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Honor Harrington

Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jame:
I'll play Paul Tankersley, even though he dies...
Oh, right, well that's one suprise spoiled.

C'mon Jame, not everyone has read all the books yet...

</font>[/QUOTE]Don't think of it as a spoiler, think of it as a teaser.
The important point isn't that he dies it is more how he dies.
(Now it is more of a teaser.

Originally posted by Jame:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Shane Mclean:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jame:
I'll play Paul Tankersley, even though he dies...
Oh, right, well that's one suprise spoiled.

C'mon Jame, not everyone has read all the books yet...

</font>[/QUOTE]Don't think of it as a spoiler, think of it as a teaser.
Originally posted by RainOfSteel:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Straybow:
Errr, except Honor is supposed to be on the homely side, rather than droolable. Now, granted the Hollywood idea of "homely" means "wears glasses and has hair in a bun," but at least they could go for an actress who doesn't come stamped out of the fashion mold.
Honor is "exotically" beautiful, but "thought" she was an ugly duckling for many years. Prolong delayed her final development for many years, and she was a late bloomer anyway.

As the books have progressed, she gradually becomes aware of this in greater degrees.
</font>[/QUOTE]Catherine Mary Stwart, except she is not Asian enough

Probably too old now too.
Perhaps Linda Cardellini. Anyone that can play Velma Dinkley from the Scooby Doo gang, and pull off that role, and look as good as she does, would fit the role you've described.

Of course, she's probably not Asian enough, either.

Man, I really need to read these books.

Hey Flynn,
If it takes you x time to read a book then plan 10x because once you get started you will not be able to get enough.

This is one series that I don't wait until paper back. I have to get hard back just cause I can't wait to know.

Thanks for the warning!

The hardest part for me is setting aside the time to actually read. Most of the time, I'm already committed to doing something with my precious free time. ;)

But I definitely will try to get the first one and see how it goes,
The first two in the series are available as a free ebook at the Baen Free Library.

Yes, a pain to read on the computer, but, hey, they're free and handy to slap on a laptop as emergency reading material if you're travelling.

Among the other good books / stories available for free are 1632 (Flint), March Upcountry (Ringo), "The Mountains of Mourning" (Bujold).

Thanks a lot, Ron!
I've downloaded them, and should start reading through them this weekend... though I probably should be careful, if I actually want to get some of my projects completed this weekend, huh? ;)

Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend,
My personel request is that the game system uses the Wound Point/Vitality Point D20 damage system rather then the Hit Point System.

See Star Wars and Stargate SG-1 for what I am talking about

Originally posted by Savar:
My personel request is that the game system uses the Wound Point/Vitality Point D20 damage system rather then the Hit Point System.

See Star Wars and Stargate SG-1 for what I am talking about

You've not looked at T20 have you? ;)

Originally posted by hunter:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Savar:
My personel request is that the game system uses the Wound Point/Vitality Point D20 damage system rather then the Hit Point System.

See Star Wars and Stargate SG-1 for what I am talking about

You've not looked at T20 have you? ;)

</font>[/QUOTE]ummm I glanced at the Lite version but I didn't know if HH was going to use the T20 system seeing as it is listed as being D20 ?
HH is listed as d20? Where? I need to get that corrected if it is. All of the books we are doing are based on T20.

Originally posted by Savar:
okay in the press release it says
QLI's popular Traveller20 ruleset

but on http://www.travellerrpg.com/Honor/
it only says d20 system stuff
You mean at the bottom of the Honor page? That's the general copyright/trademark statement used on pretty much every page, but I can see how it might make one think the HH book is d20.

Note, that while HH will be based on T20, T20 itself is based on the d20 system. You won't have much problem following the rules in HH if you are familiar with d20. HH just won't be carrying the d20 logo on the books.

sorry for the goof
No goof! :cool: I just wanted to be sure I hadn't inadvertantly had a reference to d20 and HH where it shouldn't have been.

Originally posted by Straybow:
Errr, except Honor is supposed to be on the homely side, rather than droolable. Now, granted the Hollywood idea of "homely" means "wears glasses and has hair in a bun," but at least they could go for an actress who doesn't come stamped out of the fashion mold.
That's the view of Honor as a "teenager", which for prolong users means into their 30s.

Once she gets past that "awkward teen" phase, in her 30s, she is supposed to blossom quite nicely...
Originally posted by Spud:
Movies, eh? Who shall we cast as Honor? I think Liv Tyler would be excellent. And, for some reason [head injuries -juries -uries] I have always pictured Elizabeth as Whoopi Goldberg.
Whoopi? Not if you believe in a merciful deity.
I'd go with Gina Torres.
Originally posted by Savar:
My personel request is that the game system uses the Wound Point/Vitality Point D20 damage system rather then the Hit Point System.

Oh...you mean the Life Blood/Stamina system used by T20.