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Hunter. . . What's the Latest on Release??

That is it!

I don't want your product anymore...

You ignore your deadlines and your customers request for even an update of what the status is!

Now you can ignore my money.

Bye Bye!
I think there are a lot of frustrated fans out here waiting for news. I personally have no doubts that it will all be worth the wait, but well- it is turning into quite a wait now, especially for those of us who have pre-paid for a copy of the game.

The site has been very quiet lately- I take that as a good sign, though- last minute flurry of activity to get the book out the door?

I'm off to LA for business next week- I had hoped that I'd have a copy of the game to keep me busy in the hotel room at nights... oh well...
Originally posted by Stephen Herron:
I think there are a lot of frustrated fans out here waiting for news. I personally have no doubts that it will all be worth the wait, but well- it is turning into quite a wait now, especially for those of us who have pre-paid for a copy of the game.

The site has been very quiet lately- I take that as a good sign, though- last minute flurry of activity to get the book out the door?

I hope you are right and that this is not just a head start to some nation without extradition.

It's getting a little hard to explain (again) to the wife (a non-gamer) why you have my money but I still don't have your book.

T. (I hate to wait... :mad: )
Earlier this week, Hunter posted on the EN WORLD boards that the book should be in the hands of the printers on Friday.
It appears as though the frustration I feel is echoed in the responses, or should I say additional comments, to my latest post on the matter of the Release Date for T20. I have been satiated in the past by the trickling of information that has been made available on the site, but you have not posted anything at all since the middle of August.
I think what everyone who has shown our faith and support by pre-ordering, including myself, is entitled to some information.
Is there a problem with the printer?
Did someone get hit by a bus?
Did you all go to Guam or something?
What is the hold up?
I could have hired an army of monks to transcribe and illuminate the book by this time. By not giving any updates, you are blowing the support that you have continued to enjoy. I am not advocating a daily update, but even once a week would be considerate. I think that I speak for a majority of those anxiously awaiting the release when I say that we will be a very understanding group if we are given the respect of some regular updates.

My apologies for getting on a soapbox, but I think this needs addressed.
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
We appreciate your patience on this matter.

We are finishing up some things on the book.
You can expect an annoucnement soon. Very soon.


Originally posted by DrSkull:
Earlier this week, Hunter posted on the EN WORLD boards that the book should be in the hands of the printers on Friday.
Well, no offense ment, but I've heard that before - on these boards, and it was about a month ago (may be a slight exageration - it was right around Gen Con, I believe the promise date to have the book at the printer was the Friday AFTER GenCon, so I guess it was 3 weeks ago).

I am patient - I will wait :( . I mean, what other choice do I have?? Play :eek: Star Wars :eek: ????
Smiling DM is correct when he said:
"Well, no offense ment, but I've heard that before - on these boards, and it was about a month ago (may be a slight exageration - it was right around Gen Con, I believe the promise date to have the book at the printer was the Friday AFTER GenCon, so I guess it was 3 weeks ago)."

And while I respect that there may be some sort of "announcement" coming very soon, unless it is that the book has shipped, "Let me know what is going on right now" will be my mantra.
Originally posted by MrOberon1972:
That is it!

I don't want your product anymore...

You ignore your deadlines and your customers request for even an update of what the status is!

Now you can ignore my money.

Bye Bye!
I will take his copy, just add it to my shipment.
:rolleyes: I don't know as I'd go so far as to say I'd never play a game just because the publishers are behind schedule. It is annoying I admit. But I'm still going to want it when it comes out. I am a little troubled because I am holding off running my latest campagin until the new rules come out. I would like to be able to tell my players when I will be able to run it ;) . I am willing to wait for a well edit copy of the rules! I think most of the frustration comes from people not knowing what's going on. I can understand that kind of frustration. I would like to know if the wait is going to be so long that I might as well start running with my old system ;) .
:rolleyes: I don't know as I'd go so far as to say I'd never play a game just because the publishers are behind schedule. It is annoying I admit. But I'm still going to want it when it comes out. I am a little troubled because I am holding off running my latest campagin until the new rules come out. I would like to be able to tell my players when I will be able to run it ;) . I am willing to wait for a well edit copy of the rules! I think most of the frustration comes from people not knowing what's going on. I can understand that kind of frustration. I would like to know if the wait is going to be so long that I might as well start running with my old system ;) .
I've also considered starting my campaign with CT and then converting over to T20 when it comes out.

But, in the meantime, I've started running a Spycraft mini-campaign to get the players ready for a modern d20 type game.
Hunter told me the situation yesterday...

We redid part of the layout and added some extras using the space provided. Then there was a holdup that wasn't really avoidable or predicatble - and not something I can go into here. But as far as I know it's resolved.

The last thing Hunter told me was that it was going to the printers on Friday no matter what. Thats, well actually, today from where I am.

So yes, the silence is due to frantic efforts to get the book out the door....
You must be awfully busy trying to get the material ready, right down to the wire on Friday.

We thank you for the little update and pray that no snafu pops up from here until the books are distributed.
Thanks for the update, I know it will put a lot of people's minds at ease, not least my own.

Any more thoughts or plans for the pdf version of the full T20 rules? Might that be ready sooner?

At this stage, I'd be more than happy to throw some cash your way for such a thing...
Does anybody know who I can contact with my problem (the number on my address wasnt on my online reciept and I'm worried where would I contact to fix that ? (frantickly ripping hair out of scalp wondering if he will be charged and get nothing) :eek:
Originally posted by MJD:
Hunter told me the situation yesterday...

We redid part of the layout and added some extras using the space provided. Then there was a holdup that wasn't really avoidable or predicatble - and not something I can go into here. But as far as I know it's resolved.

The last thing Hunter told me was that it was going to the printers on Friday no matter what. Thats, well actually, today from where I am.

So yes, the silence is due to frantic efforts to get the book out the door....
I would like to PROFOUNDLY thank you for the information! I will extrapolate that this means we should be able to expect the release in early October? :D Thanks again for the info. I will anxiously await your next response.
My ordering issues have been "squared away" apparently. I mistyped my email address for my original pre-order and my T20 Lite shipment got missed somehow.

We've started playing SpyCraft in the interim. It is neat to be able to switch games without switching rules completely. My players really like that. They hate learning new and different rules more than I do.

Still looking forward in the T20 release.
We have a policy at QLI - we only tell people what we KNOW to be true at the time. SOmetimes our information gets invalidated by circumstances, and sometimes we don't know what's going to come out of a fluid situation, so we don't tell people stuff until we know.

Bottom line: sorry if there has been a lack of informaiton at times. But everything we have given out has been abosultely true at the time.

Oh, and watch this space. SOmething is happening.