I like the suggestion made earlier (can't remember who to credit sorry) of adjusting the batteries bearing instead, but then the BG wouldn't impact on the spinal mount.
But that aside, the spinal gun is THE ship-killer and entire point of building big capital ships. They only point in one direction (so long as you assume "spinal" means built along the axis of the ship - which all the canon sources show) so that weapon would be the easiest to synch (and most important) with the flicker. Therefor you could make an argument that the flicker shouldn't have to affect the spinal weapon at all unless the spinal gun doesn't fire as often as all the other weapons do....but that's a ref thing, canon doesn't address rate of fire.
But the combat round is a long time so I figure the spinal guns fire at a significantly lower ROF than the other weapons or there'd be even more dice rolling and vaporizing ships (read: even more tedious book keeping) than there already is. So I figure the thing has to cool down, charge up, compute range and all that (especially important for the meson guns), and get the guy with the visor to run out into the barrel to pull the fire lever - ergo: it probably fires only a few times in a round, and the bigger the gun then probably the lower the ROF.
Plus don't forget that the only batteries that are affected by the battery bearing reduction rule are the non-spinal ones. The spinal weapon isn't technically a "battery" anyway. It's just a monster honkin' gun that looks always reminds me of the wave-motion gun on the Spacebattleship Yamato. No that that's a bad thing.
This is why I think the original rule of the configuration of the ship determining the number of batteries bearing than the size. A globe like the Tigress should have a much smaller number of batteries bearing than say, a dispersed structure or a wedge (which is why almost all of my original ships used to all look like Star Destroyers than close structures like they do now - the wedges had more guns pointed at the enemy than the other configurations did).