Originally posted by RobertFisher:
Thanks for the links, Ranger. (Although, I did find both of those yesterday. ) I'm probably going to use the Minstal's Daughter.
Is the FASA stuff worth getting ahold of? (Here I'd been thinking I wouldn't have to go to ebay for hardly anything Traveller related because of the FFE reprints. )
Aramis, many thanks for the offer. No need, though, as I think the Minstal's Daughter will fit the bill.
Sorry my links weren't more help. It's hard to figure out what everyone has seen and what is a lost gem on line.
The Minstal's Daughter is based on the same basic design as the FASA design in ACS II, but I think it is better because it just has more of a luxury feel to it.
Overall I would say ACS II is worth getting. It has several deck plans that are "alternative" designs for the Type A (one Imperial one Zhodani), the Type M, and the Type C. It also has the Type T and a generic space station. You can find a better version of the same Type T on line, and the others are just nice to have, but if you can get it for around $20 (it sold for 12 originally) I'd pick it up.
FASA Merchant Class Ships is worth picking up in my opinion as well. It has 5 designs, all 1000 ton ships. Not the kind that the players will probably own, but ones they might book passage on if they don't have their own ship. I'd rate three of the designs as good, one as interesting, and one as good concept but a broken deck plan.
The FCI consumer's guide is nice too. It's nice as a GM to have a list of equipment that you don't know much about so if your players ask you how much a pair of snow shoes cost, you can have a clue (I certainly wouldn't).
I'd also have to second the positive review of Gamelords' Startown Liberty. One of my all time favorites. Very well written and easy to use. You could spend a couple of game sessions just exploring the local downport using it and have a ton of fun.
Just my thoughts... Have fun with the campaign!!