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IMTU: Imperial Ministry of Conservation

  • Thread starter Black Globe Generator
  • Start date

Black Globe Generator

The Imperial Ministry of Conservation provides technical assistance for the beneficial management of the natural resources of the Imperium.

The Minister of Conservation is appointed by the Emperor in consultation with the Moot. The Minister in turn appoints deputies who are confirmed by the Emperor – the deputies are assigned one to each sector and serve as advisors to the sector duke as well as the chief administrators for the ministry personnel in their respective areas of operation. Personnel in the Conservation ministry work closely with others in the Imperial bureaucracy, in particular with the ministries of Colonization, Commerce, Information and Communication, and Technology.

The duties of the Ministry of Conservation are divided between three branches: the Administration, the Imperial Planetological Survey, and the Imperial Reserve System.

Administration: The Administration provides oversight of the activities of the Ministry of Conservation and serves as the primary point of interface with other ministries in the Imperial bureaucracy. In addition to the Minister’s Personal Staff, the branch includes the Personnel Office, the Procurement Office, the Budget Inspectorate, the Legal Services Office, the Statistical Office and the IGS/IPS Joint Committee. The Personnel, Procurement, Budget, and Legal Services functions are well-understood and will not be detailed further here.

The Statistical Office is responsible for the Conservation Resources Inventory (CRI). The CRI is a massive database that collates resource survey records and develops models of natural resource supply and demand. The Statistical Office publishes as decennial report, the CRI Summary, that is utilized as a forecasting tool to identify significant trends in resource availability, requirements, and exploitation.

The IGS/IPS Joint Committee is a standing body comprised of senior staff that coordinates the complementary missions of the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service (IISS) and the Imperial Planetological Survey (IPS). Whereas the IISS catalogs and charts the natural resources of the Imperium as well as star systems beyond the Imperial border, the IPS calculates the extent of those resources and develops plans for their beneficial management. The Joint Committee was organized to facilitate the flow of information between these bureaucratic functions – it is also intended to prevent mission overlap or redundancy between the IISS and the IPS, leading to the popular appellation of staff assigned to the Joint Committee as "Turf Warriors." The committee is chaired by an administrator appointed from the IISS; a deputy chair is selected from the IPS.

Imperial Planetological Survey: The Imperial Planetological Survey conducts scientific analyses of natural resources and develops management plans for their beneficial use. The Survey is staffed primarily by scientists and engineers from a variety of disciplines, with an emphasis on applied sciences such as agronomy and mineralogy. The IPS consists of two program offices, the Research Directorate and the Planetologist Service.

The Research Directorate employs scientists, engineers, and economists who study the natural resources, including their distribution and prospects for exploitation, of the member worlds of the Imperium and prepare management plans and consumption forecasts. Plans and forecasts may be prepared at the request of the Emperor, the Chancellor of the Moot, or the sector or subsector dukes, or by the member systems themselves at cost to the planetary government. The directorate is composed of numerous sub-program offices: Agronomy, Aquaculture, Forestry, Livestock, Minerals and Mining, Oceans and Atmospheres, Resource Economics, Soil Conservation, Terraforming, and Xenobiology. Each sub-program contains experts in the various fields of resource management who apply their technical expertise on behalf of the Imperium. Several Imperial Research Stations are staffed by members of the IPS Research Directorate. The areas of responsibility of the various sub-programs are for the most part well-understood and only the Terraforming Bureau and the Xenobiology Protectorate will be detailed further here.

The Terraforming Bureau is a cross-disciplinary function composed of scientists drawn from other offices within the Research Directorate. The bureau develops and promulgates methods for making hostile or otherwise suboptimal planetary environments more suitable for humaniti and other sophonts. A repository cataloging useful biological species, genetic engineering techniques used for developing locally adapted strains, cultivars, or subspecies, atmosphere reclamation practices, and other terraforming methodologies is maintained by the bureau for use by the Planetologist Service and the member worlds of the Imperium. The Terraforming Bureau is a coveted assignment within the Research Directorate, considered by many to represent the apotheosis of the Ministry of Conservation’s mission within the Imperium as well as the principal gateway to the Planetologist Service.

