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How Do We Improve T5?

I think I'll disagree with you a bit. I think traveller thrived by being a bit more open in setting rather than just the 3rd imperium.

Maybe I'm looking at it through rose colored glasses, but it really was a magical time to be involved with Traveller as it grew through the 80s.

I think part of that was because there were a lot of other sci-fi games out on the market that created a huge pantheon from which you could borrow ideas. Same thing with book stores where the sci-fi/fantasy section, though perhaps smaller, was far more diverse with authors and subjects they tackled, and could offer a larger database to import to Traveller.

That's how I personally view Traveller's "golden age" in the 80s. So I sort of agree with you in that particular respect, but upon reflection, to me at least, it seems as if Traveller was always meant for law enforcement and geopolitics codified in a space setting, and whatever other players wanted to do was their business, and not addressed by the authors (and I think that was probably intentional).
And I also agree that Traveller's core rules are better off with less attachment to the default setting.

Yes and no. making it too generic leaves the reader with a "what do I do now?" feeling. I can see writing the rules generically to cover possibilities not tied to the default setting, but providing the setting is important too. Perhaps the examples should describe how to build the OTU including stating what isn't in the default setting (here is a cool rule you can use, but it isn't used in the OTU). Just a thought.

I do think The Traveller Book got it about right.

I won't argue with that, but I have always thought that a series of setting sourcebooks would be a good idea to flesh things out.


Baron Ovka
Yes and no. making it too generic leaves the reader with a "what do I do now?" feeling. I can see writing the rules generically to cover possibilities not tied to the default setting, but providing the setting is important too. Perhaps the examples should describe how to build the OTU including stating what isn't in the default setting (here is a cool rule you can use, but it isn't used in the OTU). Just a thought.

I won't argue with that, but I have always thought that a series of setting sourcebooks would be a good idea to flesh things out.


Baron Ovka
I think I may have argued in the past that writing the rules and then providing a separate source book for an optional official setting, was the way to go. That way you don't throw out 35+ years of a very rich fictional tapestry that is the Imperium and its neighbors.

It strikes me that Avery and those in the know have already made up their minds as to Traveller's direction. However, on the odd chance that they're reading my ramblings and prattle, I would humbly suggest taking the Mongoose option. I love the official setting, but I do wonder if potential players feel it's dated, or "old fashioned" given the art and how things work in the Traveller-verse.

Just my take.
If the focus of T5 is going to be "the Galaxiad" then there should be more than a teaser page or two in the main rulebook on the Galaxiad.

When I bought MegaTraveller, there were a bunch of sidebars through the three main books going over aspects of the main feature of the ruleset, the Rebellion.

Love TNE or hate it, the main rulebook of TNE had a lot of info on the background setting.

My impression on the first flip-through of T5 was that it was a rules re-write, pure and simple. I missed the stuff on the Galaxiad on the first pass.

The Galaxiad seems like a great concept, but only including a couple scant pages on it out of 750+ pages in the 5.09 version of T5 is a bit weak.
Once you saw the advanced tech in Tee Five, I guess it was a matter of time before Chekhov called.

It seems the direction that Marc Miller wants to take his game, and possibly leave the Classical era behind him.
WOW ! This thread covers so much territory. One thing we should all keep in mind is that traveller has meant different things to different people. Before I was introduced to traveller back in the early 80's I played 1st and second edition D+D. And frankly, the rules sucked. We used a house system because we had no choice. 1st edition was an unplayable mess. 2and edition D+D was a little better, but still bad. Traveler was simpler, more coherent and had fewer holes in it. Granted it had it's flaws. But it was way better then what I was used to. When the setting for the third Imperium started to be developed I liked it. It was an interesting story to me. And a fun sandbox to play in. T5 has 2 problems as I see it.
1: The BBB is just to big. I get lost in it.
2: There really is no setting yet. No story, empty sandbox.
The flaws in the rules are not the problem. They can be fixed, with time. D+D was a huge hit, despite being unplayable. T5 isn't that bad. If the player guide is put out, it can have some of the rules fixes in it. But we NEED the players guide. A simpler and more accessible rule book. And we need a setting book to go with it. I think the Galaxiad would be perfect for that. It would allow us to skip over the problems with virus and the rebellion and get back to having fun.
I think that the FFE website needs to step up and become prolific making proclamations of its activities. Since FFE is the official company, it should be making statements or pages on the order of "What we are up to", "What we are doing". Should it not?

I compare this gamer companies (or simply older grognards) that still seem to be much more involved with their work even though their heyday was a decade or two ago. My oddball examples here are:
Flying Buffalo http://www.flyingbuffalo.com - I don't T&T, but even the owner has right on the web page saying he changes the "date changed" on his pages just to prove he and his company are not dead.

Tri-Tac Games http://tritacgames.com/ - I have their games, but they have not made that many new products in a while. Yet they have a weekly podcast and are on episode #308? Chrissakes? :oo:
OK I like Murderhooves. Gonna use those for barbaric K'kree minisGO MLPoD!:devil:
One of the interesting things about Marc is that, despite his devotion to the game, he and his wife still have a day-job business (publishing, no less).
Very interesting take on the T5 Ruleset (Or whatever you want to classify it as!)

