Going back to the original post, I play it based on the planet.
In the Piper-Norton Out Rim Sector that I am creating, the Imperium is basically a legend, something that may exist, but is so far off as to be meaningless. All starports are owned by the local government, and each has its own rules.
On the planet El Paso, in the Sword Sub-sector, there is one D-class star port, located adjacent to the major city, also known as El Paso. Every ship attempting to land is first contacted, and provided by radio with a short handbook on behavior for any visitors and ship crew planning to disembark. One point repeatedly stressed is that as a spacer, you may not leave the ship armed, nor may you go about armed, licensed hunting parties exempted to the carrying of arms. If a person gets off a ship armed, they are immediately shot by the star port guards under the presumption that they are a Space Viking. If it is thought that they are wearing ballistic protection, they are shot by a 6 pounder breechloading Hotchkiss gun with solid head explosive rounds. The planet has had some experience with Space Viking raids, and takes steps accordingly. If a ship lands without notice, the alarm goes off, the militia gets its guns, the town buttons up, and everyone is ready to shoot on sight any off-worlder. Note, the people take their shooting seriously. El Paso has been raided three times in the past 20 years by Space Vikings, so the citizens view any ship landing as a potential threat.
Crews and visitors from New Texas are treated politely, but viewed as a bit "dudish". Those with items to ship will meet the New Texas ship and start bargaining to sell their meat, hides, spices, and other material. Crews and visitors may purchase local clothing so as not to appear so conspicuous, with the option of purchasing used clothing available. Even with that, the off-worlder will tend to stand out, but it does help one to keep them from getting thoroughly taken to the cleaners by the local merchants. Those visitors that stay a while will discover that the inhabitants are quite friendly to those who are generally interested in finding out about El Paso. Hunting parties are viewed as "cash cows", and they pay through the nose for everything.
Note, crew and visitors must buy local currency in order to pay for things on the planet. Ten Credits will buy you one local silver dollar, weighing one ounce. Two Hundred Credits will get you a $20 Gold Piece, weighing one ounce. Most transactions are carried out in coin, but some paper money is used as well.