The Xenobiology Protectorate is dedicated to the preservation of biological organisms and communities by limiting or preventing the spread of invasive, harmful exotic species between planetary systems. The protectorate staff consists of xenobiologists who identify aggressive invasive species for listing in the protectorate database and inspectors who work with starport cargo handlers and security personnel, interstellar merchants (particularly interface lines operating beyond the Imperial border), brokers and traders, and others involved in interstellar shipping and transport in appropriate hygiene methods for goods and materials.

(There are persistent rumors of an organization of highly-trained special agents within the Xenobiology Protectorate trained to locate and terminate particularly virulent species that escape quarantine. The existence of this so-called "Special Branch" is flatly denied by the Ministry of Conservation.)

Whereas the Research Directorate studies the distribution and condition of natural resources in the Imperium and prepares conservation plans, the Planetologist Service provides the direct interface between the IPS and the member systems for implementation. Attached to Imperial missions on member worlds, the planetologists are the visible presence of the Survey. Imperial Planetologists provide direct assistance to member worlds in identifying conservation priorities, initiating and coordinating research and planning efforts, and implementing conservation projects. The planetologists act as project managers, supervising the work of other conservation ministry personnel from the Research Directorate, the Imperial Reserve System, and the Administration as required by the assignment. Appointment of an Imperial Planetologist is made by the Minister of Conservation in consultation with the sector duke.

Most Imperial Planetologists are drawn from the Terraforming Bureau of the Research Directorate for their interdisciplinary expertise in resource conservation, but a planetologist must be a capable administrator and diplomat as well as a skilled scientist and engineer – in addition to an extensive technical education, many Imperial Planetologists study social ecology and psychohistory as well. Most planetary governments welcome the assistance of an Imperial Planetologist to improve efficiency and maximize return on investment in harnessing the world’s natural resources – critics however portray the Imperial Planetologist as a sinister figure less concerned with the benefits of conservation projects to local populations than on perpetuating the existence of the Third Imperium and the dominance of the megacorporations at the expense of the member systems.

Imperial Reserve System: The Imperial Reserve System manages significant features of scenic, ecological, cultural or historical interest throughout the Imperium. Imperial Reserves range in size from a single building or starship to entire star systems.

The term "Imperial Reserve" is a catch-all phrase that encompasses a range of designations and purposes within the system. An Imperial Reserve is akin to the "world parks" found in many star systems – reasonable infrastructure may be constructed to accommodate visitor access and recreation activities within an Imperial Reserve, and a reserve may feature one or more towns with hotels, restaurants, and other amenities. An Imperial Refuge is established for the protection of sensitive ecosystems and their associated wildlife and vegetation – some infrastructure is permitted, typically focused on lodges and other minimally intrusive developments that are geared toward wildlife-related recreation experiences. Imperial Preserve is the most restrictive designation within the Reserve System, allowing no infrastructure development beyond a small number primitive landing and camping sites and often featuring a quota system limiting visitor access to the preserve – important archeological or paleontological sites are often protected by designation as Imperial Preserves. Both Imperial Refuges and Imperial Preserves may be established within the boundaries of an Imperial Reserve, and are managed according to the more stringent guidelines of the former designations. Imperial Resource Areas include a mix of recreation and resource extraction – this designation is often used for strategic resource reserve sites that may be used for recreational purposes until such time that the needs of the Imperium dictate their development.

