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Homegrown Campaigns

Originally posted by Jame#1:
Sure, Admiral. I'd like to see it!
My apologies for the delay...
Some Excerpts
Warning very long

0017. Order of the Starship and Crown Founded.
0021. Prince Cleon Zuhnastu, later Cleon II born.
0052. Order of the Emperor’s Guard founded.
0053. Cleon I dies.
0100. Honourable Order of the Arrow created.
0120. Artemsus establishes the Council of Archdukes and creates the Orders of Antares, Gateway, Illelish, Sol, Sylea and Vland.
0201. Cleon Zuhnastu, later Cleon III, born.
0244. Cleon III “the Mad” proclaimed Emperor. The population of Scandia created Knights of the Emperors Guard.
0245. Scandian population attainted; Order of the Emperor’s Guard re-founded. Council of Ministers founded.
0246. Order of the Emperor’s Cross founded.
0423. Cleon Zuhnastu, later Cleon IV, born.
0455. Fraternal Order of the Arrow founded.
0456. Baroness Olga M’bane HOA KCOA dies.
0460. Order of the Moon founded.
0589. Order of Deneb created.
0604. Civil War begins. Grand Admiral Olav hault-Plankwell marches on the Capital.
0606. The “Aquilline Orders” founded by Olav.
0608. Empress-Consort Maria extends the Order of the Moon to men.
0609. Order of Steel founded.
0613. The Grand Cross of the “Aquiline Orders” created by George. Baroness Petra Stein becomes the first Premier to be Minister of the Civil Service.
0614. Order of the Capitol created by Captain-General de Vries.
0615. Naval Order of Cleon V created.
0616. Cleon V creates Grand Knights of the Order of the Capitol.
0618. Battle of Arakoine; Emperor Joseph dies.
0620. Empress Marava creates the Order of the Tower and Sword.
0622. Civil War ends.
0629. Treaty of Kroprow: Order of the Sword of Vland awarded to civilian Presidents of the Security Council. Order of Merit created and awarded to Duke Marcus Belerophon the newly appointed Earl Marshal.
0630. Countess Xenia Mortimer-Saxe is appointed Earl Marshal on her retirement from the Privy Council.
0690. Declaration of Regina: council ratification required for imperial decrees. Duke Gustavason is appointed Chairman of the Grand Council.
0790. Order of the Tower and Sword awarded to civilians.
0980. Ultimate Decree promulgated.

1112: Emperor Strephon dies leaving the Empire to his one-year-old grandson Paulo. The Gerusia appoint Marc-Ange de Vaincenne Regent.
1115: The Senate announce their intention to veto all bills in protest at their inability to sack ministers.
1116: The Senate’s veto is withdrawn following Regent de Vaincenne’s announcement that a 75% vote of the Senate may, with the consent of the Gerusia, result in the dismissal of Ministers.
1118. First knights of the Order of Deneb created.
1120: Death of HM the Empress Dowager. Baron Almoir el Fasalt marries the Noble Lady Sara Antares.
1128: HIH The Prince Paulo marries Countess Maria Richwater. They have a son called Paulo Strephon Gavin Tomutov.
1131: Riots on Capital, the Senate House is destroyed by fire. HSH The Princess Paula, daughter of Strephon, dies of a drug overdose. Senate is given the power to ratify the appointment of Ministers: a majority of the Senate and the Council of Ministers must approve the appointment of new Ministers.
1132: Regent de Vaincenne as his last duty opens the new Senate House, the Moot Spire, before he resigns. Paulo is crowned Paulo IV; he creates Marc-Ange Archduke of Sylea.
1135: Dr Otto Skorseny, Minister of Prisons, attempts a coup d’etat that is quickly suppressed.
1145: Lord High Chamberlain, Baron Robert Markham, murders the emperor in secret and sets a humaniform robot in his place.
1146: Xenia, Duchess of Rhylanor, tips off Archduke de Vaincenne and he and other senior members of the Government stage a coup. Markham’s confederates murder Duchess Xenia. Markham is killed during the coup and Archduke de Vaincenne is appointed Regent for the second time.
