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Impressing the Natives

Ran Targas

SOC-14 1K
Peer of the Realm
My players recently misjumped and in a rash attempt to back track (didn't bother to find the cause of the problem), misjumped again. This put them deep in MTU's unexplored regions. As I had been planning to 1) move the play planet-side and 2) introduce Neaderthals as another transplanted species, I thought now would be a good time. I let them spend two hours searching for fuel and cataloging a few uninhabited systems, then I let them stumble on the cavemen.

As expected, the first encounter involved a big "magic" show; out came the lighters and thunder sticks. Fortunately, no natives were harmed, only impressed.

Unfortunately, the players have pretty much out guessed me when it comes to exploiting the situation. Already I have heard the following ideas:

a. enslave the natives to mine precious metals (Battlefield: Earth)
b. train this tribe to use carbines and invade the neighboring hunting grounds (Man Who Would Be King)
c. create a snake cult (Conan the Barbarian)
- Part 2 -

So, the problem: they've already given up and started to settle down.

Currently I have a 6 adventure story arc planned that involves a few Ancient artifacts (worth millions in the real world) and a mummified scout. I thought of throwing some jealous tribal shaman at them or maybe a rival tribe but I know if I make it to much stick and not enough carrot, they'll get really bored really quick.

Any ideas?

You've got the greedy little bastards right where you want them: congratulations.

You've already cited (very cogently, I might add) the examples of from Hubbard and Kipling: extend the metaphor and find out what happens to your players. Use Hubbard and you have an indigenous race that rediscovers its technic/pre-disaster roots and, conveniently finding some artifacts, strikes back at their opressors. Likewise, Kipling is great because it's sneakier: lead the players down the garden path of cultural misunderstanding and let the blood flow on the altars.

Generally speaking, think of the implications of the god/demon scenario: the indigenes will be CAREFULLY watching the PCs to see how they fit into their belief system. Remember, your natives should already have an idea of how gods and demons SHOULD act. The PCs actions will place themselves in one or the other category but, being mortal, will never live up to their worshippers expectations.

Maybe the indigenes have a religious tenet that dictates the sacrifice of the divinities' mortal forms so they can re-ascend into the heavens. Maybe gods only drink/eat certain noxious substances which poison/debilitate the PCs if they try it. Maybe there's political tension between the ruling church and state on the subject of the gods.

Now, if your indigenes truly ARE neolithic and don't have organized religion (complete with codes of divine conduct) another fast one you can pull on the PCs is the Big Daddy manuever. Sure, the natives are primitive, but not their "guardian spirits." T

hese guardians could be disembodied psionic entiities, sentient bacterial colonies, or innocuous seeming plants that coexist with the indigenes in a parasitical or symbiotic relationship: a relationship the PCs and their labour camps are disturbing.

For a more technic take, use Ancient war machines (complete with a dormant orbital defence network: never let the PCs just fly away from trouble) that become active when the enslaved miners crack open a vault. The indigenes will cry for help to the PCs, who themselves will be dodging plasma bolts while trying to find the guardian's command nexus.

One last point. Remember an important GMing rule from "Knights of the Dinner Table": the worst monster in the GM's arsenal is another player. Just as tension arises between the two main characters in Kipling, so too could you have the indigenes declare the PCs rival gods or privately offer to show one PC where the REAL treasure is, but not the others. Before you know it you'll have "The Treasure of Sierra Madre" on your hands.

Again, congratualtions: you've got a GOLDEN opportunity to preach the Parable of the Free Lunch to your guys. Have fun with it.
More fun, based on Arsulon's Ideas:

The natives, having seen the PCs using their weapons, finally understand that The Great Gifts of The Ancient Gods (Ancient weapons) could be used as such, and HOW they are to be used.

If they believe the PCs to be foreing Gods or Evil Gods, let them have a small Religious War with Weapons-That-Kicks-Ass.

Then smile as you see your Players lower jaw reach new low as they just witness one of the Red-Shirt, or for better effect, the Big-Arms-Small-Head of the crew disappear after being hit with a Disintegrator Gun.

