I thought I'd run the good old Happy Funball through Andrew's excellent High Guard Shipyard program:
Ship: Claymore
Class: Broadsword
Type: Mercenary Cruiser
Architect: Dave Nelson
MC-8533332-000000-40005-0 MCr 423.162 800 Tons
Bat Bear 4 1 Crew: 63
Bat 4 1 TL: 14
Cargo: 35.000 Passengers: 1 Low: 40 Fuel: 264.000 EP: 24.000 Agility: 1 Marines: 45
Craft: 2 x 50T Cutter, 1 x 4T Air/raft, 2 x 30T Spare Module
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Architects Fee: MCr 4.232 Cost in Quantity: MCr 338.530
I guess it has smaller computer and less cargo space than the "Fighting Ships" Book 2 version, but it's a little less expensive, and has 14 extra troops and space for 40 low passengers (still more troops) and a passenger space for the owner-aboard.
95 troops carried, to me, seems a lot more useful than 31.
Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson
Ship: Claymore
Class: Broadsword
Type: Mercenary Cruiser
Architect: Dave Nelson
MC-8533332-000000-40005-0 MCr 423.162 800 Tons
Bat Bear 4 1 Crew: 63
Bat 4 1 TL: 14
Cargo: 35.000 Passengers: 1 Low: 40 Fuel: 264.000 EP: 24.000 Agility: 1 Marines: 45
Craft: 2 x 50T Cutter, 1 x 4T Air/raft, 2 x 30T Spare Module
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification
Architects Fee: MCr 4.232 Cost in Quantity: MCr 338.530
I guess it has smaller computer and less cargo space than the "Fighting Ships" Book 2 version, but it's a little less expensive, and has 14 extra troops and space for 40 low passengers (still more troops) and a passenger space for the owner-aboard.
95 troops carried, to me, seems a lot more useful than 31.
Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson