tab.

I chose it to run as Windows XP (Service Pack 2).

I also checked the Run as Windows Administrator option for this.

Then just click the Apply button and then try to start up Heaven & Earth off of the Windows Menu system.

When starting up you might then get an error which says:

CTL3D32.Dll must be correctly installed in order to run Heaven & Earth.

If you look in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Heaven and Earth folder, you'll see two CTL3d32.zip files. Pick the appropriate one, and unzip it into the C:\Windows\System folder.

Now when you start up Heaven & Earth you'll still get the CTL3d32.dll error message, however Heaven & Earth works perfectly. The driver still needs to be registered in the Windows registry to make that startup error message go away, and you have to do that manually using the regsvr command as descibed earlier in this thread.
Is there a decent download site for H&E anymore? Downport is scrubbed.

If worst comes worst, I have the H&E downloads and can host them on StuffOnline. But what's happened to Downport.com? Does anyone have contact info for the last owner? Maybe I can put a rescue package together.
But what's happened to Downport.com? Does anyone have contact info for the last owner? Maybe I can put a rescue package together.

So I managed to contact the original owner/admin of Downport.com (Colin Michael) and it seems that Marc is taking the whole thing over. I'm guessing it'll take a little while to arrange a new hosting agreement and reupload everything.
I just re-downloaded it from Freelance Traveller. Haven't looked at in years. Got it to run on my Windows Vista Home Premium laptop by selecting "Run as Administrator."

Now my question is, can I download a sector file from somewhere for the Spinward Marches and etc? I was hoping I could punch down from sector all the way to planet-level, see maps and etc, hopefully canon but if not, then generate with H&E.

Or is there a better software solution out there? Thanks.
My copy has all the sector files included in the zip file. Doesn't the zip?

When I click "File... Load Sector" change the drop-down next to the File input box from *.HES files to *.WBS files, I see the entire list of sector data.

>Or is there a better software solution out there?

No. H&E is the iridium standard. ;-)
Thanks, the WBS files are there. Wonder why it defaults to HES? Oh well. So I loaded up the Marches, punched in to Regina, and the program said to chill out as it generated the system details. Looks like it really did just that, and made up its own stuff? 'Cause I went to Travellermap.com and upon a cursory glance, things look different. If that's the case, then I'd have to overwrite H&E system details myself? Seems like I don't really need H&E then, unless I want to randomly create stuff. Or am I mistaken?
So after much fiddling I was able to take a dump from TravellerMap for the Trojan Reach and get it into HES format to load into H&E. And it appears to load fine, except that for several planets when I try to create the world details it gives me an "Overflow Error".

Also, I am running it on Win7 and set it to XP Compatibility Mode and Run as Admin, but when I launch it I always get an error about CTL3D32.DLL not being correctly installed.

Anyone have any idea on either of these issues?
Thanks, the WBS files are there. Wonder why it defaults to HES? Oh well. So I loaded up the Marches, punched in to Regina, and the program said to chill out as it generated the system details. Looks like it really did just that, and made up its own stuff? 'Cause I went to Travellermap.com and upon a cursory glance, things look different. If that's the case, then I'd have to overwrite H&E system details myself? Seems like I don't really need H&E then, unless I want to randomly create stuff. Or am I mistaken?

The WBS files seem a little wonky to me. When I tried using the Trojan Reach one and picked a random planet, the details it generated and UWP were different from what I selected. Not sure if it is me, a setting or what.
So after much fiddling I was able to take a dump from TravellerMap for the Trojan Reach and get it into HES format to load into H&E. And it appears to load fine, except that for several planets when I try to create the world details it gives me an "Overflow Error".

Also, I am running it on Win7 and set it to XP Compatibility Mode and Run as Admin, but when I launch it I always get an error about CTL3D32.DLL not being correctly installed.

Anyone have any idea on either of these issues?

I fixed the overflow error, or at least figured out how to avoid it. It only happens when a system has stellar data for more than one star. For instance, is the stellar data is "M2 V M2 V", you get overflow error while it is calculating the orbits. However, if you remove the send "M2 V", it works. Of course if you want the output to be 100% accurate, that will defeat the purpose, but if you are not concerned about that part of it, then it is good.

I tried the different suggestions for the CTL3D32.DLL issue and put a copy in the \Windows, \Windows\System, and \Windows\System32 folders, no luck.

Now I have a few more question for those that know the program well...

1. Is there any way to increase the resolution/size of the world maps?
2. The option to edit world data says not available in this version... (1.0.4), is there a version where that works?
3. The Save to database option is grayed out, how do I enable that?

And damn, does this thing generate a lot of information for a planet!
Has anyone managed to get it working under Linux?

Also, on the assumption that H&E cannot be made to run under linux, I tried to get World Builder Deluxe to work, but the download link appears to be corrupt - it's a 2.7mb archive, whereas the blurb says it should be 4.5mb. Anyone got a clean copy of the WBD archive?
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When HE did work, I discovered the World Builder corrupt source issue. The only non-corrupt version I found was going back to an earlier version. I think it was Downport (or a link from there) that has the various releases and you can use one of the earlier ones.

Things may have changed since then though...
Hmm. there are no other links I can find :( Just did a google search, and all available links point to Downport; software informer has no valid link either. So, unless anyone has the original installer files, I guess it's gone :(

Which brings me back to the original question, has anyone managed to get H&E working under Linux, and if so, what was the process used?
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Windows 10 had to happen

Death be not proud,
............though it did take my Win7 PC from me well before its time :(

So I've tried to install "Heaven & Earth" setting the executables to run in "Win XP" compatibility mode...

I made sure I had all the DLL's in .\windows\system and registered

And I get "Component 'TWISTE~1.OXC' not correctly registered:file is missing or invalid"

Has anyone else faced this?

Thanks in advance!

It takes a lot of exploration and guess work...


Having installed the full (1.08 beta) package and failed as I reported above, I started....

And I tried running the app "As Administrator"....and it worked!


So Windows 10 is not the death of H&E :D

I hope this saved someone some of the grief I'd been put through experimenting and being annoyed.
Runs on Windows 10 in emulation mode. I set it to winXP and had it run as admin. Fun tool, but I'm having trouble getting agreeable T5 results. I've settled on MegaTraveller for now and hand waving what I don't like.

The biggest problem I had was with a locked world. It orbits a small, cool sun closely and doesn't rotate. The resultant map was unsatisfying as it depicted polar regions and the data page described a day/night cycle.

Still it's fun, and it's free, which makes it pretty dang neato. Thanks for making this tool available.