Yes I know I'm one of those folks who have raised this issue. But I understand the folks are busy trying to get the first book out the door and it's easy to push "small things" like this aside.Originally posted by bobbycondo:
I think it would be very helpful to update the "Releases" page with the current dates as they are known. It is woefully out of date and this gives the impression of inertia, at least to those that don't know any better.
I know this has been raised before but, as the problem has not been fixed I thought I'd bring it up again.
Ditto!Originally posted by Reginald:
I agree with Commonman. I'm in favor of a delayed, errata-free product than an on-time "rushed job" (full of errata overlooked by editors and proofreaders) product.
The last of the interior lineart is in the hands of Steve Bryant who is busily getting them scanned and placed in the layout. I should have the final layout by Friday or Saturday. Interior color art is due in at the end of next week, at which time we should be a go to send it to the printer.Originally posted by Bishop:
Well, it's been three whole days since GenCon...What's the latest on the release?
Distributor orders will likely be shipped out directly from the bindery saving us the headache of trying to process them all.Originally posted by Chron:
Will QLI ship out the books of the customers that preordered at the same time you ship out the orders you recieved from stores <I hope so but I realize this maybe wishfull thinking> thanx