Here are some figures from some ships I've drawn up in the past trying to lay out brdges for some ships I was trying to put together.
This 1st figure shows a small 3dton cockpit style layout (in green) in comparison to a 20dton more open type bridge (in red), which includes a number of special sized (long & thin) 1dton consoles lining the walls, a view 1 dton viewscreen forward, and acouple small spaces aft for either lockers, a computer server room and/or a small coffee type mess.
The green cockpit style bridge was something I put together for a 300dton GURPS Traveller (Inter Steller Wars era) 300dton merchant vessel. In GURPS Traveller Inter Steller Wars a 3dton cockpit is allowed for ships of this size.
Here is an image of the upper and lower decks of the 300dton GURPS Traveller Ship for reference showing how the bridge fits into the rest of the ship. In general though after putting together these drawings I began to suspect that 3 dtons was probably really too small for such a ship, unless you assume that stuff like avionics, sensor electronics and other such stuff is located elsewhere outside the bridge.
On the other hand the red bridge was just an idea I had kicked around to make something more along the lines of the style of bridges you might see in a Star Trek type setting.
This next image is another similar idea for a 20dton bridge where about half the space is consumed by more standard sized ( 1.5m x 3m) 1dton modules lining the walls. In this layout the forward middel module would probably be some form of Star Trek-like view screen.
Finally here are some small writeups (with figures) that I had put together for a small 100dton merchant and a 200dton Yacht, both outfitted with 10dton bridges. I think that my drawing of the 100dton ship was based on a very early draft of a a ship statted out by Robject using an early version of the T5 rules, that Robject had posted on the Public T5 Forum last year, Though I can't remeber if the 200dton drawing was based a similar posting for a Yacht based on those rules or if they are based on the Mongoose Traveller rules.
In general the 100dton bridge is assumed to include several equipment racks, a computer server room, and small coffee-type mess (with a Fresher adjacent to the bridge) while the Yacht is more long the lines of a scaled down version of some of the designs I showed in the figures above with consoles lining the walls and a large window (with heads-up design, etc) located forward.
Anyway, I don't know if any of this is of use to you, but thought I'd post it just in case.