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Hunter on Mortality Radio?

Because its run by Gamers and for free doesnt mean that it must be hard to listen to, or of a lower order than the voice communication on windows messenger... The evil Baron and I often speak in this manner, and even with our crappy 5.00 mikes and an off the shelf speaker rack it sounds like he's in the room, and not across the country... its all the vast (yes, a few seconds is vast in broadcasting) stretches of dead air followed by "Um, yeah... (frantic typing) Science Fiction, huh? (pause) yeah, um... we're all D&D fans... (pause, more typing) Um..." that sort of stuff going on makes it very hard to follow...

Not trying to be mean or anything, if its on the "air" there should be some basic conventions followed, for the sake of listeners in the normal range of human hearing... perhaps preparing questions for expected guests ahead of time might help...
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
Because its run by Gamers and for free doesnt mean that it must be hard to listen to, or of a lower order than the voice communication on windows messenger
FWIW I have found MSN Messenger voice chat to be the clearest and closest to phone / regular voice conversation audio over the internet for its price. However it only handles point to point communication not being designed for internet broadcasting. You really cannot compare it to Shoutcast which is what I think Mortality uses. Realplayer has several issues and doesn't sound as good as MSN Messenger voice chat either. IIRC Hunter's telephone came in as one of the loudest they had ever had as was said on air when he called and I think Shane was listening to the broadcast for a while when he called.
Not trying to be mean or anything, if its on the "air" there should be some basic conventions followed, for the sake of listeners in the normal range of human hearing... perhaps preparing questions for expected guests ahead of time might help...
Yes I'll agree there is room for improvement. Considering when it was announced that Hunter was going to be on and a delay on Hunter getting back with Adlon things went well enough for me. Seems like they had at least skimmed the book, had some questions ready, and had the book right there.
/me shrugs
Again it's free, this is RPGs we're talking about, and Traveller. I for one enjoyed the show, got some useful bits out of it, and am glad it happened.

The only other thing I can compare it to is Decipher's short weekly audio bit which is no better. There used to some other show last year but it didn't last long at all and had very bad audio and content quality. And Mortality is really only d20, there is ample room for a similar show covering non-d20 material.

I may be wrong, but I think the problem may stem from using a speakerphone to pickup the voice of the caller.

Originally posted by Flynn:
Hehehe, agreed on the "day jobs" comment.

Congrats, Shane, for the honorable mention on the show.

Other things I picked up were:
Just listened to the show while playing with a new survey building tool.

Other thing that I picked up on is that Hunter is still undecided about QLI going to GenCon. I hope that he ends up deciding to go.

Originally posted by Casey:
Finally for all I know Hunter and Shane *could* be Hivers using vocoders in need of some adjusting. ^_^
M. Hunter, the human is aware of our manipulation. Actions must be taken.

(wiggle wiggle)