The system also includes a selection of reserves memorializing significant events in the history of the Imperium and conserving distinctive cultural landscapes. Imperial Historical Reserves preserve noteworthy sites important to the story of the Third Imperium and its antecedents – historical reserves vary considerably in size, depending on the specific historical feature so recognized. For example, a historical reserve may consist of a starship, an exploration outpost, a ducal palace and gardens, a space station, an industrial complex, or a town. Nearly all historical reserves include a visitor’s center with exhibits of historical artifacts pertinent to the site and the events with which it is associated. Imperial Battlefields are designated both on planetary bodies and in space to memorialize the heroic and sometimes tragic sacrifices of the members of the Imperial military. An Imperial Heritage Region is designated to preserve important cultural landscapes – this designation is intended to preserve the traditional practices of an indigenous population and the associated infrastructure and landscape. Imperial Heritage Regions are defined by the adoption of regulations intended to limit the intrusion of non-local or non-period technologies, architectural styles and practices, and immigration by non-indigenous peoples while promoting traditional lifestyles among the local populace.

Several units of the Imperial Reserve System do not bear these appellations, which were introduced after the units’ original designations – for example, the Imperial Refuge of Lectorsen (1813 Core) goes by the designation "Imperial Garden Planet" originally bestowed by Emperor Martin II in 199.

Units of the Imperial Reserve System are created by the Emperor. Sites are most often selected by the Imperial Heritage Commission, which is appointed by the Moot, and recommended to the Emperor – the exceptions are Imperial Battlefields, which are recommended by one of the branches of the Imperial military services through the Ministry of Defense. The Commission consists of a mix of historians, scientists, and interested aristocrats aided by a full-time staff selected from the three branches of the Ministry of Conservation. The work of the commission is followed closely by many Imperial citizens – some actively pursue designation of Imperial Reserves in order to gain a tourism boost to the local economy or protect natural, cultural, and scenic resources from development while others stridently oppose such designation as "locking up" those same resources by limiting or preventing gainful utilization. Accusations of undue influence have dogged commissioners and several reserves are repeatedly cited as examples of designations for personal gain without regard to actual Imperial significance for preservation.

The Imperial Warden Service is responsible for operating the multitude of units that comprise the reserve system. Wardens preserve and protect the natural and cultural features of the reserves and the visitors therein. The life of a warden is often romanticized in the eyes of the citizenry, and while wardens to spend their time living and working in some of the most beautiful places found in the Imperium, it is still at its core a bureaucratic assignment with all of the attendant challenges and pitfalls that this entails. Imperial Wardens are expected to be jacks-of-all-trades, with responsibilities ranging from fire fighting and search and rescue to environmental education and public relations to law enforcement and administration – wardens operate all of the reserves in the system with the exception of Imperial battlefields which are jointly or wholly managed by a branch of the Imperial military. Despite low salaries and often primitive living conditions, entry to the Imperial Warden Service is highly competitive – the service is popular with retired Scouts interested in pursing a second career.

Referee’s notes: Other than a few bits of canon sprinkled here and there, all of the preceding is IMTU.

IMTU the Imperial bureaucracy is represented on most member worlds by the Imperial mission, similar in form and function to a consulate or embassy on foreign soil. An Imperial mission may be found on any mainworld with Pop 4+. (Worlds with Pop 3- have an Imperial Liaison Officer in lieu of an Imperial mission – assignment as a liaison officer is considered a sign of career death in the Diplomatic Corps....)

My favorite character in Dune is Liet-Kynes, and once I decided that my Traveller universe wasn’t complete without "Imperial Planetologists," it became necessary to figure out exactly what these planetologists do – out of this came the Imperial Ministry of Conservation you see detailed here.

