I'm not sure that I understand how AP works against vehicles or armor. OK first let me tell you how I think it works. If my character has an autopistol which does 1d10 damage against a vehicle it would due 1d10-5 against a vehicle. If the vehicle had an armor rating of 6 it would due 1d10-11, which means no damage. Is that correct? Now what happens when you add +8 AP rounds to the autopistol? I think the damage against an vehicle would be 1d10. +8 rounds remove the -5 penalty. or is it 1d10+3. But what is the damage against a vehicle with a AR of 8 does the autopistol with +8 AP now deal 1d10-5 damage? what is the damage if you add a +8 HEAP round to the last example is the damage 2d10-5 +1 dice for the high explosive round. or is it 1d10-4. When do you add the extra die damage before or after the reduction for AR and or vehicle?