A True Believer!!!Originally posted by alanb:
[QBI don't recall this. I suspect that they were from a Dragon article, and not even remotely canon.
As far as IRIS was concerned, they were clearly marked as a variant when they first appeared, that is, as non-canon. Gannon later made them canon, and, as we know Nilsen removed them.
My interpretation of the Strephon stuff is that:
(a) Strephon thought they were fakes;
(b) He used them to get himself out of the war by convincing people that he was a fake.
There is no contradiction between the two.
Personally, I despised IRIS. I couldn't even force myself to completely read the original articles!
They were obnoxious on many levels. Firstly, the whole "psionic super-spy" thing is just plain old munchkin fodder. Secondly, the background as it was given was complete hogwash.
Leaving aside the 500 year old conspiracy that didn't go astray, the whole idea of this "middle-class" agency goes across the grain of the Imperium. There is no way in the universe Arbellatra, or any of her circle, would have gone along with this kind of thing. Letting nobodies decide who gets to be Emperor? You've got to be kidding! This is the sole prerogative of the nobility (especially the Admirals).
In any case, why would the nobility pay the slightest attention to them when the succession is in dispute? No one has heard of them, and they are nobodies anyway!
*They can't actually do their supposed job!*
I'm willing to believe that there may well have been some kind of psionic "palace eunuchs" hanging about, but I am not willing to accept that they would be entrusted with control over the succession, or that they would be the kind of munchkin legion they were portrayed as.
Welcome Brother!!
Your essay is way more eloquent than my own. The big issue that I presented focused on the IRIS usurping the role of the Moot of handling succession.
In terms of Psi Spy munchkinism, your right. The original IBIS was a good variant. It didn't include psionics, but the regular anagathics treatments made it possible for an former agent to develop some high levels.