There been a lot of fine ideas concerning the Imperial government and nobility on this site. The detailed structure of government by Vice-Admiral Vidmar Kulkinski was amazing.
IMTU I used a simpler type of structure.
Here is part of it.
The Nobility is divided into two major parts.
1. The Service Nobility which provides the mid and upper-level positions of the Civil Service.
They are selected from the top 10% of their high school classes to attend the Academy. They are taught management and other skills to perform their duties. After graduration they are appointed Imperial Knights and assigned to different worlds and duty positions. This is done so the Knights would have experience in how the Empire works and so their superiors can evalute them. This cycle of education,evaluation,and job experience continues thoughtout their careers.
This is similar to what US military officers have to do to advance in rank.
These are the Service Nobles ranks and the Administrative areas they are in charge of or serve in as a staff member.
Grand Duke- Province
Archduke - March: a border area
Duke - Duchy: a naturally habital world
Count - County: a city state
Baron - Barony: any area not a county
Imperial Knight not assigned an area
All swear an individual oath of loyalty to the Emperor. No Noble may inherit his title and he does not pass it on to his descendents. There is no sub-fuedal system.
2. Social Nobles
This is really a trap set by Emperor to bilk his wealthy subjects out their money and to keep a tighter hold on them.
The higher the rank the higher the cost,some of it non-refundable. The Imperial Secret Police does a background check on the apllicant and his family,to include financial records. After he receives his title the ISP can still investigate them at any time.
The titles in order of social presitage are Earl,Viscount,Marquis,Baronette,Knight.
The two higher ranks Earl and Viscount have large Estates assigned to them by the Emperor located in the capital planet. They are automatically invited to all Imperial functions. Some maybe invited on various government boards as consultants. Depending on rank may contact the Imperial Household or Emperor directly.
All nobles swear personnel oaths to the Emperor and none are above the law. They can be male or female but the Service Nobles use the male title to reinforce their authority.
IMTU I used a simpler type of structure.
Here is part of it.
The Nobility is divided into two major parts.
1. The Service Nobility which provides the mid and upper-level positions of the Civil Service.
They are selected from the top 10% of their high school classes to attend the Academy. They are taught management and other skills to perform their duties. After graduration they are appointed Imperial Knights and assigned to different worlds and duty positions. This is done so the Knights would have experience in how the Empire works and so their superiors can evalute them. This cycle of education,evaluation,and job experience continues thoughtout their careers.
This is similar to what US military officers have to do to advance in rank.
These are the Service Nobles ranks and the Administrative areas they are in charge of or serve in as a staff member.
Grand Duke- Province
Archduke - March: a border area
Duke - Duchy: a naturally habital world
Count - County: a city state
Baron - Barony: any area not a county
Imperial Knight not assigned an area
All swear an individual oath of loyalty to the Emperor. No Noble may inherit his title and he does not pass it on to his descendents. There is no sub-fuedal system.
2. Social Nobles
This is really a trap set by Emperor to bilk his wealthy subjects out their money and to keep a tighter hold on them.
The higher the rank the higher the cost,some of it non-refundable. The Imperial Secret Police does a background check on the apllicant and his family,to include financial records. After he receives his title the ISP can still investigate them at any time.
The titles in order of social presitage are Earl,Viscount,Marquis,Baronette,Knight.
The two higher ranks Earl and Viscount have large Estates assigned to them by the Emperor located in the capital planet. They are automatically invited to all Imperial functions. Some maybe invited on various government boards as consultants. Depending on rank may contact the Imperial Household or Emperor directly.
All nobles swear personnel oaths to the Emperor and none are above the law. They can be male or female but the Service Nobles use the male title to reinforce their authority.