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IMTU: Imperial Ministry of Conservation

  • Thread starter Thread starter Black Globe Generator
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Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
This is another of those jobs that would have to devolve to the local nobility acting in the Emperor's name IMHO.

If the scouts or the navy request a world to be interdicted I would think the request goes to the subsector Duke first - who then acts in the Emperor's name to decide.

Otherwise you would have a couple of years to wait for a decision to come from Capital.

The sector Duke would be the next logical port of call to grant such authorisation...
I agree that is is logical, but evidence suggests that the Imperium isn't going with logic on this one. Remember that we were told that Norris was in a dillemma when the cruiser that he suspected (but didn't know for sure) was carrying his Imperial Warrant was shipwrecked on Algine? If he went down on an interdicted world he would be breaking the law. If he found the warrant, he could use that as retroactive justification, but if not, he'd be in deep trouble. This means that an Imperial duke has no discretion about allowing people to break an interdict in his own duchy. That's really odd, but that's what we're told.

Incidentally, this shows that 'Imperial Family' doesn't include in-laws ;) . At least, not in-laws as far removed as Norris is from Strephon (their mothers are distant cousins).

Perhaps the sector Duke it is then - Delphine would definitely put obstacles in Norris' way.

Or to really twist things, Norris could authorise an interdiction within Regina, but once ratified by Delphine, Norris is bound by "the Emperor's will".

Only a warrant or a direct appeal to the Emperor could go above Delphine's proclamation of interdiction.
Originally posted by hydrozoa:
Thanks for sharing this!
You are very welcome, hydrozoa - I'm glad it's useful to you.
Originally posted by rancke:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
One question, does your IMC have the power to interdict a world - like the scout service?
The Scouts don't have the formal power to interdict a world (in the OTU, that is).</font>[/QUOTE]IMTU the Scouts and the Navy may interdict worlds, subject to subsequent review - in the case of interdictions by the IISS, the review is conducted by the sector duke in the Emperor's name, while in the case of the IN the Emperor himself (or Empress herself, of course) reviews the interdiction order. The result of the review is to maintain the interdiction, maintain it with conditions, or to set the interdiction aside.

In the case of interdiction ordered by the IISS, a decision by the sector duke to set aside an interdiction may be taken up by the Moot. Scout requests for interdiction are generally made to insure the protection of developing cultures and sensitive resources, and provide for the orderly inclusion or colonization of star systems where appropriate. The Moot will take up an IISS interdiction request if it appears that the sector duke's set-aside order may compromise the interests of the Imperium as a whole. Should the Moot disagree with the sector duke's decision, a report of findings is issued and the matter put before the Emperor for final disposition.

Interdiction by the Imperial Navy is ordered by the sector admiral with the consent of the sector duke - because naval regulations require the sector duke's consent, IN interdiction orders go directly to the Emperor for review.

Exigency demands that both the Scouts and the Navy have the ability to interedict first, explain later - waiting for action by the Emperor, a member of the Imperial family, or the Moot simply takes too long to be effective where the need is immediate.

In rare cases a member of the Moot may request interdiction of a world or system directly - the request is taken up by the Moot for review, and a report of findings issued to the Emperor, who will in turn order the Imperial Navy to conduct and manage the interdiction. A noble may not interdict a world by personal decree. Requests for interdiction by peers are rare because in most cases, where exigency is an issue, the noble will simply make the request of the sector duke who will order the interdiction by the Navy.

To expand on my earlier answer to Sigg Oddra, the IMoC through the IPS begins its work after the IISS has completed its exploration and surveys. IPS either provides advice to the nobility or planetary government on the use of its natural resources in the case of settled systems, or works alongside the Ministry of Colonization in the case of undeveloped worlds. The rights of the nobility and sovereignty of member systems supercedes the Imperium's overt ability to order their economic development along specific lines - similar to the megacorporations, the IPS must maintain the illusion of self-determination by the nobles and the members worlds...
I apologize for not filling in the blanks yet - we welcomed a new little traveller into our family a week earlier than planned, so there's been a bit of chaos around the old homestead.

