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In MTU: Traders and Tech Levels


In My Traveller Universe I am rigorously applying the rules from Mongoose 2nd Ed. High Guard Chapter 4, "Primitive and Advanced Spacecraft", to all ships. As a result there are significant differences between the same basic ship design at different Tech levels, enough that I want to give the designs different class names.
For example I call the Tech 11 200 ton Far Trader the "Empress Marava" Class (CT), while I call the Tech 12 200 ton Far Trader the "Garu" Class (The Flaming Eye campaign).
In the OTU are there any names for 200 ton Free Trader classes that might be used by me in this manner? I'm talking about the evolution of different versions of the Beowulf Trader. First of all, the design was originally Vilani, at least according to some sources, so it seems strange that it has a distinctly Solomani class name.
Perhaps the original Tech 10 version had a Vilani class name, and probably the Tech 11 version had a different Vilani class name, but then the Tech 12 version was given a Solomani name (Beowulf) because the Solomani developed Tech 12 first, and updated the Vilani design to their needs.
I expect I will probably just have to make up names for these, but if there are any actual OTU names that might fit I would like to use them.
In My Traveller Universe I am rigorously applying the rules from Mongoose 2nd Ed. High Guard Chapter 4, "Primitive and Advanced Spacecraft", to all ships. As a result there are significant differences between the same basic ship design at different Tech levels, enough that I want to give the designs different class names.
For example I call the Tech 11 200 ton Far Trader the "Empress Marava" Class (CT), while I call the Tech 12 200 ton Far Trader the "Garu" Class (The Flaming Eye campaign).
In the OTU are there any names for 200 ton Free Trader classes that might be used by me in this manner? I'm talking about the evolution of different versions of the Beowulf Trader. First of all, the design was originally Vilani, at least according to some sources, so it seems strange that it has a distinctly Solomani class name.
Perhaps the original Tech 10 version had a Vilani class name, and probably the Tech 11 version had a different Vilani class name, but then the Tech 12 version was given a Solomani name (Beowulf) because the Solomani developed Tech 12 first, and updated the Vilani design to their needs.
I expect I will probably just have to make up names for these, but if there are any actual OTU names that might fit I would like to use them.
Here's an alternative view - the way I ended up doing this in some settings.

They way I handled this stuff is that (say) the Type-S or A2 Free Trader is a deliberately standardised design. They exist as a standardised design with standardised parts where the Imperial authorities make the intellectual property for the design available to anyone. This is done as an economic development policy to encourage interstellar trade by making parts and maintenance capability for the standard designs ubiquitously available. This is also the reason behind the standard hull, computer and drive models.

You might also have more than one design competing in the same niche for some reason - for example the Serpent Class scout ship, which shares many components with the Suleiman class. Historically, this could have been designed to meet the specification for the Type-S and produced for whatever reason. Then it went into the body of intellectual property and gets produced and purchased by the Scout service at least some of the time.

Ergo, the designs are kept to the minimal tech level possible. IMTU this is a baseline of TL 10-TL 12.1 There isn't really such a thing as a TL13 far trader, although there might be examples that have more high tech components substituted.

TL13+ ships will be produced and operated in areas where the technology is available to maintain them. These ships aren't the standard Imperial designs, although they may be designed to use standard parts. Depending on economic conditions they also may or may not be designed to meet equivalent roles. For example, in a developed region the market niche for 200t free traders might be too small to warrant developing a design to compete with the commodified Imperial types.

Due to the wide availability of the IP, the designs are also popular outside the Imperium. Other authorities such as the Solomani produce similar designs in support of similar economic policies.
1 - Essentially it's assumed that non-starships can be produced at TL10, J2 ships at TL11 and J3 ships at TL12; the published IP is designed to be built and maintained with that level of technology. IMTU J1 ships are not produced outside of niche applications but that's just a house rule.
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The Vilani name for 200-ton Far Traders operated by Terrans (ISW era) is in my sig.
I don't remember a name for the Vilani-designed class, but the ISW sourcebook says the ships have numbers, not names, because they are generic and low-status.