Verily, I reply, have patience. For the task at hand is momentous: a full rewrite of the code, each feature revisited and redesigned. But it shall come to pass in time. I have dedicated myself to answering your entreaties ... lo, a glimpse of the future: build 2885
Okay, that was a screenshot of a crude test and most of the data hasn't been loaded yet. But as you can see U2 is running on Vista without any compatability problems (actually, Vista is the main development platform). I hope to begin beta testing around Christmas this year, but it is a lot of work: I estimate 2 man-years of effort in total but a lot of it is done already.
Okay, that was a screenshot of a crude test and most of the data hasn't been loaded yet. But as you can see U2 is running on Vista without any compatability problems (actually, Vista is the main development platform). I hope to begin beta testing around Christmas this year, but it is a lot of work: I estimate 2 man-years of effort in total but a lot of it is done already.