1148: Almoir el Fasalt is created Duke of Sarathusa and Knight of the Emperors Cross on the occasion of Maria de Vaincenne’s marriage to his son.
1149: Paulo is crowned Emperor and marries the Noble Lady Margaret Antares.
1152: Grand Admiral Jacques Villeneuve leads the Illelish Grand Fleet on Capital; he is defeated and killed at the battle of Roam.
1160: Death of HSH Archduchess Margaret d’Alkalikoi-Royale aged 92.
1164: Brigadier-General von Blumfelt, Colonel of the Capitoline Guard, Minister Baron Claude Coulton, HEH Prince Paulo, General Count Maxim Savin, Colonel of the Imperial Guard, and Minister Jean de Saint-Just supported by the Capitoline Guard kill the Emperor. Crown Prince Paulo takes refuge in the Imperial Palace with Archduke de Vaincenne and his allies. Paulo is named Emperor by special decree of the Gerusia. The Palace is liberated by squads of the Imperial Marine Corp under the command of Baron Haljamir Shackt, who has declared himself Captain-General of Capital, but not before the Emperor, Minister de Maupassant and Marshal Kallerman are killed. Captain-General Shackt establishes a special court to try the surviving rebels. Coulton and Savin are executed, Prince Paulo is imprisoned in Hentzau Castle, and de Saint-Just is exiled. Archduke de Vaincenne is appointed Regent for the third time.
1165: Marshal-General von Keitel is exiled for assaulting the Regent he is replaced by General Oscar von Godell CIGS.
1168: Prince Philippe d’Alkalikoi-Royale, Archduke of Deneb and

1246: Solomani diplomatic links severed by Secretary-General Karl Wolfe. Sol military forces placed on orange alert.
1250: Minor confederation incursions. Sol on red alert. Duke Sarathusa retires from viceroyalty of Gram; he is succeeded by Archduke James Antares.
1251: HRH Prince Tomutov Alkalikoi (who had renounced his claims to the throne in 1100) dies and is honoured with a full state funeral.
1260: Solomani diplomatic links restored; as a gesture of good faith the Great Seal of Terra, which had been captured in the Rim War, is returned to the Solomani government on Home. Skirmishes with the anti-Rukh coalition over the sovereignty of the Varg planet Verzth. Grand Admiral Robarts of Deneb dies he is replaced by Lord Junius Calistus his Legate Admiral.
1270: The Emperor, attended by the Finance Minister, the Chief of Police and Duke Sarathusa, makes a state visit to Home.
1275: Secretary-General Imry Kasperov makes a state visit to Capital and Terra. James Antares retires from the viceroyalty of Gram he is succeeded by Duke Sarathusa.
1280: High Consul Ottiashav, the Emperor’s father-in-law, makes a state visit to the Imperium; the Treaty of Gram establishes a “perpetual peace” between the Imperium and the Consulate.
1290: Death of HRH Charles, Prince Tallyrand, Minister for Foreign Affairs, aged 242.
1300: Death of HIM Emperor Marc-Ange aged 242. Baron Shackt serves as interrex. His eldest son Francois is crowned emperor. The funeral is attended by High Consul and Madam Ottiashav, General of Army Ottiashav, Secretary-General Imry Rancov, Majority Floor Leader Elgin Raston, Minority Floor Leader Karl Wolfe, Party Representative Gustav Krispin. The Prince-Duke of Sarathusa has his viceroyalty renewed. Prince Marc-Ange is created Prince of Vland and Viscount of Scandia.
1305: Military forces in Ilelish and elsewhere revolt; the attempted rebellion in Gram is suppressed by Lord Maximillian el Fasalt following the assassination of his father. The Emperor gives sweeping powers to the Captains-General of Vland and Capital.
Capital falls to rebel forces and the government is moved to Scandia; in an unprecedented move the emperor devolves power upon two dictators. Baron Shackt and Marquis Calistus are given the power to govern by decree, absolute control of all military forces and immunity from impeachment whilst in office or prosecution when their term of office is ended.
