Anyone have any success getting Universe to run with Firebird? I have Firebird set up, added the appropriate users, and even set up the DSN in the ODBC Data Source Administrator. The only thing now is to get the actual database into Firebird, but I'm not really sure how to go about that.
I finally had a go at using Firebird myself (on a Vista machine as I don’t have Win7 yet) but it’s falling at the last hurdle (so far). But I am getting the database into Firebird. It’s mildly inconveinent that there is no GUI interface for Firebird like IBconsole is for InterBase. Anyway, here is what I’ve done so far:
I installed Firebird- Then, I typed CMD to get a DOS box and navigated to where Firebird was installed (C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_5\bin). I added two users ...
gsec -user sysdba -pass masterkey -add TRAVELLER_DBA -pw TRAVELLER_DBA
gsec -user sysdba -pass masterkey -add TRAVELLER_USER -pw TRAVELLER_USER
And ‘restored’ an InterBase database from the CD ...
gbak -c d:\data\sample.gbk c:\sample.gdb -v -user sysdba -pas masterkey
(Okay, so maybe it’s not a good idea to have a database in the root directory of the C drive.
Next I installed a Firebird ODBC driver (Firebird_ODBC_2.0.0.148_win32.exe). In ODBC Data Source Administrator, on User DSN tab, I clicked “Add” and selected “Firebird/InterBase(r) driver”. In the resultant dialog box I gave the new DSN a name (sample1), set the database field, entered TRAVELLER_USER into both account and password, and selected “ISO8859_1” as the character set. Using the “Test connection” button gave a positive result.
Now, in REGEDIT I navigated to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\Traveller Universe\Databases and created a new string value with name matching DSN name just created (sample1). I modified the string value to give it a description.
When I run Traveller Universe the new database appears in the list of the login window ... but if I select it it just hangs.
I will need to re-setup my old VB6 development environment in order to debug this. I’m not sure when I can get round to this but I will report back when I do ... unless someone else finds a solution first. But I did notice that when I set up the users I got a warning about only the 8 most significant bytes of the password would be used so the problem may be related to that. (A mismatch in the connection string when Traveller Universe attempts to attach to the database.)