Fuel Skimming
Something to consider about fuel skimming in combat is the time requirement..
At first blush, Adventure 5 (Trillion Credit Squadron) pegs it at 7 combat turns to fill the tanks (pg. 39), and if you are dependent on fuel transfers, add another 6 turns to the length of the combat. I'm not sure off the top of my head how CT purification works out on the time issue, so I'll ignore it for now.
So at minimum you need to "hold the line" for those seven turns while your reserve refills, plus then refuel the folks who held the line.
The movement rules in Book 2 are also telling. To enter orbit from a Large Gas Giant's 100D limit, your pilot must decelerate the ship from insystem speeds down to an "orbital speed", say 1G, - that is covering 14,000,000 km to the atmosphere. Then it's another 14,000,000 km back to 100D limit to jump away. At 6G acceleration, and assuming no gravity from the Gas Giant, that is another 14 combat turns each way, so at minimum, 35 combat turns. Probably more with cycling ships out of the line, and slower ships. At 3G, you can figure on about 20 turns each way (times calculated using the Book 2 trip time formula, then rounded).
Small Gas Giants are not as dangerous, with only 5,000,000 km to cover from 100D limit to orbit, so 9 and 12 turns, respectively, each way.
If you are assuming a full stop to Jump universe, then the trip time is considerably longer from the 100D limit to orbit (on the order of 28 turns one way at 6G, and 40 turns one-way at 3G).
So, best speed at a Small Gas Giant with a 6G fleet, you are talking probably 32 potential turns of combat (9 from the limit to orbit, 7 for half the fleet to skim atmo, 7 for the other half, and then 9 more to burn to the 100D limit and jump). Assuming no battle damage, of course.
Alternatively, there is nothing saying you cannot handle skimming operations as separate battles, particularly if you don't mind mashing bashing Book 2 into Book 5 a little bit. Range from 100D limit to orbit is 45LS, effecting tracking range for combat is 3 LS, so elements of a fleet that disengage by acceleration could "press forward" to orbit to skim. Meanwhile, the Defender could divide forces into a interception force (the first battle) and hold SDBs in "stealth mode" in the atmo, targetible at only 1/8 LS - well within Book 2, and therefore arguably Book 5 combat range.
So not only does the skimmer need to disengage by acceleration, but also with escorts to hold off the SDBs.