Later: Commodore Count Kastron defeats the rebel commander August Surmanlich at the Battle of Shaid-Murb. The Declaration of Scandia confirms the powers of the dictatorship. Rebel forces control Dagudasaag, Core, Fornast, Verge, Ilelesh, Zarushagar, Massalia and Delphi sectors.
1306: Imperial forces assisted by elements of the Consulate Navy and the Star Guard make a push to Capital. Lord High Admiral von Tyr, serving as Commander of the Coreward Fleet, is killed at the Battle of Epel but the battle is won. Olav von Reibnetz, naval commander of the rebel forces and sometime Grand Admiral of Ilelish, declares himself “Regent of the Empire and Protector of Capital”. The Rimward Fleet under the command of the Grand Admiral of Deneb capture Nimmitin.
1307: “Protector” von Reibnetz crowns himself Olav II. Capital is recaptured by a fleet lead by Consular Admiral Samarishav. Reibnetz flees to Dlan in Ilelesh; where he is soon murdered by Ludwig Hemindau, Archduke of Ilelish, and Anton da Silva, OCNIC for Ilelish Grand Fleet.
Later: Ludwig Hemindau is murdered by Anton da Silva and Maxim Vrontzov, sometime Vice-Marshal of Ilelish. Da Silva proclaims himself Emperor Anton.
1308: Delphi and Fornast are re-subjugated Vorontzov commits suicide to avoid capture many senior rebel officers are arrested.
1310: Ilelish falls to the Imperial forces; the rebellion is effectively ended. Anton da Silva is arrested in the Consulate and extradited to the Imperium for trial.
Later: Verge and Reavers Deep surrender to the dictators’ forces; military control is restored throughout the empire.
1311: A special court is established to try the captured rebel leaders and purge the armed forces of any remaining sympathisers. Anton da Silva and his co-defendants are executed.
1312: The dictators resign and normality is restored; Calistus and Shackt are honoured by the emperor. Marcus Calistus becomes Archduke of Ilelish, following the attainder of the Hemindau family, and Haljamir Shackt is created Archduke of Gateway following the death of the last Archduke without heirs. They are further honoured by being created Heroes of the Imperium; this honour having previously been awarded to the Emperor Cleon V and Grand Admiral Arbelatra Alkalikoi only.
1317: Archduke Shackt retires from the Imperial Statesbank after two hundred and eleven years in office. He is appointed Prime Minister but is granted the right to absent himself from half of the Council Meetings.
Later: The Archduke of Gateway founds the Shackt Academy of Fine Arts and retires to his country seat. He is created Marquis of the Capital following the death of Johannes de Vries without heir earlier in the year.
1318: The Prime Minister, Archduke Haljamir Shackt, dies aged 262.
1321: HIM Francois dies aged 236; he is succeeded by his son, as Marc-Ange II, who dies the same year to be succeeded by his son as Marc-Ange III.
1325: A memorial to “The Twenty”, the heroes of the coups of 1146 and 1164, is unveiled on the Capitol. The Loyal Order of the Twenty is established to reward acts of exceptional loyalty. Marcus Calistus is created Grand Master of the order.
1330: Under the terms of the Declaration of Deneb the Senate forces the abdication of Marc-Ange III. His eldest son is crowned Marc-Ange IV.
1332: Marc-Ange de Vaincenne, the former emperor, dies aged 142; he is honoured with a state funeral.
1345: An attempt is made on the life of the Finance Minister, Archduke Calistus, he escapes uninjured but the assassin is not caught.
1350: Marcus Calistus retires from the Treasury, a post he had held since 1105, he is appointed Prime Minister.
Later: Elements in the Senate declare a republic with Baron Ludwig von Blumfeld as its first President. “Citizen-General” Rudolf Hemindau, the grandson of the rebel Archduke of Illelish, seizes the Capitol with units of the Senatorial Guard. The Emperor appoints the Archduke of Ilelish dictator; he leads the Imperial Marines against the Capitol. The Senatorial Guard refuse to fire upon their Colonel-in-Chief and the Republic is crushed. As a reward for his outstanding service Marcus Calistus is created King of Ilelish.
