This applies to any published Traveller trade rules. Book 3, Merchant Prince, MegaTraveller, TNE, T4, GURPS Traveller, T20, Mongoose Traveller, T5, and whatever I've missed.
How many games since January 2014? How many actually used official Traveller trade rules?
And since many of us KNOW at least two Traveller trade systems, and many of us have crafted our own distinct variations on them, I'll try to be strict about it:
You had to have
(1) Physically cracked open the appropriate trade chapter.
(2) Actually used the RULES AS WRITTEN (caveat below).
(3) Had TRIVIAL house rulings. Of course since this is Traveller, I think SOME house rules are to be expected. But use your judgement.
At the end of it all, you had to have used rules as written, followed the book, and the house rulings had to be quite minor - enough to verbally explain to someone and have them easily recall it fifteen minutes later (along the lines of "death during chargen just means disability discharge"). I hope that clears that up.
How many games since January 2014? How many actually used official Traveller trade rules?
And since many of us KNOW at least two Traveller trade systems, and many of us have crafted our own distinct variations on them, I'll try to be strict about it:
You had to have
(1) Physically cracked open the appropriate trade chapter.
(2) Actually used the RULES AS WRITTEN (caveat below).
(3) Had TRIVIAL house rulings. Of course since this is Traveller, I think SOME house rules are to be expected. But use your judgement.
At the end of it all, you had to have used rules as written, followed the book, and the house rulings had to be quite minor - enough to verbally explain to someone and have them easily recall it fifteen minutes later (along the lines of "death during chargen just means disability discharge"). I hope that clears that up.