I have the Imperial Warden career written - I just need to type it up in the correct format. I've also put together three adventure seeds, which again need to be typed up. I don't expect to get too much done this week (back to making a living again - a black globe generator's work is never done), but I hope to have some time over the weekend.

Thank you all again for the marvelous feedback so far - most appreciated.
I was wondering what happened to this thread - congratulations are in order, BGG!
IMTU, the interdict's override depends upon who has lain the interdict.

Norris was going against an Imperial Interdict, and hence needed full imperial authority to go around it. Now, if Delphine had done the interdicting, he could have used a Sector Warrant or Domain Warrant to access it. If the Archduke had lain the interdict, he'd have needed an Archducal warrant or the Imperial Warrant.
BGG Whats the average time limit in YTU for an IN or IISS Interdiction till the Emperor/ or his representative (Sector wise) thumbs up/down reviews it?
Originally posted by the Bromgrev:
I was wondering what happened to this thread - congratulations are in order, BGG!
Thank you very much! Mother and son are doing very well.
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
BGG Whats the average time limit in YTU for an IN or IISS Interdiction till the Emperor/ or his representative (Sector wise) thumbs up/down reviews it?
The sector duke's review of an IISS interdiction may take six months to a year - time enough to receive input from the subsector duke or other administrators, the IN, other members of the bureacracy or interested parties, and of course the IISS.

Review of an IN interdiction usually takes just a few months - the Emperor often rubber-stamps the decision, as the sector duke will brief the Emperor in advance of the order whenever possible. If the choice is politically sensitive, the Emperor may take more time to consult with the Moot and other interested parties before rendering a decision, if for no other reason that to give the appearance of fairness to a decision already made well in advance - in this case call it a year.

If the Moot gets involved - two to three years at least.
BGG Thanks!

I can see where this would (after a time of fashion) lead to non-industrial product needy systems doing their own development in their own star system after a while (Sorry lads, go plunder your own gas giant moons, these are Interdicted!).
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
I can see where this would (after a time of fashion) lead to non-industrial product needy systems doing their own development in their own star system after a while (Sorry lads, go plunder your own gas giant moons, these are Interdicted!).

And then the corporate interests in the region run to the sector duke to appeal...
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
REally Bgg, this rocks! What system are the new classes going to be in?
Thanks very much, BSG - I hope it's useful for other refs in their TUs.

Both careers will be for CT - it's what I play, and the only version with which I'm familiar enough to generate a career path. I should have a quiet moment on Sunday to post the Imperial Warden.
BGG, This dovetails nicely with a concept I've been toying with (basically Imperial controlled access to primitive sentients); I think I'll snip it if you don't mind! There was some discussion last year over who in the Imperium would act as administrators over these trading stations (in the spirit of East India and Hudson Bay companies); no one could agree. But your concept brings about a whole new bureaucracy ideally suited to do the job. Thanks for the good work!

Adapting them to MT is mostly increasing the use of cascades, and assigning a 4+ through 8+ number for special duty...
Originally posted by Ran Targas:
Thanks for the good work!
You're very welcome.

The Imperial Warden career is now posted on the first page of the thread - your comments are appreciated as always.

Aramis, perhaps you'd like to take a stab at updating it for MT, if you think that would be worthwhile?
Originally by Black Globe Generator; MT Adaptation by Aramis
Imperial Reserve Warden (MT)
"To Preserve and Protect"

Imperial Reserve Wardens (hereafter "Wardens") operate and manage units of the Imperial Reserve System. The Wardens provide a range of services to Reserve visitors, including public safety and emergency response, resource management, basic maintenance, and interpretation and education. The romanticized view of Warden life includes living in a rustic cabin and patrolling remote backcountry on the back of an indigenous mount, and while this is true for some in the Service, Wardens may be found in any Reserve, working in a museum or interpretive center, monitoring the condition of Reserve resources, or patrolling the developed areas of a Reserve. Some Wardens are commissioned as Imperial law enforcement officers for the purpose of protecting the health and safety of visitors and preserving the natural and cultural resources of the Reserve System – Wardens may serve assignments in different Reserves in the course of their careers, working as a guide in one, holding a commission in another, and serving as an administrator in a third. (Referee’s note: Any character with a Gun Combat skill can be assumed to have served as a commissioned warden – revolvers, shotguns, and rifles are the traditional weapons of the Warden Service, though there is no restriction on weapon selection by the player.)

