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MGT Only: How would you build a Friendly AI?

Spinward Scout

SOC-14 5K
With the different software in MgT2e+, how would you build a friendly AI to have a helpful NPC in a TL-14 HandComp?

Money being no object, just to see what's possible.

Friendly AI for:
- Communication
- Navigation
- Information Retrieval
- Commentary on Current Situation
- Options and Advice if they get stuck
- swap-able Data Wafers for extra options

What's your build for this?
It looks like you're building a robot without a body -- just the "brain" and a battery pack (and maybe a box to contain the parts).

That'd be one way to tackle the problem, anyhow.
Sounds like Tactics, Medical and Survival skills package at a minimum.

I’d consider giving it minor mobility and a Recon/door hacking type skill, like the little helper robots from some of the recent Star Wars games. BD-1 in particular.

With the different software in MgT2e+, how would you build a friendly AI to have a helpful NPC in a TL-14 HandComp?

Money being no object, just to see what's possible.

Friendly AI for:
- Communication
- Navigation
- Information Retrieval
- Commentary on Current Situation
- Options and Advice if they get stuck
- swap-able Data Wafers for extra options

What's your build for this?
Intelligent Interface + Expert software as needed.
With the different software in MgT2e+, how would you build a friendly AI to have a helpful NPC in a TL-14 HandComp?

Money being no object, just to see what's possible.

Friendly AI for:
- Communication
- Navigation
- Information Retrieval
- Commentary on Current Situation
- Options and Advice if they get stuck
- swap-able Data Wafers for extra options

What's your build for this?
Dr. Theopolis from Buck Rogers.

Dr. Theopolis is a great example.

But here's an idea: what if you had a young Noble who sets out on adventures and has a Friendly AI that could help him or her out along the way. An NPC Assistant.

Definitely like Robot from Lost In Space, but without the robot body. He'd be all: "WARNING! DANGER! WARNING!"

But also J.A.R.V.I.S. from Iron Man.
Trav tech does not support it, but something like a personality wafer identity running in parallel with the host's personality? An "imaginary friend," so to speak...
Another thought... a hand comp with synaptic or positronic components with some memory and with the Three Laws of Robotics or something similar hardwired.

With synaptics it would start with the skills it's programmed with and have some room for self improvement. With positronics it could be a professional assistant in a hand comp, at least from a T20 POV, that could conceivably improve it's abilities like an NPC character over time.
The comic character Deathlok was a cyborg supersoldier. The original 1970s iteration had an onboard computer he called Puter that dispassionately provided tactical assessments that he expressed opinions on. Later versions had a more intrusive computer, since we aren’t speccing cybernetics I would drop that part and stick with the deadpan delivery.

Similar approaches could be taken with Survival comps giving low probability of living unless x is done.

Another form of survival comp would be urban. Here Streetwise, Bribery, Tactics, Carousing, Persuade, Language and anthropology skills will come in handy.

Some variant of all this should be standard scout issue for first contact, survey and intel/LE/Red Zone monitoring situations. That implies mass production and cheaper prices at the cost of scout specifications and surplus not as good as the current versions.

A couple of Puter interactions…

Here's my build for the Computer.

You can only run one Expert/ program at a time. And you have to shut down the main Security/1 (and thus all communication) if you want to use Agent/ or Intellect/ with any of them. Or run the Expert/ at a lower Bandwidth. And then you can run more than one Expert/ at a time. There's a Security/3 that could/should be used if in a hostile area. Digital Friend and Personal Trainer show up when I use RPGSuite to make a character, but I don't know what book they are from. And I wonder if they replace the Intelligent Interface.

The book says there's no limit on storage, so you can have any number of Programs you want, to use them when needed.

Of course, for the cost, you 'could buy your own ship for that.'

If someone knows Computers in MgT2e, could you check my work, please?

But here, check it out:

Portable Computer (HandComp)
NPC Assistant
Helpful and Friendly AI


Data Display/Recorder

Operating Software:
Intelligent Interface/1 TL11
Security/1 TL10

Programs loaded when needed:

Information Retrieval:

Library Data (Database)
Agent/3 TL14
Intellect/3 TL14

Useful Programs:
Digital Friend
Personal Trainer
Translator/1 TL10
Intrusion/3 TL13
Security/3 TL12
Basic Interface/0

Expert Programs:
(Astrogation) Expert/3
(Investigate) Expert/3
(Medic) Expert/3
(Navigation) Expert/3
(Recon) Expert/3
(Science (Anthropology)) Expert/3
(Science (Astronomy)) Expert/3
(Science (Cosmology)) Expert/3
(Science (History)) Expert/3
(Science (Xenology)) Expert/3
(Survival) Expert/3
(Tactics) Expert/3