This is a first draft subject to revision. I apologize for the length. Your comments are appreciated!
Coming soon...the Imperial Planetologist career...
Imperial Reserve Warden (CT - MT conversion by Aramis here)
"To Preserve and Protect"

Imperial Reserve Wardens (hereafter "Wardens") operate and manage units of the Imperial Reserve System. The Wardens provide a range of services to Reserve visitors, including public safety and emergency response, resource management, basic maintenance, and interpretation and education. The romanticized view of Warden life includes living in a rustic cabin and patrolling remote backcountry on the back of an indigenous mount, and while this is true for some in the Service, Wardens may be found in any Reserve, working in a museum or interpretive center, monitoring the condition of Reserve resources, or patrolling the developed areas of a Reserve. Some Wardens are commissioned as Imperial law enforcement officers for the purpose of protecting the health and safety of visitors and preserving the natural and cultural resources of the Reserve System – Wardens may serve assignments in different Reserves in the course of their careers, working as a guide in one, holding a commission in another, and serving as an administrator in a third. (Referee’s note: Any character with a Gun Combat skill can be assumed to have served as a commissioned warden – revolvers, shotguns, and rifles are the traditional weapons of the Warden Service, though there is no restriction on weapon selection by the player.)

Those seeking a career as a Warden may attend college before attempting to enlist – because hiring on and advancing are closely tied to a prospective Warden’s education, most Wardens pursue a degree before joining the Service.

Service Table

Enlistment 9+
DM +1 if Endurance 9+
DM +2 if Education 10+

Survival 6+
DM +2 if Endurance 8+

Position 10+
DM +1 if Education 9+

Promotion 8+
DM +1 if Intelligence 8+

Re-enlist 5+

Table of Ranks

Rank 1 Lead Warden
Rank 2 Senior Warden
Rank 5 Supervising Warden
Rank 4 Chief Warden
Rank 5 Superintendent
Rank 6 Director

Mustering-Out Tables

1 +1 End
2 +1 Edu
3 Blade
4 Gun
5 Survival gear
6 Middle passage
7 +1 Soc

Survival gear: Wardens typically acquire a personal store of survival gear during their service. On receiving this benefit, the player may select up to 1000 Cr of equipment such as cold-weather clothing, compass, electric torch, and so on. The player may not apply this credit toward weapons or armor, vehicles, or drugs of any kind. A second receipt of this benefit adds an additional 500 Cr worth of gear. Any subsequent receipt is treated as no benefit.

Die-Roll/Cash (in credits)
1 0
2 1000
3 2000
4 5000
5 10000
6 10000
7 20000

Acquired Skills Tables

Personal Development Table
1 +1 Str
2 +1 Dex
3 +1 End
4 +1 Int
5 +1 Edu
6 Carousing

Service Skills Table
1 Survival
2 Gun Combat
3 Blade Combat
4 Vehicle
5 Hunting
6 Survival

Education Table
1 Survival
2 Mechanical
3 Electronics
4 Vehicle
5 Medical
6 Leader

Advanced Education Table (requires Edu 8+)
1 Jack of All Trades
2 Liaison
3 Computer
4 Liaison
5 +1 Edu
6 Admin

Automatic Skills
Chief Warden...Shotgun-1

Note on skills: The Vehicle cascade skill includes Tracked, Wheeled, and Grav Vehicle skills – at the referee’s discretion, the Vehicle cascade may be expanded to include Ship’s Boat, Vacc Suit, Water Craft, Air Craft, or Animal Handling skill as well, to reflect the diversity of assignments and modes of transportation available to a Warden. The Animal Handling skill is described in JTAS 19.

This is a first draft subject to revision.
Sea of Sorrows Imperial Reserve and Dragon Bay Imperial Refuge

Located on Dragonmist (0710 Ley/Ikhnaton A557AA9-C), the Sea of Sorrows Imperial Reserve encompasses over 30,000,000 hectares of shallow seas, reefs, archipelagos, and a 1000-kilometer stretch of coastline and its associated watershed. Proclaimed in 319 by Empress Porfiria, the reserve protects critical habitat for the planet’s eponymous mist dragons (Caligodraconis spp.).

