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Actually, Piper, the Brits did recruit locally into their government. That's why most of the British colonies could transition to freedom fairly successfully - they had experience running the place.
Well in the US, things the Federal government is a bit more directly involved in the running of daily affairs and a bit more involved in its citizens lives. The Imperium on the other hand seems to have little or no involvement in its citizens lives at all (remember, adventurers and pilots are a tiny minority of the total population of the Traveller universe)Malenfant raised the issue of why one would go fight for something larger like the Empire when home has issues. Why do modern people join Federal forces rather than local police forces or state national guards? (Thinking of the US)
FTA (Fun, Travel and Adventure)Originally posted by Malenfant:
What I'd like to know is why anyone would want to join the Imperial armed forces in the first place. Why would you want to defend some abstract, distant interstellar empire from even more distant threats when your own homeworld needs you to deal with threats that are much closer to home?
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
Isn't there a consideration to be made for childhood experiences? Are they not an often indelible factor in a psychological makeup?
Ok, I stand ammended. When I talk about the decline of homeworldism. There would be a synthesis between the meta-identity and the local. My thinking was predominantly influenced by reflecting about Travellers or PCs. NPCs are fair game for anything goes.Originally posted by Casey:
As for Travellers? Well they're the oddball folks that don't fit in on any one world or just need the credits and can't make ends met in one spot.
I like how you save me the trouble of having to answer your question, my good Doctor.Originally posted by Malenfant:
Given the Imperium's "hands off" policy (unless certain conditions are broken, like their starports are attacked), why do people on individual worlds particularly CARE about the Imperium?
And again, what has the Imperium ever actually done for Joe Bloggs on TL A Planet Generica? Other than caused an increase in taxes, that is.
Sure, you could recruit folks over to the Scouts. And maybe you don't 'let on' that you are breaking down people and moulding them in the Scouts. But you do run them all through gruelling physical training (to survive, you must be in tip top shape), you place challenges before small teams of them and rate their ability to work together to get the job done, you give them solo challenges, but you also make sure they need the skills they were taught, you teach them about the ironclad rules of non-intervention in developing cultures, the rules about protecting them, who (the Imperium) it is that establishes these protectorates, why Scouts matter (and why the Navy isn't an adequate substitute), etc.Originally posted by Fritz88:
I tend to think bureaucracy (more than anything else) is how the 3I makes itself felt.
kaladorn, why wouldn't the Scouts recruit bunches of their folks from problem children in the Navy/Army/Marines? Folks who have high potential, but are not conformist enough? Five weeks into basic, a guy comes around wearing a cool flight jacket, breaking various rules of protocol, and pulls them out of some indoctrination class. "So, kid, I hear you're not taking too well to this Navy/Marine/Navy crap? Your DI says their gonna kick ya out. Have you ever thought about ISS?" Could explain (CT) drafting into the Scouts after failing to enlist somewhere else....