1351: King Marcus of Ilelish falls ill; he creates Frederick, Prince Sarathusa his ADC-in-Chief. Sarathusa marries Sarah Hemindau sister of the late Rudolf Hemindau and heiress of the Hemindau family.
1352: Following a short illness King Marcus of Ilelish dies aged 272. He is succeeded by his son as Marcus II.
1355: Philippe, Prince d’Alkalikoi-Royale, the Archduke of Deneb, declares his domain independent from the Imperium. He styles himself “HSH the Prince of Deneb”; an attempt by the Antares Grand Fleet to intervene results in a massive defeat for Antares.
Later: Marc-Ange IV dies; following news of his death the Archduke of Antares declares independence as the Lord Lieutenancy of Antares. Marc-Ange V ceeds the Solomani Sphere to the Confederation to avoid their intervention.
1356: Death of Prince Philippe his daughter succeeds him as Princess Marie.
1358 On the death of Marcus III his son becomes King Junius.
1372: The Treaty of Antares establishes an alliance between the Principality of Deneb, the Kingdom of Ilelish and the Lord Lieutenancy of Antares.
1375: Lord Lieutenant Archduke Charles XXI dies his son succeeds as Charles XXII. The Antarean Alliance declares war upon the Imperium.
1377: After much inconclusive fighting the Alliance leaders are granted some territory and the right to elect the Emperor.
1378: King Junius and Princess Marie die in a starship accident. They are succeeded by Marcus III and Philippe II respectively.
1379 Prince Philippe II dies suddenly his son takes the throne as Philippe III.
1380: Marcus III dies, the claims that he was assassinated by his heir are not proven, and his son becomes King Junius II. Junius II marries the heiress of Antares.
1381: On the assassination of Lord Lieutenant Charles XXII Junius of Ilelish becomes Lord Lieutenant of Antares.
1386: The Royal Ilelish Fleet attacks Capital. Junius seizes the planet and takes the title of Archduke of Sylea. Marc-Ange VI flees into exile and assumes the title Grand-Duke of Glimmerdrift. A distant cousin of Marc-Ange VI is made “emperor” as Francois II.
1388: King Junius II is declared Emperor. The Prince of Deneb gives him his allegiance and is created Prince-Archduke of Deneb. General-in-Chief Joseph Mayer, Chief of Staff of the Ilelish armed forces, becomes President of the Security Council, Marshal-General, and Archduke of Antares, Frederick, Prince Sarathusa is created Archduke of Vland, Earl Marshal and paramount peer of the Imperium, and Edgar von Godell becomes Chancellor and is created Archduke of Sol. The Heir is granted the title of Archduke of Ilelish.
1389: The King-Emperor, attended by the Earl Marshal and the Chairman of the Grand Council, makes a state visit to the Zhodani Consulate.
1391 High Consul Ottiashav visits the Imperium. At a ceremony on Regina the Calistus and Sarathusa families are made nobles of Zhdant. The King-Emperor creates the High Consul a Duke of the Imperium.
1398: Elements of the Solomani Navy launch attacks on the domain of Sol. Lord High Admiral Baron Mekmeht el Fasalt leads the Home Fleet against the Sphere.
1400: Following a diplomatic coup by Count Richard von Godell, Chairman of the Grand Council, the Home Fleet liberates Terra. The Solomani Confederation surrenders.
Later: On his resignation from the Grand Council Richard von Godell is appointed Governor-General of Terra and the Solomani Sphere.
1420: Death of the King-Emperor he is succeeded by his son as Junius III.
1425: Count Jean de Saint-Just is appointed Minister of the Solomani Sphere and receives a seat on the Grand Council.
1440: Marshal-General Archduke Joseph Mayer declares himself “Regent of the Empire and Protector of Capital” and leads the Antares Fleet on Core. He is defeated and killed by the Home Fleet under Lord High Admiral el Fasalt who is created Archduke of Antares.
1449: HEH Prince Junius of Ilelish is elected High Consul of the Zhodani Consulate.
1450: In the absence of Prince Junius Governor-General von Godell is given the Treasury portfolio.