Within the boundary of reserve is the Dragon Bay Imperial Refuge, encompassing Dragon Bay, Flandry Bay, and the Bay of Gloom and their respective watersheds along the west coast of North . The refuge protects the critical breeding grounds for the two most sensitive species of mist dragons, the splendid or green mist dragon (Caligodraconis splendidus Shurrippur) and the bigfin or red mist dragon (Caligodraconis megapinnis Flandry).

The Imperial Ministry of Conservation offers a variety of recreation opportunities and visitor amenities within the reserve. An interpretive center providing visitor orientation and an exhibit hall is located near the downport at Kurrisiik, the capital arcology of Dragonmist – here visitors may learn about travel and lodging options for the Sea of Sorrows, reserve campsites and arrange guided tours, and obtain permits for entry to the Dragon Bay refuge. The reserve includes developed visitor facilities at three locations: Pearl Beach Village on Prince Enli’s Island, Shurrippur Point on Black Dragon Island, and the Flandry Bay Lodge. Pearl Beach and Shurrippur Point offer several lodging options for travelers as well as interpretive centers, arts and crafts markets, and guided excursions such as dragon-watching tours by grav shuttles or surface water cruisers – fishing, beachcombing, and swimming are also popular pastimes. Developed and primitive campsites may be found on more than a dozen islands, accessible by chartered air/raft or, for the more adventurous, traditional Dragonmist Vilani outriggers. Visitor travel within the Dragon Bay refuge is restricted to licensed, guided air/raft tours, with the exclusive Flandry Bay Lodge and two designated primitive campgrounds providing the only overnight accommodations within the refuge boundary.

Eight species of mist dragons are found on Dragonmist, ranging in size from the 12m long, 6000kg ringneck or black mist dragon Caligodraconis flandriensis Flandry, the smallest of the lot, to the 35m long, 150,000kg splendid mist dragon. The sinuous sea dwellers have been compared to the mythical Solomani lung dragons of Terra’s Asian culture groups – all are peaceful plankton skimmers save the ringneck mist dragon, which preys on a variety of small marine game animals. The dragons inspired great interest among the original Vilani settlers who arrived on Dragonmist in -4012 – while the flesh of the animals could be processed for use as food and their hides exported as novelties, it was dragon pearls that quickly captivated the colonists.

The massive mist dragons are host to a variety of marine organisms. One small mollusk, Coclea ros, inserts itself under the scales of the dragons’ scales, irritating the larger animals’ skin – the dragons in turn secrete calcium carbonate which covers the mollusk. Successive layers of calcium carbonate provide a lustrous, iridescent coating as the pearl grows beneath the scale. A brisk trade in dragon pearls developed – the Vliani nobles leading the colony recognized that overharvesting could be detrimental to the mist dragon population and established regulations limiting the number and size of dragons that could be taken for their pearls as well as prescribing the season and method of take. The arrival of Solomani administrators during the Second Imperium resulted in a sharp increase in mist dragon harvest as well as extensivepoaching, followed by a precipitous decline in the population and the extirpation of the white mist dragon, Caligodraconis alba Kaalikama, from the wild. (A small population of white mist dragons persisted in zoological parks on Dragonmist and elsewhere, and would later be reintroduced to the wild in 981 by the IMoC Research Directorate.)

Dr. Akimitsu Flandry arrived on Dragonmist in -1916 and began the first systematic population survey of mist dragons in more than two centuries. His conclusions were alarming, and over the next seven decades the zoologist worked tirelessly to restore the original Vilani harvest practices and protect important habitat for the mist dragons. A persuasive speaker, Dr. Flandry also popularized the dragons in the public’s eye throughout neighboring systems, spending six perilous years traveling amidst the collapse of the Second Imperium and the rise of the League of Jullanar to the planets where dragon pearls were in great demand, educating consumers on the hidden costs of the gems on the dragons themselves. The dragon population slowly rebounded through the next several centuries as the Princes of Dragonmist once again regulated the harvest and vigorously pursued poachers and smugglers involved in the illicit trade of dragon pearls. Establishment of the Imperial Reserve and Refuge in 319 underscored the commitment to the preservation of the mist dragons and their ecosystem.

