Hi Warmaster40k here, this is a handle I use on multiple forums so we may have met, but for those who have not, hi Im warmaster40k, as you can tell I'm a 40k fan since I was a young lad of 12, and I have been playing rpgs for just as long. I got started in the D6 Starwars 2nd Revised, and I have a army of Orks no hummies in my collection. I am soon to be 27, and have ammassed a largish collection of RPGs, movies, videogames and books. Now what brings me here, well in my collection (which includes basic, expert, ad&d first and second, 3rd, 3.5, and 4th, had essentials but gifted it to a kid I use to baby sit to continue the tradition) as well as a large catalogue of Palladium Books... I got a lot of games I probably will never play.
Any way I also acquired a copy of this strang tome, it was solid black, with ammusing line art, and a character generation system that included a chance of death. With algebraic formulas peppered through out the book, I was intimidated, it did not help that the Stat line read 549B6C. Yes I'm talking about the 1982 hardback version of Classic Traveller.
Well, after stumbleling around the Internet, you know those places, tvtropes, wikipedia, youtube, Encyclopedia Dramatically, D4Chan, I kept coming across this strange game, it kept saying stuff like amazing, nothing beats, deadly, old school. Well I decide that the DnD clones get enough press what about the Father of Science Fiction roleplay. Well I girded my loins, grabbed my dice and proceeded to to read and roll my way through the book. To my shock character creation was quick, painless, almost enjoyable. Then combat not that bad especially when I wrapped my head around the whole range bands thing. Then the game started to scare me once again with... starships and spcae combat. So I pulled my pants up, tilt my cap to the side, and filled my belly with that daring do and gumption. If I can teach my self every edition of D&D (is it four or six or ten, it gets confusing), every RPG by Kenzerco (Aces and Eights has a special place on my shelf), then by golly I'm gonna learn me some traveller.
Any way I also acquired a copy of this strang tome, it was solid black, with ammusing line art, and a character generation system that included a chance of death. With algebraic formulas peppered through out the book, I was intimidated, it did not help that the Stat line read 549B6C. Yes I'm talking about the 1982 hardback version of Classic Traveller.
Well, after stumbleling around the Internet, you know those places, tvtropes, wikipedia, youtube, Encyclopedia Dramatically, D4Chan, I kept coming across this strange game, it kept saying stuff like amazing, nothing beats, deadly, old school. Well I decide that the DnD clones get enough press what about the Father of Science Fiction roleplay. Well I girded my loins, grabbed my dice and proceeded to to read and roll my way through the book. To my shock character creation was quick, painless, almost enjoyable. Then combat not that bad especially when I wrapped my head around the whole range bands thing. Then the game started to scare me once again with... starships and spcae combat. So I pulled my pants up, tilt my cap to the side, and filled my belly with that daring do and gumption. If I can teach my self every edition of D&D (is it four or six or ten, it gets confusing), every RPG by Kenzerco (Aces and Eights has a special place on my shelf), then by golly I'm gonna learn me some traveller.