Due to Mother's Day, the session was short this week. Here's what happened:
The team spends the night in the ship going over "the plan" and breaking out supplies. They have convinced themselves that untold riches await at the suspected Ancient site.
- Nav packs up a portable scanner and her PDA with uplink to the ship's computer.
- Pilot, having speculated that the size of the herbivores here indicates large predators too, decides to load his bandolier with "elephant" rounds for his Explorer multi-purpose shotgun.
- Eng brings lots of ammo for his 6mm Bullpup.
- Everyone wears surplus mil armor and survival kit
They intend to start off at dawn but Nav and Pilot, used to loading up the airraft, have elected to bring way to much equipment (500+kg). While they are paring down the list, Eng does a quick walk around of the ship. He notices a stench coming from one of the landing struts. There is a pungent, yellow goo dripping down the strut; it stinks like concentrated urine. Eng knows this ain't a mechanical problem.
Finally they're off. After slogging through dense foliage and knee deep puddles, they eventually intersect a game trail. Nav figures they can follow it for a while before having to cut back into the jungle. Pilot, a career scout, doesn't feel entirely comfortable sticking to the trail but they will make better time this way. Eng, unlucky as always, finds he has a large purple leech attached to his leg. Pilot burns it off and staunches the wound.
- The next encounter was never meant to be punishment for poor rolls or stupidity; it was meant as an abject lesson in the nature of this world. Had the team kept with their native guides, the attacker would have creamed a couple of porters while the team drove it off; instead ...
The team stops on the game trail while Nav takes readings on the strange energy trace. Pilot sneaks up to look over her shoulder and Eng drops to one knee, facing back down the trail. As Nav points in the new direction of travel, the underbrush erupts! A beast, all tusks and fur, bowls over Nav and slams Pilot against a nearby tree stump. Eng spins, screams "Tiger!", opens up full auto, and rolls perfectly. The hail of bullets forces the beast off Pilot; it lands ready to charge, staring directly at Eng. Nav recovers immaculately, comes up on one knee, and draws the sawed off 6mm. Eng sprays another burst, stitching the beast down its left flank, narrowly missing Pilot and Nav. Nav fires, at nearly point blank range, piercing the beast's neck, a fountain of blood spewing from the exit hole. The beast staggers a few meters and drops. Nav closes and fires the coup-de-grace.
The animal was a juvenile Enteledont, a prehistoric mega boar; 2m at the shoulder and very aggressive. Fortunately Pilot suffers only a few bruised ribs and a slight concussion, thanks to his mesh armor and helmet. The armor protected him from the monster's 15cm tusks and sharp hooves, which would have made mince meat of one of the natives.
After a short rest and heavy medication for Pilot, the team pushes on. Peering through the thick undergrowth, Eng spots some sort of stone monument. The team approaches and finds a 3m tall statue, heavily eroded and entwined with vines. The statue appears to be some sort of gargoyle, maybe a warning to the natives. They continue on in the direction of the signal, entering a glen surrounded by small hills. Nav suddenly loses the signal. She climbs one of the hills and tries to use the ship's sensors to triangulate on the energy trace; but she can not establish a link. Pilot and Eng join her at the summit where there is enough room for them to camp the night. Pilot starts building a fire pit to keep the local fauna away when he notices the stones aren't rock, their some sort of synthetic. Nav sets up the portal scanner and begins imaging the surrounding area. Eng paces the summit and comes to the realization that they are standing at the top of a great pyramid! Nav's readings show seven more surrounding them.
And that's where we stopped. Thanks for reading; there's more to come next week.