Mist dragons and dragon pearls are still harvested in small numbers, and collectors vie for the lustrous gems. Synthetic pearls and pearls from another related species, Pseudodraconis spp. are also offered as semi-precious gems, particularly in the various curio shops located in the Reserve and at the starport, but the most valuable pearls, those of the green dragons, command prices in the tens of thousands of credits. Modern natural pearls rarely reach the size of those collected in millennia past, such as the Dragon’s Eye owned by the Duke of Jullanar which is a stunning 20cm in diameter – most contemporary pearls are in the 6-8cm, with luster of 4.7 to 5.8 on the Kepps scale, as compared to the 9.6 dragon pearl that is part of the Archduke of Gateway’s ducal signet ring.
Excellent concept. I look forward to further developments. Do you envisage this as concerned with things of imperium-wide significance? I see it as such, with local groups being responsible for less unusual things, 'only' important on a planetary or system-wide scale. The amount of co-operation (and, more often, friction) between imperial and local agencies would vary enourmously, of course.

I can see some adventure seeds arising from this, such as a local government trying to cover up some unique geolocical/ecological/archeological (or any other '-logical') discovery because they want to exploit the site. The players, as imperial ministry agents, are sent to investigate ...
Originally posted by the Bromgrev:
Excellent concept. I look forward to further developments.
Thank you very much, Bromgrev - most appreciated.
Originally posted by the Bromgrev:
Do you envisage this as concerned with things of imperium-wide significance? I see it as such, with local groups being responsible for less unusual things, 'only' important on a planetary or system-wide scale. The amount of co-operation (and, more often, friction) between imperial and local agencies would vary enourmously, of course.
Absolultely. For example, the Ministry of Conservation isn't interested in trade in strictly local commodities between two cities on a planet, but rather how the planet's precious metals deposits may be harnessed to increase the planet's trade standing and supply an important industrial world four parsecs away.

Likewise a planet may develop world parks that protect and preserve local landscapes, historic sites, and so forth whereas units of the Imperial Reserve System are designated to those sites of significance at the scale of a sector. The analogy might be the tiered system of national, state/provincial, and local parks in the United States and Canada.

The IPS is deliberately ambiguous in this regard. Going back to the first example of the planet with extensive precious metals deposits, is the Imperial Planetologist more interested in benefitting the local economy or interests at a larger scale? Do recommendations to the planetary government serve their interests, or those of megacorporations whose long-range planning projects demand to rise in another two centuries? That's up to the individual referee to decide.
Originally posted by the Bromgrev:
I can see some adventure seeds arising from this, such as a local government trying to cover up some unique geolocical/ecological/archeological (or any other '-logical') discovery because they want to exploit the site. The players, as imperial ministry agents, are sent to investigate ...
I'm working on a list of adventure seeds along these very lines - stay tuned...

More excellent stuff to save to my hard drive. I'll be looking forward to the rest.

One minor suggestion: The term Special Branch has been used too many times and is too famous. Upon hearing the term, players will immediately know it for what it is. Coming up with an innocuous, fairly boring sounding office buried in the MoC bureaucracy should be easy. Quarantine Support Office? Project Assessment Board? Budgetary Compliance Division?

Have fun,
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
More excellent stuff to save to my hard drive. I'll be looking forward to the rest.
Thanks very much for the encouragement.
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
One minor suggestion: The term Special Branch has been used too many times and is too famous. Upon hearing the term, players will immediately know it for what it is. Coming up with an innocuous, fairly boring sounding office buried in the MoC bureaucracy should be easy. Quarantine Support Office? Project Assessment Board? Budgetary Compliance Division?
The term "Special Branch" is merely a rumor - I'll cover this in more detail in an adventure seed, but as a quick preview the protectorate's special agents ("bughunters") are organized as Hazard Response Teams (HRTs) buried within the XP's "Logistics Office."