1460: Minister Count Jean de Saint-Just is appointed Minister of the Sylean Federation concurrently with his duties in the Solomani Sphere.
1465: Speaking in the Senate Chairman Prince Marcus of Vland, uncle of the Emperor, raises questions concerning the excess of power held by the de Saint-Just and von Godell houses.
Later: HSH Prince Marcus of Vland dies suddenly after a short illness, he receives a state funeral. Archduchess Soraya el Fasalt is appointed Chairman of the Grand Council.
1470: The Earl Marshal, Prince Sarathusa, is arraigned before the Senate on a charge of treason. He is acquitted by appeal to the Grand Council.
1475: Archduke Mekmeht el Fasalt becomes Imperial Chancellor.
1477: Agents of the Special Unit, acting on the instructions of Chancellor el Fasalt, assassinate Prince Sarathusa.
1500: Death of HE High Consul Ottiashav in a starship accident aged 482. Death of Junius III of “food” poisoning on his return from Zhdant. Richard von Godell becomes Chairman of the Grand Council whilst remaining Govenor-General.
1502: The Senate is made an advisory body on the orders of Junius IV; it also loses all other legislative and judicial functions. The Gerusia is suspended sine dies.
1503: Following riots on Capital the Senate is suspended sine dies. The Grand Council becomes and advisory body and the Emperor announces his decision to rule by decree.
1504: A revolution supported by the armed forces and the people overthrows the King-Emperor. Chairman von Godell is made Protector of the Empire; he establishes an Emergency Council consisting of: The Protector, Minister de Saint-Just, Prince Archduke d’Alkalikoi-Royale, and Archduchess el Fasalt. The first decree of this council is the restoration of the constitution of 1300 and the confirmation of Francois de Vaincenne, Duke of Capital the great grandson of Francois II, as Emperor Francois III. Grand Duke Marc-Ange of Glimmerdrift attempts to seize control during the confusion but his forces are defeated and Glimmerdrift is restored to Imperial control after nearly one hundred and twenty years.
Later: Governor-General von Godell and Archduchess el Fasalt are arraigned on charges of High Treason, for offences committed during the reigns of Junius III and Junius IV. These charges are dropped and a full pardon issued by the emperor after a review of the evidence for the defence by the Grand Council.
1505: Count Richard von Godell retires to the Solomani Sphere and resigns all posts except General-General. Archduchess el Fasalt retires to Antares. Prince-Archduke Philippe d’Alkalikoi-Royale becomes Chairman of the Grand Council.
Later: Archduke Reinhardt Shackt develops chronoscopy to a high degree of precision and power. These discoveries are immediately declared secret. Count von Godell is appointed President of the Institute of Temporal Research,
1509: IRT becomes The Security Council Temporal Research Administration (SECTRA). Count von Godell becomes Chief Administrator with the rank of Sector Admiral.
Later: SECTRA is officially disbanded due to “the unnecessary and unjustifiable expense such an esoteric body constitutes” (Archduke el Fasalt. Speech to the Security Council 225-1509)
Chairman d’Alkalikoi-Royale retires from the Grand Council he is succeeded by Duchess Maria-Christina von Reibnetz. An unfavourable report on the security of the Imperial Household by the Interior Ministry is suppressed by Duchess von Reibnetz.
Later: Duchess von Reibnetz resigns to become Lord High Constable and Director of Imperial Household Security; she is succeeded by Count von Godell who also becomes Director of SIE and Chairman of the Special Unit.
1510: Francois III is assassinated by Duchess von Reibnetz who seizes Capital in a coup d’etat. The senate appoint Richard von Godell dictator. Loyal troops begin to liberate Capital. Godell is seriously wounded in an assassination attempt and appoints the Count de Saint-Just co-Dictator.
Later: The coup is suppressed and Duchess von Reibnetz is executed. Count von Godell resigns, on the grounds of ill health, from all posts save that of Governor-General. Count de Saint-Just becomes Chairman of the Grand Council.
1511: Marc-Ange VII is crowned Emperor; he installs Counts von Godell and de Saint-Just as Knights of the Twenty.
