You're expecting to find those in the location described by OP?
These sorts of things sound like great things to put at a location. They will make it the sort of place a party would go by choice. By all means put more of that in your 'verse. These are actual, interesting mcguffins to find there. Populate it with crime syndicates or other disreputable parties that might be in the habit of hiring parties of adventurers to do their dirty work.
But please, please don't turn it into another dead end populated by xenophobic local bigots who don't want the party there in the first place. And don't make up a secret code of conduct that the party has to guess in order to avoid getting arrested/fined/into a fight/stoned to death by religious zealots. That trope has been well and truly done to death. It wasn't interesting the first time, and it's even less interesting the sixteenth time around.
Well, I kind of get what the Space Texas planet is, given that the whole Kansas/Oklahoma/North Texas area is my native area.
Seems to me like it's more a hardscrabble by choice sort of place and you can do interstellar business there but better not try and cheat the locals, six-shooters do organ damage as well as lasers. That and they LIKE living this rough life and so dropping off your Imperial Culture holocubes and trying to set up makers to upend local economics won't go over well.
Fits quite nicely with the 'why isn't every planet TL A+' question, some want that culturally and won't sign over their way of life.
As to what might be worth going to Texasworld for?
I can think of various groups escaping repression on their worlds, Texas is filled with various ethnic and religious groups that escaped something. So you might be going there for less an economic reason and more a community or person.
If you want cattle, well this is your place.
I would expect a certain 'interstellar dude ranch' tourist industry.
And this place would be fantastic for hardcore Hunter parties hunting with local weapons and hunting dogs only.
Hmm, now as to the OP's scenario, if you don't have advanced planetgen stuff like T5 does, then simply roll on whatever reaction table for general Traveller welcome/xenophobia, then use that as the base modifier for the reaction to the specific players, further modded by how they act and what they do.
I thought of a really annoying scenario- an overly friendly planet with a LL of 9+.
So say you rolled 11 for basic Traveller friendliness, and that is a permanent +4 on any reaction rolls.
So never any fights or trouble, at worst a somewhat morose reaction but most of the time they are happy, even effusive to see you.
But, they have standards. And so that LL roll comes up and starts hammering the party. But rather then the usual gritty hassle/bribe routine, they are ever so apologetic that they must fine you Cr1000 for walking on the grass, it's a law here and so sorry you didn't know, hope you enjoy your stay and you can pay the fine in any convenient way possible before the clamps on your ship are released when it's time to go.
And even if they end up shooting at you because you cut the clamps and blasted out of the extrality line in a HIGHLY illegal manner, they will apologize profusely that they now have to blow you out of the sky, please come back again when you are settled up, no hard feelings.
How's that for different?