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Homegrown Campaigns

I'm finally getting stuff put on paper. I expect website to follow shortly.
Originally posted by daryen:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lightsenshi:
Speaking of which, who should I talk to about using printed images (such as the cover of alien module 3) and such?
All of that is covered here:
</font>[/QUOTE]Thanks. The only other gaming company I have a site for I also have an NDA with so it's not really an issue there.

Hopefully, I'll get started on the site soon. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Jame:
Hmm... Has anyone used possibly Traveller tech, with mods as they see fit - same with aliens - and then created their own universe, taking very little or nothing from the OTU?
The campaign I am running now is that way. Never having played Traveller, and not knowing much about it's background, I decided to make my own setting, using bits from other scifi games and settings. The settings I chose were based mainly on the Aliens movie and TSR's old Bughunters game, with some organizations from the Alternity Stardrive setting.
The main premiss behind the game is that humanity as a whole has just started to colonize beyond the Sol system, with the oldest colonized system (Alpha Centauri) having been colonized only 16 years ago.
Earth itself is broken into 6 major power blocks; The American States, the European Union, the Asiatic federation, the Pacific Bloc, the Indo-African League, and the Microtel Protectorate. The Indo-African League and the Microtel Protectorate are both nations controlled by mega-corporations and business conglomerates, which used their political influence to create a new legaslative voting body in the United Nations, the Economic Assembly, and changed the name of the UN to United Terra (UT).
With the accidental creation of the jump drive, UT saw a chance to relieve world tensions due to overpopulation and scarce resources, by exploring other star systems and letting each of the major powers colonize its own system. Very recently, however, contact with certain star systems have been lost, one after another.
Due to this crisis, the UT Security Council has authorized the creation of the United Terran Colonial Marines, a force of clone warriors to protect Terra and her colonies. Being a cobbled together force, just at it's beginning, the equipment the players have available are mostly prototypes or gear that was surplus from the armies of Terra (no nation wanted to give up it's best technology). Even the frigate the characters were assigned is 20 years out of date and full of bugs.
I began the players at Stargate Station, home of the Colonial Marines, and gave them their mission orders to recon the first colony to lose contact (UV Ceti), and secure the colony site for the main body of the Colonial Marines forces following 2 weeks behind them.
Yes, I decided to use the breaking up of nations into spheres of influence, and some of the nastier mega-corps (especially Voidcorp) from Star*Drive. Most of the technology is from T20, either straight from the book, or slightly modified. The only tech I have changed majorly is the jump drives, they still take 7 days per jump, but normal humans need to be in stasis during the jumps, keeping in line with Alien movie series.
I'm finally getting my setting done. It'll only be in Microsoft word, because I have no website, but I'll post it here once I get the playable aliens figured out.
I'm finally getting started on this. Feedback welcome. The starter page is http://www.geocities.com/lightsenshi/index.html
I went to go see it, Lightsenshi. It's nicely set up, but as I'm not much of a gearhead I'd look forward to the world descriptions and the other categories you haven't filled in yet - cultures and politics are my bag, baby. The setting sounds great. I'll drop by again in a couple of weeks and see what you've added.

My own campaign is in 1116 in the Trojan Reaches, and the website is The Widening Gyre
^ Excellent start on both sites, please keep it coming! I only wish I had the ambition and patience to do what you guys are; I can't ever find my notes from the last game session ;)

I've made you sites favorites and look forward to seeing more!
Thanks, Ran. A lot of development of my campaign is going on at IMTU on the Trojan Reach thread started by Elliot. He and I are both building detail in the Trojan Reach (most of his is in Sindal, mine in Tobia).
It has always been my belief that Traveller is a game system, not a setting (which is why I have no intrest in GURPS Traveller or T20). I know not everyone agrees with me, but so be it.
Truth is, I have NEVER ran a campaign using the OTU. I've considered it a few times, but have always ended up using a background of my own design. The core rules are usually left intact.

T20 has no real specific setting info in the main rule book.

It's all full of lovely lovely rules...

The Man Behind the Curtain

To totally misquote a favorite movie of mine:

"It's like a Chinese buffet, you take what you want and leave the rest".

I've heard from a very reliable source that T20 was specifically written to update the system without handcuffing you to the OTU. Supplements will give the background info and they're not required reading.
lightsenshi, your site looks nice so far. I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. Mythmere, I'll take a look at yours sometime in the near future. No doubt it's good.

T20 certainly captures the feel of Traveller, even without a setting, but the rules are rather intimidating to someone who's unfamiliar with the d20 system.
I'm surprised I forgot to put my site here! I'm running a campaign in the Julian Protectorate. It's basically the CTU, the date is around 1100, but placing it in a neighbouring state allows me to make up my own military, politics etc.

The campaign background is online at:

The PCs are playing an undercover Farguard Intelligence team and are investigating anti-unification forces on Summit in the Kupid subsector. I've got other adventure ideas on my Odd Jobs page.

The main badguys for my campaign are the pro-human/anti-vargr Third Empire of Gashikan. I've stolen ideas liberally from the following TV series:
Horatio Hornblower (BBC)
24 (American)
Spooks (BBC)

The HH series has nice ideas about enemies currently living at peace together (the whole English/French thing), whilst 24 and Spooks are both counter-terrorism units, with some undercover themes.
ANgus! Good stuff..
(ahem) and dittoes (sorry larsen).. we seem to have been to busy RP-ing online to have posted here before.

Ours is set in 1105, CT-Spinward marches, though we are not slaves to Canon..(heretically, we have an alien race that was submitted but overlooked by the powers that be OTU)..and we discovered Duke Norris' daughter is actually
(a) red haired/ green eyed
(b) good looking
(c) not a clone!
Just to name a few things, like using Beanstalk technology on Mining worlds with B-class or better ports! (ala T-2300)...

Mike Rourke/Liam Devlin
ISS URSULA site mgr,
rat bastiid evil GM
Yes, good stuff all around. While I certainly enjoy the M-OTU (modified OTU), I enjoy the YTU stuff as well, 'cause it uses the rules and comes up with something different (which is, come to think of it, the TU I'm in - there's another here at COTI who can describe it better, as it's his