1515: The Emperor appoints civil servants as Sector Commissioners to assist Sector Dukes in the administration of their fiefs.
Later: A Council of Commissioners is formed on Capital filling a role similar to that of the Senate.
1516: Sector Councils are formed chaired by the Sector Commissioner and consisting of the Sub-Sector Co-ordinators for the sector. The Senate’s role becomes that of an advisory body who’s decisions are relayed by the Gerusia.
1517: In a broadcast, distributed through the X-Boat system, Governor-General von Godell condemns the “destruction of local autonomy” and the “stifling of the Senate”.
1518: Governors are appointed to administer planetary affairs superseding local government. A broadcast by the Governor-General of Terra, the Chairman of the Grand Council, the Princeps Senatus, and the Prince-Archduke of Deneb is shown on Capital Holovison condemning the Emperors actions and the destruction of the imperial system of government.
Later: An order is published calling for the arrest of the Prince-Archduke, Archduke el Fasalt, Count von Godell and Count de Saint-Just; they are however discovered to have withdrawn to the Solomani Sphere. Governor-General von Godell invokes emergency powers and places the Sphere on a war footing.
Later: Military units in Deneb declare for the rebellion; the new administrators are arrested by Grand Admiral Jasmine von Lu on the authority of the Prince-Archduke.
1519: A revolt by the Calistan pretender brings military units in Ilelish to support the rebels.
Later: In a joint communiqué the Grand Admirals of Antares and Gateway declare that they will not order their troops to fire on the rebels.
1520: The Solomani Grand Fleet heads to Capital; it meets with sparse resistance as the First Lord of the Admiralty, Baron Ludwig von Beckendorf-Schakt, brings the Home Fleet to it’s support. The Chief of the Imperial General Staff, Marchioness Karla von Falkenhyne, leads the Core Guards Brigades away from Capital on manoeuvres.
Later: Elements of the Senatorial and Capitoline Guards begin fighting each other. Baron Antoine d’Alkalikoi-Royale, Colonel of the Imperial Guard, begins to fortify the Capitol and the Imperial Compound.
1521: Count von Godell demands the resignation of the Grand Council; some ministers resign but are promptly arrested. Baron d’Alkalikoi-Royale is appointed Captain-General of Capital.
1522: Death of Govenor-General Count Richard von Godell at the age of 169. Count de Saint-Just assisted by Count Ruprecht von Godell invades Capital. The invasion is greeted with huge popular support; Major-General Countess Anastasia von Mensdorf, Commandant of the Marine Garrison, Colonel Baron Marcus Nitkin, Colonel of the Senatorial Guard, and Major Duchess Imelda Placov, Brigade-Major of the Capitoline Guard, bring their soldiers to the support of the rebels.
Later: A series of “blockbusting” thrusts by the rebel forces drive the troops loyal to Captain-General d’Alkalikoi-Royale back on the Imperial precinct. To avoid further bloodshed Antoine d’Alkalikoi-Royale arrests the Emperor, Lord High Admiral Archduke Calistus, Marshal-General Baron Justin Belasarius, and Commandant-General Elizabeth, Princess Tallyrand. He then surrenders both them and the Imperial Compound to the rebel forces.
Later: The Constitution of 1300 is restored and Count de Saint-Just is declared dictator. Count Richard von Godell is declared a posthumous Hero of the Imperium. Baron Ludwig von Beckendorf-Schakt is appointed Lord High Admiral, Marchioness von Falkenhyne is named Marshal-General, Countess von Mensdorf is appointed Commandant-General of the Marine Corp.
Later: Archduke el Fasalt dies aged 192,
1523: Count de Saint-Just resigns; Prince Marcos of Vland is crowned Emperor as Francois IV. Saint-Just is created Archduke of Ilelish to replace the attainted Justin Calistus. The Home Fleet, under the command of the newly appointed First Lord, Countess von Lu, suppresses the uprising in Ilelish and executes the pretender.
1525: Archduke de Saint-Just dies aged 135 he is honoured with a state funeral.
