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How long to fulfill order?



I can't find a link at FFE to email so maybe someone here can. I placed an order for the CT cd-rom a couple of weeks ago but haven't seen anything yet in the mail. Anyone know about how long it takes FFE to fill orders and ship?

Thanks, I wouldn't be this impatient but I lost my copy of T20 and only have 2/3rds printed and instead of re-purchasing that I figured I'd order the CT set and I'm itchy to get my hands on it.
Somebody else might know better about the T20 issue (sounds like you ordered it as PDF, did you download it here or through DriveThru?) but I think you should be able to download it again.

As for the CD it might take more than a couple weeks depending where you are in the USA. I think mine took about 4 weeks from the USA to Canada. About right for the mail.

I think Marc's email is farfuture@gmail.com if you want to check on the order but I'd probably give it another week.
Sounds like you ordered when Marc was out of town. Definitely e-mail him directly. If you don't have a response by Monday, e-mail me at don.mckinney@gmail.com. One way or another, we'll get you taken care of.

Thanks for the info. I can't remember where I bought the .pdf of T20, but Drive-thru doesn't show it in my purchase history. I'll wait till later this week and if I still don't see it I'll email Marc and inquire.

Thanks again.


Nevermind. It arrived at the office with the Saturday mail. Mail clerk just dropped it in my inbox. There goes my productivity for the day. :)
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