Greetings all! Sorry I was late to the discussion. After reading most of the comments on this thread, I happen to agree with too many opinions, which is discouraging in its own right. I am not here, unfortunately, to give a solution to the errata or shortcomings of T5 as it stands today. I haven't even formed my own opinion yet. I fell in love with the game in the early 80's (CT) and got back to it in 2008. The funny thing is, I don't even play. With CT, I liked rolling characters. As I grew up and lauched my software development skills, I always wanted to go back and create tools and interfaces to the rule sets. And no, I never wanted to make a "Traveller Game". Just a set of tools (Notice I refrained from using "toolset") :-) To aid in the playing of the game.

I have been through much of the World and Character creation part of the book. And, yes, there are many confusing things. Mechanics of character generation for some careers are still unclear to me but I think I am getting through it. I promised myself to dive into discussion regarding character generation before I start really writing the code. Write know I am writing core infrastructure. I know one thing I have a problem with is, is the fact that I am an over-analyzer. I think way past the intention of the rules. What is worse, is sometimes I think that I am over-analyzing it and then stop short of diving deep into a problem I have encountered. But I digress.

I am convinced that T5 is a good ruleset (Sorry for the rephrasing) and more importantly the rulset going forward for years to come. However, will my set of computer tools be wanted in the Traveller community. Since I don't play, it is important that other people will want them.

I like containers both in real life and in software. So I am all for Player Handbook, Refs Handbook, General Reference Materials (Tables, Graphs, Core Equipment, Skills, etc.).

If anyone would like to know more about my Traveller 5 Project, Let me know. I have no problem summarizing what my thoughts and plans are. I had started a thread when the rulebook first came out (I was a kickstarter backer) but I had bad luck that year and had to put everything on hold.
I am convinced that T5 is a good ruleset (Sorry for the rephrasing) and more importantly the rulset going forward for years to come. However, will my set of computer tools be wanted in the Traveller community. Since I don't play, it is important that other people will want them.

If anyone would like to know more about my Traveller 5 Project, Let me know.

I'm interested to see what your current projects are.


Baron Ovka
highly recommend you play before designing and submitting game tools.

I 100% agree with you. A tool should only be built by a developer that has one of two things. 1. An expert knowledge of the subject matter or 2. access to sources that have an expert knowledge.

I have played Traveller before, I just don't now. My plan going forward is to rely heavily on experienced players like you and what this forum is filled with. I am planning on taking requests, information, and ideas and turning them into a useful software toolset to be eventually promoted to an official software from Sir Marc Miller and Far Future Enterprises.
I would really like to see someone program a Combat Resolution program, it doesn't have to be graphical but you would be able to quickly select and resolve combat by simple input or menus :badger:
I would really like to see someone program a Combat Resolution program, it doesn't have to be graphical but you would be able to quickly select and resolve combat by simple input or menus :badger:

Yes...That will definitely be part of it...I just don't have my head around that part yet.

To clarify, this software in its more complete stage will manage everything but deliberate decisions through out a game session. I envision it to allow players and refs to play remotely much easier than they can do today--trusting in the rules, dice rolls, and other aspects of the game that are easier accomplished in person. What the software is not, is a program that takes away from what Traveller (or any other RPG) should be about--humanity living temporarily through characters in a fictitious world/universe. The software will only help to do this efficiently. The software should take away from the mundane and leave the creativity to the humans (or sophants)!
I would really like to see someone program a Combat Resolution program, it doesn't have to be graphical but you would be able to quickly select and resolve combat by simple input or menus :badger:

The RPGSuite dev group has an electronic character sheet that in theory handles the combat. This is for Mongoose v2, though. I do not have it (I am not entirely happy with the character generator either but that's a story for another thread). There is a fair amount of overlap between Mongoose & T5 I believe, but despite having both have not really had time and inclination overlap to read them enough to see.
That's a pretty extensive list. Do you have any thoughts on where you want to start?


Baron Ovka

Definitely Sector Generation and Character Generation are the highest priority. There is no much supporting functions that flow into the rest of what is required, it makes sense to start there.

- Dice Simulation (non-graphical) is nearly done

- Imperial Calendar is done (Needed for birthdates)

- Character Generation is partly done (25%) Career resolution is about 60% of the character generation process and I haven't fully started that yet.

- Data Exchange from Travellermap.com is 90% done--Thanks to the brilliance of design by those folks!!

- Base skill list is built

- Equipment list need to be converted to a database format. (Data entry will take a long time, but not hard to code.)

- Base infrastructure (Process flow, interface, etc) is about 15% done

- I want to have Sector Generation completed at the same time as Character generation because of Birthworld and home world. And is also the base for the full adventure manager.

This is just to give you an idea of where I have been and what is in process. I am just starting on building a website to house more detailed information and a place to download the tools when they are ready.

Hope this fully answers what you were asking!!!