1526: The Emperor decrees an official holiday on 180th day of each year to mark the end of the civil war.
1527: An elected advisory council is formed. This Council of Planets consists of a representative of every plant in the Imperium; it is given power similar to that of the Gerusia. No member of the Senate may be a member of the Council of Planets, which is chaired by a Speaker elected by that council. Members of the Council are elected for terms of five years and may be re-elected. When they either retire or fail to be elected members receive honours commensurate with the length of their service.
1530: Francois VI appoints the first commoners to the Council of Ministers.
1531: Council of Planets receives powers equal to that of the Senate.
1532: Prince Francois of Vland marries a commoner following an edict by the Senate, sitting as the Lords Spiritual and Temporal under the chairmanship of the Earl Marshal, removing the legal stigma to morganatic marriages.
1535: The Emperor orders a purge of “undesirables” from the armed forces. 89% of the Security Council, 50% of the Admiralty and Army Board, 70% of the General Staff and Flag Officers, and 80% of mid ranking officers are dismissed, imprisoned or in extreme cases executed. This leads to a massive promotion of relatively unskilled officers to high command.
Later: The aged Prince-Archduke of Deneb comes out of retirement to condemn these actions in the Senate.
Articles of impeachment are caused to be layed before the Council of Ministers calling for the abdication of the Emperor. These are passed and d’Alkalikoi-Royale is declared interrex and deposes the Emperor.
Later: d’Alkalikoi-Royale is appointed Inspector-General of the Forces to oversee the rehabilitation of the armed forces.
1536: The Senate call upon Philippe d’Alkalikoi-Royale to become Emperor; he accepts and is crowned the Emperor Philippe.
1538: Emperor Philippe dies he is succeeded by his great grandson as Philippe II.
1540: the first Pan Imperial Games since 1388 are held on Capital. Philippe II speaks at the opening ceremony “It is our fondest wish that these games will herald a New Golden Age, an age of peace and prosperity, throughout the Imperium (loud cheers). This can only happen with your help; help Us and the Imperium shall be restored to the glory it was under Marc-Ange I. A happy, prosperous and peaceful place. (cheers).” (Imperial Rolls Series II Philippe II no.198).
1541: Sir Ronald Sims is appointed Chairman of the Grand Council on the death of Duke Reza Sarathusa. He is the first commoner to hold this post.
1545: Ludwig von Beckendorf-Schackt retires as Lord High Admiral he is succeeded by Baron Maxim Bernstein.
Later: Marshal-General Karla von Falkenhyne is appointed Minister of Defence; Sir Klaus Berthold becomes Marshal-General.
1550: Minister von Falkenhyne realizes that the Security Council has been taken over by militarists. Baron Maxim Bernstein (Lord High Admiral), Sir Klaus Berthold (Marshal-General), Countess Anastasia von Mensdorf (Commandant-General of the Marine Corp), Sir John Rossman (Marshal of the IISS), Sir Heinrich Hoesmaan (Supreme Marshal of the ISS), and Prince Philippe of Vland (President) are all aiming for war. Only Count Ruprecht von Godell, the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, and Countess Jasmine von Lu, the First Lord of the Admiralty, are opposed.
1551: Sir Ronald stands down from the Grand Council, he is created Marquis of Rhylannor; his replacement is Margrave Klaus von Berthold the uncle of the Marshal-General. Count Ruprecht von Godell resigns from the Security Council and the army.
1552: Pressure is put on the Emperor to go to war with the Zhodani Consulate to “demonstrate our new strength to all peoples” (Margrave von Berthold speech to the Grand Council 007-1552).
1553: On his appointment as Governor-General of the Sphere Count von Godell addresses the senate: “What price peace? We have only recently snatched our empire from the jaws of civil war why now should we plunge into a foreign one? A disastrous and potentially fatal conflict with an enemy with whom we have but recently become friends. (boos and jeers) I urge you to resist the blandishments of the warmongers and to fight for peace ( shouts of traitor, coward etc). (Senatorial Rolls Series XXV Philippe II no.153). A motion is passed by the senate calling for Godell’s dismissal but it is vetoed by the Gerusia.