Thanks for the very helpful suggestions - please keep them coming!
Originally posted by Black Globe Generator:...the protectorate's special agents ("bughunters") are organized as Hazard Response Teams (HRTs) buried within the XP's "Logistics Office."


I forgot to mention this in my last post, but MoC's mortal enemies should be the IISS. This isn't because they're diametrically opposed to each others agenda, far from it. They both do essentially the same thing and familiarity breeds contempt.

The Scouts find 'em and MoC conserves 'em. Just when the Scouts should turn a world they're managing over to MoC keeping should be the cause of centuries of bureaucratic backstabbings and bunfights.

Have fun,
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
I forgot to mention this in my last post, but MoC's mortal enemies should be the IISS. This isn't because they're diametrically opposed to each others agenda, far from it. They both do essentially the same thing and familiarity breeds contempt.

The Scouts find 'em and MoC conserves 'em. Just when the Scouts should turn a world they're managing over to MoC keeping should be the cause of centuries of bureaucratic backstabbings and bunfights.
Definitely. This was the impetus behind the IGS/IPS Joint Committee, where those bureaucratic battles are fought with all the acrimony you'd expect from two entities that are in significant ways opposite sides of the same coin.

Many in the IISS (particularly the Exploration Office) dislike the IPS because of its focus on resouce development, the "despoilers" of pristine worlds. Their counterparts in the IPS resent the IISS's authority to interdict worlds, preventing them from contributing their fair share to the overall good of the Imperium.

It should be clear that with its power of interdiction the IISS holds the upper hand in this turf war - this is also reflected in the fact that per the standing rules the Joint Committee chair is a Scout, and the deputy a Planetologist...

The other ministerial rivalry of interest is between Conservation and Colonization - Colonization sees Conservation's role as one of providing technical assistance to its colonization projects, whereas Conservation sees Colonization as providing the means of getting Imperial resources to market.
Originally posted by Black Globe Generator:Definitely. This was the impetus behind the IGS/IPS Joint Committee, where those bureaucratic battles are fought with all the acrimony you'd expect from two entities that are in significant ways opposite sides of the same coin. (snip of even more and better bureaucratic wrangling!)

Oooh! You have been doing a lot of thinking on this!

I can't wait to see the rest. :D

Have fun,
Originally posted by Bill Cameron:
Oooh! You have been doing a lot of thinking on this!
Yes I have.

This conflict between advancing local planetary interests versus the larger economic growth of the Imperium is one of the main features of my TU. Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few (or the one...), if that means stripping a planet for its mineral resources and leaving behind a slag heap, or terraforming over an existing ecosystem to create farms and ranches of introduced economically-important species? This is the fundamental tension that underlies relations between the planetary systems and the Imperium, between ordinary citizens looking to better their immediate condition and the megacorporations whose economic planning and forecasts project profit-and-loss centuries ahead.

The Imperial Ministry of Conservation lies at the heart of this question.

As you surmised, I didn't include all of my notes on the IMoC in the discussion above - I purposely left some things vague so that a referee interested in incorporating the material wouldn't feel constrained to adopt one particular perspective.

I have a bunch of work to do for another game this weekend, but I should have the careers and a few adventure seeds up next week. Thanks again for the encouragement.
This is good stuff BGG and very timely for me. I have a plot thread in my campaign where the Ministry of Conservation is of importance. Thanks very much. I look forward to your next posts!
Thanks very much, CardinalBiggles - I'm glad this is helpful for your game.
Excellent piece of work BGG, I hope you don't mind but I'm borrowing the lot

One question, does your IMC have the power to interdict a world - like the scout service?

Here's a thought, perhaps it is the IMC the scouts and the navy have to apply to to be granted an interdiction on a world...