Those seeking a career as a Warden may attend college before attempting to enlist – because hiring on and advancing are closely tied to a prospective Warden’s education, most Wardens pursue a degree before joining the Service.

Service Table

Enlistment 9+
DM +1 if Endurance 9+
DM +2 if Education 10+

Survival 6+
DM +2 if Endurance 8+

Position 10+
DM +1 if Education 9+

Promotion 8+
DM +1 if Intelligence 8+

Special Duty 5+

Re-enlist 5+

Table of Ranks

Rank 1 Lead Warden
Rank 2 Senior Warden
Rank 5 Supervising Warden
Rank 4 Chief Warden
Rank 5 Superintendent
Rank 6 Director

Mustering-Out Tables

1 +1 End
2 +1 Edu
3 Blade
4 Gun
5 Survival gear
6 Middle passage
7 +1 Soc

Survival gear: Wardens typically acquire a personal store of survival gear during their service. On receiving this benefit, the player may select up to 1000 Cr of equipment such as cold-weather clothing, compass, electric torch, and so on. The player may not apply this credit toward weapons or armor, vehicles, or drugs of any kind. A second receipt of this benefit adds an additional 500 Cr worth of gear. Any subsequent receipt is treated as no benefit.

Die-Roll/Cash (in credits)
1 0
2 1000
3 2000
4 5000
5 10000
6 10000
7 20000

Acquired Skills Tables

Personal Development Table
1 Physical
2 Physical
3 +1 End
4 Mental
5 Academic
6 Carousing

Service Skills Table
1 Survival
2 Gun Combat
3 Blade Combat
4 Vehicle
5 Environ
6 Environ

Education Table
1 Environ
2 Mechanical
3 Technical
4 Vehicle
5 Medical
6 Inborn

Advanced Education Table (requires Edu 8+)
1 Inborn
2 Interpersonal
3 Technical
4 Interpersonal
5 Academic
6 Admin

Automatic Skills
Chief Warden...Shotgun-1

This is a first draft subject to revision.
Notes on adaptation: Sounds more exciting than the dirtside military, and less so than diplomats, police, and scouts. So, middle of the road special duty.

The "Note on Skills" is unneeded in MT, since Animal Handling is under environmental, is itself a cascade,(it includes equestrian, guard/hunting beasts, and herding), and the rest are standard under MT's Vehicle Cascade.

In switching Edu to Academic, the Edu is still available, but so are some skills.

In switching Liaison to Interpersonal, it adds Interview, Linguistics, and Steward!

Swtiching Electronics and Computer to technical adds sensors, commo and robot ops, as well, and gravitics.

Survival and Hunting to Environ: Animal Handling, Stealth, Recon, and Archaic weapons get added...
Wow, Aramis, that's great (and quick!) - I added a link in the CT version on the first page to your MT version here.

Thank you very much for the assistance!
Originally posted by Aramis:
Where are the other two?
Other two updates or other two editions?

Updates are coming - adjusting to a newborn plus a two-year-old toddler in our home is severely taxing my personal time management skills, but I am working on it. I needed to flesh out my campaign history a bit before writing up the sample reserves, and the sample reserves will be part of the adventure hooks.

The Imperial Warden for other editions? Perhaps someone else will contribute for T4 or T20...?
[brief interruption]
Wow, great thread. What little time I currently have for Traveller is devoted to detailing the Nation of Antares and the campaign I hope to launch later in October. This really helps out with the Imperial (Regency) gov details. Thanks to the contributors!
[please carry on]
BGG, i love the idea, think i may stea...er barrow it for MTU, i understand the feeling about Dune series, has actually tried playing a dune idea, but used a different system, worked ok, just not sure about trying to do it inside the OTU, thanks again for some great ideas, pleaseeeee keep them coming