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Imperium - Other Star Sector Maps?


I bought this game eons ago, after watching someone doing a playtest game of it, back in the Paleozoic Era.

I've never really played it more than a couple of times, and those were more like playtests, than actual games, in order to familiarize myself with the rules.

Was thinking about giving it a go again.

Has anyone created any other Star Sector maps to use with the rules and counters, other than just revisions/variants of the current star sector map provided?

I didn't see anything on Boardgamegeek, but figured someone must have come up with some other interesting hex maps for the game (adjacent, or perhaps far-flung sectors to battle over), that provide other interesting strategic/tactical challenges for the players.

I suspect too, that perhaps some rules tweaking might be in order, to make the game play a little more nuanced, e.g. instead of permitting ships to move clear across the board in a turn, if using jump routes, perhaps limiting them to just a few parsecs, and/or jump routes per turn, like is done with reaction moves.

I see someone has created some new CRTs, and other rules adjustments, so would love to hear what others think of the game, as originally produced back in 1977, and also with any/many recommended tweaks to make it more interesting/challenging.

I distinctly recall an extended map someone came up with. Not officially published battle for the province immediately coreward of the original, can't seem to find it quickly.

Dark Nebula has those place subsectors in any order map tiles, so you can create your own unique maps quickly.
There is an official extended map on one of the CD's. More correctly, it's the prototype map, which shows the plan was theoretically to expand it.

CT G00 Game 00c Imperium Map Expanded.pdf

Adds 4 more mapsheets...
If you want to look at my ATU, other side of the galaxy, I have a large number of planet maps, two partial galaxy arms, with sector and sub-sector maps.

Link is in my .sig below.
I have a larger map I was toying with cutting across the spur. I was thinking through the sphere for various border races (Zho, K'kree, etc) and thought about the origin of a few others.

I rolled in a section for non-OTU all set in the New Era.

Also, put a proposed 4I in the files section of COTI.

Give it a good dozen or score of games before you start to add to or tweak it. It's really amazingly balanced, with nuances that take a bit of playing to get.

This game really is an all-time board wargaming classic.

That said, I have often thought if working out a HG2-to-Imperium conversion so as to be able to play Pocket Empires with the rules.
Really nice work Jim!

Thanks ! I try to work on it on a regular basis. But real life, my other web sites, etc. get in the way.


I really need to start on my downports and other map types for my site. Only 3 downports done so far.
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This is the first one.

Planet: Srar-Zhe is the start of the next process. Adding starports, cities, and naming water source types for planets. This on the planet map, no additional downports/cities just yet.
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Sub-Sector page, with 5 planets linked. Each planet page has a blank map with the planet name, and a planet map with Starport and City names. Some other areas like oceans and lakes, have also been named. Very basic. No detail maps yet. sub-sector

Just 1195 planets to go... oh boy.
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Imperium Star Sector Maps: Dark Nebula?

Try Dark Nebula

I am "Enlarging" the game to 150% so us old folks can read the counters etc, will probably twiddle a few things.... I am fortunate to have a couple of unpunched counter sheets, these days everyone has a color printer in their home office. The arts and crafts of Mounting and Cutting the Counters out- Tedious. Bristol Board at Hobby Lobby, Spray Adhesive, etc.

Just had the maps printed Monday (Oct 21, 2019); Not that expensive (US$16); Had not previously noticed that the eight "subsectors" could be assembled in a 2x4 pattern to make a game board similar to Imperium. Just follow the hex grid numbers.