...and I had to dredge this quote up from the Spinward Marches:
Nexine ia an underpopulated water world currently being used by the Ministry of Conservation for reseeding efforts using biologically altered humans.
do they still do stuff like that IYTU?
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Excellent piece of work BGG, I hope you don't mind but I'm borrowing the lot
Thanks very much, Sigg Oddra - borrow a little, borrow the lot, that's why it's here.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
One question, does your IMC have the power to interdict a world - like the scout service?

Here's a thought, perhaps it is the IMC the scouts and the navy have to apply to to be granted an interdiction on a world...
IMTU the IMoC does not have the power to interdict worlds or portions thereof. Imperial Reserves are often created out of spaces interdicted by the Scouts' Exploration Office, who tend to be the "tree-huggin' hippies" of my Imperial bureaucracy. It's the IN that would be more likely to interdict a world on behalf of the IMoC if the Navy thought that the resources of the world were critical for Imperial defense.

IMTU the IMoC isn't a "marquee franchise" like the Scouts - kids grow up wanting to explore the frontier, not genegeneer a new cultivar of quadrotriticale. Most citizens who have any contact with the IMoC do so through the Reserve System, so the Imperial Wardens Service gets most of the public attention (helped in no small part by a couple of syndicated holovid series, the documentary Your Imperial Treasures and the action-adventure series Standwyck, Imperial Warden). However, it's the IPS with its role in resource management that gets the attention from the nobility and the megacorporations, so that's where the real power in the Ministry lies.

As an aside, the Ministry does not maintain its own fleet beyond a few ships for high-level administrators - it contracts with either the IISS or IN, or with private shippers (*BING! BING! BING!* Hang plot hooks here! ;) ) to transport personnel and supplies.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
...and I had to dredge this quote up from the Spinward Marches:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Nexine ia an underpopulated water world currently being used by the Ministry of Conservation for reseeding efforts using biologically altered humans.
do they still do stuff like that IYTU? </font>[/QUOTE]Absolutely - a couple of Imperial Research Stations, staffed by IPS Research Directorate scientists under agreement with the Ministry of Technology, perform genetic alterations on a variety of species for terraforming including human volunteers (at least it's hoped that they're volunteers...!?!).
This is really excellent information - I'm in the process of detailing the Imperial bureaucracy for my (Restored) Third Imperium, I'll grab this and add it to the lot. These interstellar polities really do need detailed, and I'm not one to leve rocks unturned. Thanks for sharing this!
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
One question, does your IMC have the power to interdict a world - like the scout service?
The Scouts don't have the formal power to interdict a world (in the OTU, that is). You need a member of the Imperial Family to do so. IIRC the text that originally dealt with that subject said that it was almost always the Scouts or the Navy who petitioned for interdicts. Which implies that on rare occasions other organizations do the same (and even individuals -- wasn't Lewis interdicted at the request of Leonard of Aramis?)

IMTU I have a society called the Imperial Academy of the Arts and Sciences. It's a counterpart to the British Royal Society (actually, it's a counterpart to the Danish counterpart to the Royal Society, but... ). By the Classic Era it has become moribund, but in earlier days it did on occasion interdict (petition for interdiction of) whole worlds merely for the purpose of sociological study.

Of course, in informal speech a world that has been interdicted at the behest of the Scouts is said to be under Scout interdict. But the person who actually do the interdiction is Strephon or Iolanthe or Iphegenia... Hm, I wonder how far out into the Imperial Family's branches that power goes. Can Varian and Lucan interdict worlds? Can Margaret? Can Duke Fennes?

I agree Hans.

This is another of those jobs that would have to devolve to the local nobility acting in the Emperor's name IMHO.

If the scouts or the navy request a world to be interdicted I would think the request goes to the subsector Duke first - who then acts in the Emperor's name to decide.

Otherwise you would have a couple of years to wait for a decision to come from Capital.

The sector Duke would be the next logical port of call to grant such authorisation...