ok, basic question that you must ask yourself:
"what do i want this ship to do?"
in this case, the answer is "free trade with enough firepower and armour to survive the odd battle with pirates that i may throw at the players"
now, lets look at parts of the design:
speed: 5g, if i am not mistaken. that's pretty fast, much faster than normal free traders, and faster than most of the things that they may face, save full blown military warships. personally, i would have a 4g drive, which would give more room for you to force a plot critical encounter upon them. however, that's not my call.
endurance: 2 weeks and a jump 2. I would cough up the extra tonnage for another 2 weeks of runtime. this lets you have a session that involves you making a jump 1 into a system where they can't refuel for whatever reason, conduct their adventure thier, and then J-1 back out on a single tank.
weaponry: i would plump for a extra ton of missle ammo. 6 rounds a gun is not that much, and thier is a serious chance of them shooting themselves dry if they can't reload between fights. it's only a ton
lowberths: frankly, i don't like them, but that's a personal grudge rather than a serious complaint.
staterooms: do you plan for the party to carry significant numbers of passengers? on a ship like this, 8 rooms is not much. (havn't worked out he crew required, but it could well be enough for people to be doubling up. 1 pilot, 3 gunners, 1 engineer, small craft pilot, not forgetting the captain. that's 7 right thier, not certian if i have everybody and we only have one stateroom left......)
the ships launch: what do you intend the party to use this for? are you planning them to do extended smallcraft missions away form the main ship? if not, why spend the 20 tons on the craft?
as to a name, are you looking for a "serious" class and ship name, or a "fun" one?
it really depends on your attidude to the game which is better. I can think of a few ideas for both, if you want.