Is the hex based world map property of Traveller, or do other game systems use it as well?
Is the hex based world map property of Traveller, or do other game systems use it as well?
So it's not proprietary to the Traveller property.
A hex based map is not proprietary.
The exact TAS map form is.
It is all the layout stuff around the actual planet map that might get you into trouble.
If you want to create a map, you are probably safe.
If you want to steal the TAS form ... talk to a lawyer about how much needs to be filed off to make it not Traveller.
Just what I understand from working with small press publishers.
HERE is one I created that I could use as a non-Traveller product (except for the Traveller names like "Biter").
Many games, including versions of Dungeons and Dragons worlds, use hexagon maps. In the early 1980s, I bought 5mm hex, and some large MegaHex, printed pages from several game stores. Usng graph paper was rather rare back then.
Were they the triad type of map, like Mithril and the rest?
Copyright: The forms in this supplement are copyright 1983 by Game Designers' Workshop. That means that they cannot be reproduced without permission. Buying this booklet gives its owner permission to reproduce them for personal use and not for profit. That means that the buyer can do the various photocopying and printing described above as long the forms produced are not then sold. Traveller groups or clubs can chip in to cover the costs of copying or printing and then use the forms for their activities.
Ah, okay. I bought the FFE CD of CT, etc. and its in there. I just checked. Too many projects on my mind, and not enough memory to retain all of it.
I know the feeling.
I certainly get the same feeling about not being able to remember it all...
I have had to learn several languages in my lifetime and sometimes I just can't seem to remember certain words... I can remember them in three or four other languages, but not the one I need at the time... LOL
Dungeon Designer, a CAD-based mapping program has hex based world map templates. They have a fairly intuitive interface that allows making a Traveller-style map.
Is that available online and is it a Windows-only program, or will it run on a Mac?
Is that available online and is it a Windows-only program, or will it run on a Mac?