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Hunter. . . What's the Latest on Release??

Thanks for replying- I didn't want to sound like I was moaning- I realise you guys are set to release a bang on top product. Knowing what's happening is a good substitute for an actual release...it'll keep the players off my back anyway!
There will be no more previews...

... except the Lite version of the rules, the minisetting and the Webzine, all launching on Monday....
If you are still in layout, are you trying for a Gen Con release, or are we talking September?

I liked what I saw in the .pdf, BTW!
Hunter, how about an update on the printing status? How long til you guys ship?

**Anxiously awaiting a chance to play**
I have a group of people from a failed GURPS:Traveller campaign who want to give T20 a try so I am dying to get my hands on the book too.
I think it would be very helpful to update the "Releases" page with the current dates as they are known. It is woefully out of date and this gives the impression of inertia, at least to those that don't know any better.

I know this has been raised before but, as the problem has not been fixed I thought I'd bring it up again.
Originally posted by bobbycondo:
I think it would be very helpful to update the "Releases" page with the current dates as they are known. It is woefully out of date and this gives the impression of inertia, at least to those that don't know any better.

I know this has been raised before but, as the problem has not been fixed I thought I'd bring it up again.
Yes I know I'm one of those folks who have raised this issue. But I understand the folks are busy trying to get the first book out the door and it's easy to push "small things" like this aside.
I would rather the release of T20 be delayed until the end of august as long as ther book is error free. The experience with Mark Millers Traveller from Imperium games which was full of typos and errors has made me appreciate the time QL is taking with T20. Also, if you look at some of the D20 books being produced , T20 should set a new standard of qaulity for the industry.
I agree with Commonman. I'm in favor of a delayed, errata-free product than an on-time "rushed job" (full of errata overlooked by editors and proofreaders) product.
Originally posted by Reginald:
I agree with Commonman. I'm in favor of a delayed, errata-free product than an on-time "rushed job" (full of errata overlooked by editors and proofreaders) product.

Although I do have to admit to feeling a bit like a hyperactive kid two days before Christmas. I'm starting to drive my wife nuts.
Let me toss my 0.02 CR in on this.

I too want as error free a product as possible. I'm not wanting QL to rush it out the door but just a good idea of what release time frame they are looking at would help keep the edge off my excitment too.
Originally posted by Bishop:
Well, it's been three whole days since GenCon...What's the latest on the release?

The last of the interior lineart is in the hands of Steve Bryant who is busily getting them scanned and placed in the layout. I should have the final layout by Friday or Saturday. Interior color art is due in at the end of next week, at which time we should be a go to send it to the printer.

From there it's out of our hands and dependent on the printer. I hope to have a firm return date at that time.

Thank you, Hunter. Keep the progress report coming in.

Most apologetic if this has been answered

QU> The last of the interior lineart is in the hands of Steve Bryant who is busily getting them scanned and placed in the layout. I should have the final layout by Friday or Saturday. Interior color art is due in at the end of next week, at which time we should be a go to send it to the printer.

From there it's out of our hands and dependent on the printer. I hope to have a firm return date at that time.

Hunter <QU

Will QLI ship out the books of the customers that preordered at the same time you ship out the orders you recieved from stores <I hope so but I realize this maybe wishfull thinking> thanx

P.S oh and it's been awhile since I posted guess I was just a little traumatized by the move that and I've been on a other board
Originally posted by Chron:
Will QLI ship out the books of the customers that preordered at the same time you ship out the orders you recieved from stores <I hope so but I realize this maybe wishfull thinking> thanx
Distributor orders will likely be shipped out directly from the bindery saving us the headache of trying to process them all.

Pre-orders will start going out as soon as we get the remaining stock in here. Odds are you'll get your copy shortly before T20 begins arriving in the stores.
