Jump Re-Vector Device
Copied from Ancient Artifacts Ideas thread in Ship's Locker...
If you are tuning in late, we are standing at the Serue (Knoellighz 1221) A-Rated Starport. Serue is the highest, publicly known Technology Level rated world in the heart of Knoellighz. Today we are about to examine what scientists here are labeling an Ancient Artifact.
The researchers are calling it an "aa Nantu Y", a poor translation based on the barely-decipherable symbols found along the metal frame of this octahedral talisman. Viewers can see the clear, colorless and irregular shape of an orthorhombic crystal inside the coppery-gold frame. At each end, or 'pole' as delineated by the long crystal held in the center by Runetha-Knows-What, is what seems to be a power or connection point.
Preliminary analysis seems to point that this device may be some form of navigation, or even better, an astrogation tool. We will be right back as we approach 100 diameters from above Serue....
.....and we're back. Coming to you from Jump Point #2 high above Serue planet, this is Net-7 News. Astrogators have connected the strange now-named "aa Nantu Y", an Ancient Artifact to the Astrogation boards on the bridge of the Detailed Cartographer, a converted and reformed 400 dT former-Corsair. This science vessel will soon make a jump to nearby Souo (Knoellighz 1020). During our trip through jumpspace, we will see what me may learn about this shiny Artifact. Speculations are showing the now-suspect Artifact may be some form of device.
Connected by universal coupling cables at each pole, the strange, octahedral frame, no more than 15cm to an edge, sits rather dumbly on the dash, connected to the Astrogation board. The captain has given the word. All hands, preparing for jump...
....and we are in crossover. Viewers, we at Net-7 News apologize for the approximate 149-hour delay as we will transmit our findings on the far side of jumpspace. It is amazing to see the immediate reaction the "aa Nantu Y" device, or Ancient Artifact, is giving off to us on the bridge. The Astrogation board is giving a text-only request that only now the ship's computer was able to translate from the gibberish on the screen.....just a moment.
The scientists and Astrogation team onboard the Detailed Cartographer want to fill in the request. They are inputting the just-computed coordinates for Dhonaegvaro (Knoellighz 1019), chosen for its Gas Giant presence in case the ship needs to refuel by skimming. The coordinates are in and the Astrogation board is confirming the calculations from the ship's computer...
Viewers, I don't believe this. The ship now has the option to Re-Vector its jump route while in jumpspace with no more than projected use of fuel! This reporter is beside himself. How this piece of framed crystal can re-route an entire ship is beyond me or Runetha Saetedz for that matter. Yet, the Astrogators are about to press the <confirm> command. And we are just a couple of hours from emerging jumpspace to Souo. Waitaminute....we are seeing some wild readings from the lanthanum jump field....
Sensors are showing a second field is erupting from the jump field's lanthanum net embedded in the hull. We will know what solar system we end up shortly.
Whew! We are back. This is Net-7 News coming to you from - confirming with Sensors and Astrogation - yes, it is Dhonaegvaro (Knoellighz 1019) instead of Souo, our original destination. We have done it and done it safely. I don't know how or have the gonads to question such, but we are at Dhonaegvaro, just outside 100-diameters, give a few hundred-thousand kilometers.
Viewers, the so-called "aa Nantu Y" has taken us out of a locked jump to re-vector our trip through jumpspace to a different, calculated destination. Engineering says that the same amount of fuel was used despite the change in vector. Currently the device on the dash is dormant. Just after the <confirm> button was pressed, a brilliant flash of white light erupted from the orthorhombic crystal. When we could again see the bridge, the Astrogation board reported a new vector. Sensors, recording the event, reported telemetry of a second field enveloping our ship and re-routing our vector to the second system. This is truly amazing . What a find!
Viewers, a device of Ancient origin, when connected to an Astrogation computer, allows a ship in jumpspace to calculate new jump vector and distance - within jumpdrive limits of course - to a different vector. The technology of this crystal must indeed be stored at the quanta level to be this powerful to bend the very laws of jump science in this matter.
Such a find is already being registered with Serue (Knoellighz 1221) government and science university. We can only hope that such wondrous find is never abused by current sophonts of our time.
On location and for Net-7 News, this is the Pakkrat.