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How Do You Use the Foreven Worlds? Should we work in the Spinward Marches?

How Do You Use the Foreven Worlds? Should we work in the Spinward Marches?

  • I use/will use the Foreven Worlds as you describe or put my own spin on the Foreven Worlds.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • The Foreven Worlds as a source of ideas elsewhere in the OTU/homebrew/etc.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • I just read them for enjoyment.

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Please keep developing the Foreven Worlds. I want more of them.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • I'd rather you focus on the Spinward Marches (or elsewhere in the OTU, please specify).

    Votes: 5 27.8%
  • I have never bought any Foreven Worlds products. Please make general setting products.

    Votes: 11 61.1%

  • Total voters
Two related questions:

1) How do you use the Foreven Worlds material that we've published? Do you play (have played, currently play, will play) in the Foreven Sector that we are detailing? Do you take ideas from it and incorporate it into your game (elsewhere in the OTU/another setting/homebrew)? Do you read it for enjoyment but never actually use it in your own game? We'd like to know.

2) Would you rather us focus on the Spinward Marches? A nagging thought that I have had in my mind for a while is that what I write is more often reskinned and used in the Spinward Marches rather than the Foreven Worlds actually being played in. So I am asking, would you rather us delve into District 268 and elsewhere in the Marches directly instead of having to modify the material yourself.

For the record: your answer is not going to affect the Prelude to War adventure path, but it may affect the next one. The next adventure in the PtW campaign is already written and the the last is being written right now. But we are still deciding what to do beyond that.
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Since you did multiple response, one of mine is elsewhere. On general principle, I always say, expand the universe. But if you do, anywhere but the Spinward Marches. If not, stay in Foreven, because that at least is more in line with my general principle.
I'd use neither simply because they're too fixed and developed. I'll stay on the "other" side of the known galaxy where things aren't so well known.
Interesting, another Dale. There are not that many around.

I have not purchased any Foreven products, although I have do like the GDW publications on the Spinward Marches.

What I would be interested in are more things like the GameLords books, Lee's Guide to Interstellar Adventure or Wanted: Adventurers.

I also prefer less structured areas, so I am heading out to the Rim from the Solomani area.
Foreven is for gamemasters

Foreven was for gamemasters only.
I really like the idea of a protected area (nature reserve) that is only for gamemasters.

IMTU some races found in the comics of Valérian and Laureline come from the Foreven sector. Please do not make them homeless by some clever confedeation of space-maschine-lovers.

There is a tendency to oversupply the fans with background information that often does not make the game better.
Please do not overhelm the creativity of gamemasters by too much of background information. To avoid conflicts or contradictions to newer material my adventures happen often on moons, asteroids or orbital bases - please let some interesting worlds for the masters.
Imperial Lines #1 said:
No official stats will be established for the systems of Foreven Sector. The only exceptions appear below [pre-existing stuff]. This gives the referee the freedom to develop the sector without fear of some MegaTraveller product will supersede it while at the same time remaining a part of the official game setting.

I don't purchase Foreven products.