Having an Ancient site being reachable only by going through the Indigenous Holy Cave and having some surprises for them waiting, such as the Shaman having figured out some Godly Things (hey, he saw the Evil Gods use them first!) could make yet another surprise.

Of course, you should limit the # or charges in any Ancient artifact so the more they fight, the less they'd have functionnal gadgets to bring back with them ;)
I appreciate the inspiration, the gears are whirling now! Will keep you posted as to the results.
Arsulon and Sandman:

As promised, the grissly details;

3 characters playing, flying 100t scout
a) Female Human ex-Merch Navigator
b) Male Human ex-Scout Pilot
c) Male Human ex-Navy Engineer

Group decides to split up so following events happen near simultaneously and in seclusion:

1. Engineer spends three game hours determining the cause of the misjump and repairing the problem. Eng cannabalizes airraft and turret for parts.

2. Pilot spends three hours trying to communicate with natives. Native chieftain brings him old food wrapper covered in dirt. He offers some rations to chief and is shown interesting cave paintings of local fauna terrorizing women and children. Finds boot print in cave very similar to old style Scout Service issue.

3. Nav, in between power outages caused by the Eng, manages to scan a large portion of the surrounding area for metal deposits. She ignores the multitude of bio signs but a peculiar energy reading catches her attention; and it's only a few kilometers away!

Players re-group. Eng wants to orbit ship and determine way home. Nav wants to take the airraft and check out sensor readings (oops!). Pilot thinks they might not be the first Imperials to land here. Curiousity peaks and the group votes to check out the energy reading. Unfortunately, the Eng can not repair airraft after re-engineering parts to fit jump drive so everyone must walk.

Just outside the native village the group finds some very well defined paths, about 2 meters wide, cut through the jungle. Their native guides, who follow cautiously behind, seem quite wary about walking down the middle of the trail and weave thru the underbrush along the sides.

They travel about 1/3 the way to the energy reading. Eng notices some of the trees have heavy claw marks rising as high as 3 meters up their trunks. Nav notices a strong musky odor, like old athletic socks and stale urine. Pilot unholsters his .45 pistol. Que the giant ground sloth crashing through the trees 10m ahead. Sadly, the players manage to restrain themselves and elect to maneuver through the underbrush to avoid it. Fortunately, I have the natives come to the rescue and throw enough spears to get the sloth in a frenzy. The group scatters into the underbrush and Eng takes a spill, twisting his ankle. Nav loses her pistol while trying to climb a tree just ahead of the charging sloth. With the beast now trying to fell the tree Nav climbed, the Pilot joins the natives in trying to drive the sloth away. Out of pity, I allow this to happen before Nav, who's trying to Tarzan to the next tree, can fall and break her neck.

Once out of danger, Pilot and Nav find Eng groaning in a ditch. Nav fashions a crutch for Eng who doesn't want to go back to the village. A native finds and pockets Nav's pistol. They continue on dwon the path until they encounter several totems with oddly familar symbols. The natives stop and will go no further. The group continues on cautiously until the underbrush erupts with masked humanoids wielding spears with crudely fashioned metal tips!

And that's where it ended this week. Next Saturday will bring them in contact with a cargo cult, of sorts, and their shrine.
COOL! Seems like every players want to bring trouble on themselves! ;)

My players managed to misjump *TWICE* in a row.

Seems like the Cocky Captain didn`t want someone doublechecking her Jump Plot. Rolled a 98 on the Misjump Chart. All three choices just below that meaning "ships destroyed, roll new PCs". Fortunately it fell in the "Gamemaster's Choice"

I`ve been kind for them. Only jumping out in the Middle of an small skirmish T'ween K'krees and Hivers, over a whole sector away ;) Poor souls who have over 50 parsecs to go with a Jump-1 Drive.
Sounds like fun!

