From my little exposure to carriers, it seems that they come in two flavors... hinting that perhaps they come in lots and lots of flavors, and I just haven't seen them all so far.
Of course, this means that fighters have a role. I don't want to discuss what that actual role IS at this time.
From my little exposure to carriers, it seems that they come in two flavors... hinting that perhaps they come in lots and lots of flavors, and I just haven't seen them all so far.
- Jump 4 (standoff) or Jump 3 (strike), Maneuver 2 (standoff) or Maneuver 6 (strike)
- No primary (standoff), or a weak primary (strike)
- Plenty of secondaries and good defense.
- As many heavy fighters as they can carry.
Of course, this means that fighters have a role. I don't want to discuss what that actual role IS at this time.