Since Don says there will not be a rule for escorts in HG, I thought I would propose one.
In the Combat Step, prior to allocating fire, starships, non-starships, or smallcraft may be stated as being in the Escort Role to a designated "Protected" ship. As part of the Escort role, any batteries of the Escort may be stated as providing defensive fire for the Protected ship. Some batteries of the Escort may be retained for other purposes.
Escort batteries may be allocated for defensive fire as if they were part of the Protected ship's batteries. The computer rating of the Escort, however, is used for DM and not that of the Protected ship.
If a Protected ship is in the Line of Battle, then any Escorts assigned to it must also be in the Line of Battle. Likewise, if a Protected ship is in the Reserve, any Escorts assigned to it must also be in the Reserve.
Example: Alpha and Beta are designed Escorts with a battery of 5 triple beam lasers plus additional weaponry and a Model/7 computer. They are designated as Escorts to cruiser Gamma (equipped with a Model/9 Computer) each offering the Factor 6 battery. DUring the combat, Gamma is fired upon by three separate missile attacks from ships equipped with Model/8 computers. She uses Alpha's factor 6 battery as defensive fire against the first attack, Beta's factor 6 battery against the 2nd, and her own defenses against the 3rd. The first two attacks have a computer DM of -1 but the 3rd has a computer DM of +1.
In the Combat Step, prior to allocating fire, starships, non-starships, or smallcraft may be stated as being in the Escort Role to a designated "Protected" ship. As part of the Escort role, any batteries of the Escort may be stated as providing defensive fire for the Protected ship. Some batteries of the Escort may be retained for other purposes.
Escort batteries may be allocated for defensive fire as if they were part of the Protected ship's batteries. The computer rating of the Escort, however, is used for DM and not that of the Protected ship.
If a Protected ship is in the Line of Battle, then any Escorts assigned to it must also be in the Line of Battle. Likewise, if a Protected ship is in the Reserve, any Escorts assigned to it must also be in the Reserve.
Example: Alpha and Beta are designed Escorts with a battery of 5 triple beam lasers plus additional weaponry and a Model/7 computer. They are designated as Escorts to cruiser Gamma (equipped with a Model/9 Computer) each offering the Factor 6 battery. DUring the combat, Gamma is fired upon by three separate missile attacks from ships equipped with Model/8 computers. She uses Alpha's factor 6 battery as defensive fire against the first attack, Beta's factor 6 battery against the 2nd, and her own defenses against the 3rd. The first two attacks have a computer DM of -1 but the 3rd has a computer DM of +1.