I had to stop reading and try to control my belly-laugh when you revealed there were THREE of them and they SPLIT UP on an ALIEN planet. My God, the players will do it to themselves every time. The sloth-o-rama was great: the module's barely underway and 66.6% of the team is wounded. I don't know if making them cannibalize the airaft to effect repairs was your idea, but if it was then kudos!

Keep us posted! I mean it!
It sounds like they have you right where you want them. Since the players left their ship all alone to protect itself, who has been messing around with it? Cargo cults can be very demanding when gifts are not forthcoming. For them to mount an expedition to aquire more of their rightly prayed for cargo from the source, the players ship, might make things even more interesting. What essential exterior parts of the ship did they dismantel and are now holding ransom?
Keep up the good work.
"her... Chief? The natives messed up with the ship. They tried to get in but didn't. They only managed to mess up the security system.

- Good at least they didn't get in!

- But neither can we, they badly damaged the PinPad/CardReader that we use to unlock the door, we'll have to break through our own ship's security and the spares and tools are INSIDE the ship. We only have the Auto-Pistol, the survival gear, a rifle and our pocket knives

- [speechless, jaw on floore, massive headache...]

Ran Targas writes:
As promised, the grissly details;

3 characters playing, flying 100t scout
a) Female Human ex-Merch Navigator
b) Male Human ex-Scout Pilot
c) Male Human ex-Navy Engineer
Whats the name of the ship? Names for the pc's?
What kind of BOOM sticks are they toting? Are you playing them in the OTU? IF SO, where abouts, Spinward Marches, Ley, elsewhere? IF NOT, tell us more about YTU.
My dear Baron plop101, as you wish ...

Ship's name: Starlight Venture (modified Type S)
- 4 x 10 cubic meter, streamlined cargo pods welded to aft hull
- mil surplus ECM emitter (anti-targetting)
- mil surplus broadband passive sensors
- mil surplus EM absorbant hull panels (top only)

Pilot: Pershad Bhagat "Percy"
Nav: Rajani Salasi "Raji"
Eng: Danyavad Rhotak "Danny"

1 x 18mm combat shotgun w/ assorted rounds(flechette, signal, stun wad, tear gas)
1 x laser carbine
2 x 6mm Bullpup carbines (single/burst/full auto)
2 x 9mm auto pistol
1 x 6mm auto pistol (small mag, uses carbine ammo)

This campaign is not canon or located in canon space; it's entirely my own pocket universe (circa 1984). The setting is a hodge-podge of Trav and Star Wars, with a strong helping of B5, Fading Suns (a favorite), GURPS Space, and every scifi movie and video game I've ever seen. There is a back story of an aristocratic 1st Republic, that recently gave rise to a New Order. The Imperium currently exists as a Stalin-esque state (predominately human) with the other standard Traveller races filling slightly different niches. The primary antagonists are a race developed as hybrid super soldiers (by unknown Ancients), who after losing a bloody war of conquest to the Imperium, now try to take the sector by subterfuge. The players are caught in the middle between supporting an evil regime or helping blood thirsty aliens destroy their civilization.

Although very much "low fantasy", the focus is on roleplaying vice dice throwing. There is still discipline but story comes first.

Mojo picks up the laser carbine, and with a wicked laugh, begins toasting nearby buildings and trees:


Suddenly, the Powerpuff girls arrive!

"Hey, Mojo! Your not allowed in this universe either!"

Mojo: "Oh no, not again. Curses."

Puffs proceed to pound Mojo unmercifully.

Announcer: "Once again, the day is saved, thanks to the Power Puff Girls."
Originally posted by plop101:

Mojo picks up the laser carbine, ...
Oh my God! Someone with an even more twisted mind than mine!

Just how did you go from Morbo (I love that character) to Mojo? Sure, the shows were shown back-to-back for a while, but that is still quite a leap.
Daryen observes:
Just how did you go from Morbo (I love that character) to Mojo? Sure, the shows were shown back-to-back for a while, but that is still quite a leap.
Well its like this...

I used to watch news. All the time. I was a big time political junkie. CNN and CNBC were my chapels. Politics and Economics was all I cared about at the time.

