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Imperiallines No. 8

Didn't Loren do this in GURPS: Nobles?
He did, and I thought very well. But I read *somewhere* that Miller disagreed with that interpretation, so I want to know Miller's concept.

Loren's version was an expansion of the system that had been evolving since both CT/MT and T4 (and was fairly well done, IMHO).

It is clear, however, that Marc's vision is slightly different, as there are definite and subtle differences in the T5 ruleset concerning how nobles are assigned to worlds as well as their scope of authority and how they interact with the Moot, as compared to earlier versions of the rules.

The two visions are not entirely irreconcilable, however (with a little bit of forethought and work by the GM on a case-by-case basis for any given world or noble). I actually think the T5 system seems to be a bit more flexible for explaining the results of High Soc from CharGen than previous versions (remember that the GT: Nobles version is GURPS point-buy during CharGen, so many of the "odd" results that you get in other versions of Traveller typically do not crop up).
Make that 11 1/2 months.

Is this issue ever coming out?

I don't know.

Here's the (current) contents. Tell me if it sounds reasonable. The two main features are Jim's nobility article, and the late Greg Lee's article on smuggling.

p2 TNS 4Q 1099
p4 Nobility in the Third Imperium, conclusion
p8 Designing a Traveller Universe
p10 Smuggling in Depth
p19 Amber Zone - Food Fight
p23 Ship's Locker
p24 TNS 4Q 1899
Imperial Lines issues

Can the previous two issues be ordered from FFE?

I don't know.

Here's the (current) contents. Tell me if it sounds reasonable. The two main features are Jim's nobility article, and the late Greg Lee's article on smuggling.

p2 TNS 4Q 1099
p4 Nobility in the Third Imperium, conclusion
p8 Designing a Traveller Universe
p10 Smuggling in Depth
p19 Amber Zone - Food Fight
p23 Ship's Locker
p24 TNS 4Q 1899
To you and david.wendelken: thank you for giving me a kick in the butt. Sometimes I need that.

You're welcome Rob.

Things like the conclusion to the Nobles article are key to forwarding the cause (and enjoyment) of T5.

Always available to apply the toe cap to the derriere :devil:
Just to put things in perspective, I'm about to RETIRE before this issue comes out...

Please publish it soon, I want to start up a Traveller campaign in the spare time I'll soon have -- and understanding Miller's vision on nobles is the key to doing that.
The purpose of Imperiallines is to support Traveller5, for example by providing walk-through examples for its design systems, and by publishing material -- e.g. Casual Encounter, Contact!, Auction Block, Shipyard, Ship's Locker, Bestiary, Scrapyard, Milieu Overview, Amber Zone, and other features -- for help in playing or refereeing Traveller. Designed things are either designed new from T5, or are adapted into T5.

Just to put things in perspective, I'm about to RETIRE before this issue comes out...

Please publish it soon, I want to start up a Traveller campaign in the spare time I'll soon have -- and understanding Miller's vision on nobles is the key to doing that.

Well, I've now been retired 3 weeks.

Really, just publish what you have.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good enough.