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High Guard Combat Software

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I've been thinking about a ship combat project - something that would be written using Javascript and Java Beans to make it accessible to people over the net. It would also use a background database for data storage.

The concept would be that it would be a generic tool which might provide a way to enter ship data and to represent vector movement and firing, but the details on the firing and the ships themselves would be drawn from the data tables. Thus, not entering the particulars of ships which are copywritten or the weapons tables, one could still have the effect.

This idea has yet to advance to the level where I think it worthile or feasible, but it was an interesting direction and gives me a project as an excuse to do some more Javascript/Java.

I'd like to do something that is useful to me when I play MT, but if I wanted to make any such thing generally available, it'd have to stay far and away from the published mechanics (esp since it'd end up using modified versions of same and I'm sure this violates IP....).

Hmmm again.

We'll see what happens.
I think we should move this (and any other software related discussions) over to the new 'Software Solutions' forum that Hunter has rolled out for us!

lets move and go on...

Would somme like to try this IRC lone star in order to exchange some thoughts about the software stuff ?


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