I don't disagree on the matter Mike, but the OP seems unsatisfied with existing canon, so I entertain alternatives
to make their YTU more palatable.

IIRC, there are about 6-8 actual root precipitation words (by dialect) used in multiple combinations... but over 800 permutations including the various common particles added. The roots roughly translate as fog, mist, drizzle, slush, sleet, hail, icefog, snow, frost, and hoarfrost... and can be combined, and can be given affixes for light, heavy, sticky, fluffy, dense, thin, etc, as well as sometimes being marked by wind speeds, too.Like Eskimos have 14 words for snow*, the Vilani have many words for "ewww... it's not ready yet."
* 1: they don't, really -- just compound words as in English or especially German -- and 2: they're either Alaska Natives or (Canadian) First Nations anyhow. (Or members of their specific nations or tribes. They're entitled to their own terms...)
Because they have been in all editions of the game their history has gone thru changes. You may find write-ups in the following sources. I list in order of publication bc new writers change or refine details regardless of the time period covered:Quick question: Where can I find all this information? Even if I make my own universe, I might want to steal sections of the official history.
Thinking about it though... TL7 would be enough for what they needed.I re-iterate extant canon on the matter:
And that was before we really learned much about DNA and RNA (neither of which played any role in developing quarantine procedures or immunization)!Thinking about it though... TL7 would be enough for what they needed.
That's enough to understand quarantine, By TL7 we understood enough about immunization to kill off smallpox and most of the other large scale plagues on Earth.
MIA does go hard.Bird Flu hardened us.
Imperium - The boardgame shows how one teensy little determined Earth has a real shot a taking over the Vilani, whose star empire has existed for close to 7000 years. Takes place in IY -2400 or thereabouts.