Then, 2 1/2 years ago, I was diagnosed with Brain Cancer. Did the craniotomy, the radiation, the chemo, the works. Managed to survive it.

Now I watch Cartoon Network practically all the time. It just calms me down, gets the stress right out of me.
Originally posted by Ran Targas:
As the adventure continues, please let me know if anyone cares to hear more about it.
You're joking right? Of course we want to hear the continuation. Unless the players smarten up, it is likely to be a very short story, but, yes, we (I, at the very least) want to more as it happens.
Originally posted by plop101:
Now I watch Cartoon Network practically all the time. It just calms me down, gets the stress right out of me.
Good luck with your continuing victory. I seriously hope it lasts.

Fortunately, I got hooked on the Cartoon Network early (along with the sponge and Cosmo&Wanda on Nick), without the life-altering experience.
When we last left our courageous heroes, they were being held at spear point by vicious(?) masked savages in the deepest jungles of an unknown world ...

After regurgitating the details of where we left off, the group decides to play it cool and hope these are just hairless Ewoks (insert evil laugh here). They holster their weapons (Nav: hey where's my gun?) and after a short game of charades are taken captive. After several hour's march, past more totems and strangely adorned scarecrows, they are led to a large clearing bordered by a sheer rock wall. Behind a rough hewn log barricade, is the mouth to a large cave.

With a lot of stone age pomp and circumstance, the chieftain comes out of the cave to examine the day's catch. Pilot notices his crown is what's left of a vacc suit helmet, the top broken through and stuffed with feathers and junk. Painted crudely on the helmet is a Scout Service emblem (you could now see all the tumblers clicking into place). The Chief approaches the group and examines them closely, he seems particularly interested in Nav, giving her a generous grope.

At this point, I am reminded about nine times by Pilot that he is in a surplus flight suit with patches still intact; to which I roll dice and ruffle pages for about two minutes to make them all squirm.

A ha! The Chief seems to notice that one of the gang carries the same adorning symbol as he does! Could they be potential ursurpers (roll, roll), avatars of his god (roll, roll), or mana from heaven (roll, roll, roll)?

After a grand proclamation, entirely in gibberish, the group is cut free and their belongings returned. They are lead through the barricade and to a large fire pit in the mouth of the cave. A large feast is prepared and eaten, then the "slide show" begins. An old hag with a lizard's foot in her hair appears from the back of the cave. With her are several young women, each carrying a clay pot piled with junk. The pots are emptied and items are passed to the Pilot, Nav, and Eng one at a time. All are easily recognizable parts and pieces from complex machines. Eng notices most are parts to common shipboard items. One is a data cube, which Nav tries to pocket, only to be caught by the old hag. A scuffle ensues and only after a heated conversation between the Chief and the old hag, does the hag give up trying to get the data cube back (so much for Nav becoming the new Reverend Mother). Eng starts fiddling with an old portable spotlight and using a power cell from his pack, manages to create light! The women and children all scream and run to the back of the cave.

Pilot decides now is the best time to start learning their language. He holds up several of the items to the Chief and gets the same response each time he states the objects name. He then tries fire, stick, man, woman, rock, and dirt. Eureka! More impressive to the Chief is when Nav takes off her jacket, as they didn't bringing any recording devices, and starts writing down the language on the cloth with a charred stick.

Finally, they all led to a quite spot in the cave and given woven mats to sleep on. Animal noises keep them up most of the night.

The next morning Nav wants to return to the ship and decipher any information that may be left on the data cube. Unfortunately, their new found friends do not understand why everyone is leaving so soon. Finally, despite much discouragement by Pilot, the Chief and his entire entourage insist on coming with them. Armed guards are sent ahead to clear the trail and off they go. After several hours and several breaks, loud hooting and hollering is heard ahead. This jungle outing has just turned into a turf war between the neighboring tribes. Eng and Nav smile deviously as Pilot steps up to defuse the problem.

Next week: Hey, what did they do to the ship?