1554: On the orders of the Lord High Admiral Imperial troops on manoeuvres stray into Zhodani space.
Later: A formal protest is lodged by the Zhodani Ambassador at the Foreign Office calling for an apology. In direct disobedience to the Chairman’s orders Minster Shackt issues a full apology. The Gerusia, using their 1164 veto, prevent Chairman von Berthold from dismissing Shackt.
1555: Countess Jasmine von Lu is dismissed as CIGS. Governor-General von Godell appoints her his military advisor.
Later: Count von Godell falls ill. The rise of militarism goes unchecked in the Senate. Lu is appointed Commander in Chief of the Sphere armed forces. Count von Godell leaves hospital to attend a vote on war in the senate it is defeated by only two votes.
1556: On Godell’s orders Marshal von Lu CiCS makes all Sphere forces unavailable until further notice to fight outside the sphere. Baron Antoine d’Alkalikoi-Royale (Marshal of Deneb) manages to not only make both the Deneb Armies and the Deneb Guards unavailable but also to tie up most of the naval forces away from the Zhodani border.
1557: Prompted by Godell the Zhodani Navy makes a show of force on the border.
1558: Chairman Hubert van Boer, the chief of the Special Unit, is recruited by Count von Godell.
1559: A wave of assassinations rocks the government. The Chairman of the Grand Council, the Lord High Admiral, the Marshal-General, and the Supreme-Marshal are all killed. Under pressure the Emperor appoints Countess von Lu as Chairman of the Grand Council, Count von Godell Lord Privy Seal, Baron d’Alkalikoi-Royale Marshal-General, Count Robert Carnos Lord High Admiral and Chairman van Boer becomes Supreme Marshal in addition to his other duties.
1560: The Margrave von Berthold calls on the senate to vote for war the motion is defeated by a huge majority.
1561; Visit by High Consul Dermanishav to the Imperium results in the signing of the Treaty of Vland establishing favourable trade tariffs between the two states. Lord Privy Seal von Godell signs for the Emperor.
1562: Count von Godell is appointed Co-ordinator of the Mercenary Monitoring Office (MMO).
1563: It is rumoured that the Emperor intends to purge Godell’s faction from the government.
Later: Large numbers of mercenary companies begin recruiting on Capital with the permission of the MMO.
Later: A display is given by the Terran Guard on the Capitol by permission of Antoine d’Alkalikoi-Royale Baron of the Capitol.
Later Count von Godell is made Minister of the Treasury and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers.
1564: Margrave Helmuth von Berthold becomes the first civilian Minister of Defence on the appointment of Marchioness Karla von Falkenhyne as President of the Security Council.
1565: Chaiman von Lu dies suddenly. Baron Mortimer von Blumfeld becomes Chairman of the Council of Ministers.
1566: During the preparation for the state opening of the senate renegade Darrian spetznatz stimulate an instability in the sun. The resulting solar radiation sweeps Capital killing the entire population.
The Imperium collapses in turmoil as central control of the services, and the administration is shattered and several noble houses are wiped out. Prince Phillipe of Ley moves the capital to Reference, in the Core sector, but he is only able to reatain direct control of Core, Fornast, Delphi, Ley, and Massalia.
Later: The Zhodani seize control of the Spinward Marches and part of Deneb; groups of Aslan seize Trojan Reach and Reevers Deep. The Archduke of Antares declares himself independent and retains control over most of his domain. Count von Godell continues his reign as Govenor-General of the Sphere. Verge, Illelish, Zarushagar and Daiebi become a republic; the rest of the empire floats free in chaos.
Originally posted by Vice-Admiral Vidmar Kulkinski:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jame#1:
Sure, Admiral. I'd like to see it!
My apologies for the delay...
Some Excerpts
Warning very long

</font>[/QUOTE]Thanks, Admiral! Here, have a full Admiralship. ;)
Sorry Straybow to which one of the noble houses are you refering?

Off the cuff either the title has changed hands (either by marriage, attainture, or death without heirs) or I was in a "French" mood when I chose the name.