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I Robot

My Lords,

I was born on a high tech/low population world (Sidur Haski, Laeth subsector, Gushemege Sector) that makes full use of Robotic Labor, and profits well from it. The machines range from Simple Valets to automated mining/materials processing machines.

Perhaps an approach that takes robotics from the purview of fantasy and is based more in the foundations of Applications could aid in your search for knowledge. To me, the best robots are the ones you don't even need to interact with. They do what they are made to do, tirelessly, and without one whit given such esoteric concepts as free will or whatnot. A machine should do no less, what?

Science Fiction has done a great Service/Disservice to robotics in the mystification of them. They were transformed into great villains and catalysts for stories... Strange for a glorified forklift or toaster.

I normally find a usable comparison with existing technology and work from there... the impact of an invention (such as the Ground Car, or fixed wing Aircraft) on a society depends on how well it functions... Brigades of killer Warbots as we all know, were a PR nightmare for the Ancients, to say the least. Fascinating that they were so smart, and yet so short sighted to think that Autonomous War Machines were a good idea, which they ain't.

I normally find a usable comparison with existing technology and work from there... the impact of an invention (such as the Ground Car, or fixed wing Aircraft) on a society depends on how well it functions... Brigades of killer Warbots as we all know, were a PR nightmare for the Ancients, to say the least. Fascinating that they were so smart, and yet so short sighted to think that Autonomous War Machines were a good idea, which they ain't.
There are good things to say about warbots, where you send them, you don't need to send people. Warbots are expendable, they don't have children or dependents, and they save lives by taking the place of a soldier who might otherwise be killed.

I think you have to chalk it up to "it's all in the programming". If you decide AI PC's are viable, then someone will want to make one without Asimov circuits, viruses, sub-routines, etc. How you get around it is another matter; do you remove the temptation or play through the pain? I say, give them the rope and be nice and knot it for them too.

- public computer systems check Asimov settings prior to allowing bots access, as do star ports (quarantine for robots ain't like jail)

- Asimov programs are viruses, tough to remove, designed to appear only when certain trip wires are activated; who knows if you're a carrier?

- again, the Asimov circuits are in the hardware, the software can't over-ride them

- if reprogramming is easy, the abundance of rogue droids causes severe bigotry against AI's, to the point of hostility (hey, YOU wanted to play the Half-Orc!)
"There are good things to say about warbots, where you send them, you don't need to send people. Warbots are expendable, they don't have children or dependents, and they save lives by taking the place of a soldier who might otherwise be killed."

-Tom Kalbfus

... And they also TAKE lives efficiently, with out human morality and conscience... so well that most Soldiers will soon develop a "John Henry" complex the more they work with them. I guess its really about how much control of a situation thier makers want them to have. I say its asking for trouble... If were talking about self aware military machines... Humans can barely manage the power of life and death... One wonders how long it would take the machines to figure out how flawed their makers are... For me, I'll take 30 dozen robots please, Unarmed, Unaware, and Unflinching when it comes to scrubbing toilets, what?

Excellent Topic!
Some modern-day robots that are used to kill people and destroy property:

Sidewinder Missiles (Heatseeker)
Cruise Missile (Pre-Programmed, GPS-guiided)
B-1 Bomber (GPS and remote satellite guidance - betcha didn't know that the pilot is needed only during takeoff, landing, and mid-air refueling!)
M1A1 Abrams Tank (GPS and remote guidance - targetting and firing can be remotely controlled or pre-programmed.)

Most fighter/bombers and Naval combatant vessels built in the last ten years can also be remotely guided to their stand-off point, where other remote commands can acquire and fire at a target. The crewmembers are there for contingencies and maintenance.

The remotely-piloted drones (with air-to-surface missiles) are also useful robots.

:rolleyes: Although any remotely-controlled or pre-programmed mobile weapons platform may not be considered a true robot by some. Oh well, they get the job done just the same!
Originally posted by Keklas Rekobah:
Oops! My bad - the Robotech comment was way off-center.
No problem! I dont want to be a pain in the butt but Robotech and Battletech are two different things (and licenses) which share some common points.
Robotech and battletech are a form of powered armor like Traveller's Battledress. Using the Vehicle construction rules you could make bigger suits of battledress. You could have a medium-size human inside and controlling a gargantuan suit of battledress, it is basically a walking tank with legs and arms.