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In Progress - 'Lao Che' Mineralogical Extraction Rig

Incredibly useful design. I assume the arm links are sealable?

Is there a six-armed version for the Hiver export market? ;)
SanDragon: Thanks!
I'm sure Scotty would be pleased

Brom: Yes, absolutely. Blast/pressure doors separate each segment of each arm and can be programmed to drop in the event of sudden pressure changes.

In addition, the arms are not rigidly flat - each 'tile' or 'arm segment' is able to be rotated up to 11 or so degrees in order to align with sloping or irregular terrain.

I think the hivers will like the hexagonal parts of the truncated icosahedron enough to mitigate any cultural biases in that market... but let's see what the focus groups say.

And thanks again for the feedback. Please feel free to keep all ideas/comments coming! I'll be working on a detailed set of plans for the arms and the varying kinds of groupings and 'tower' configurations.
Greetings and salutations,

What are the stats for the rig? How many levels, personnel needed, rooms, yada-yada? Or is there a smaller scaled pic you could send me, please? :D

Thank you!

Awesome, as usual!

Some questions - what are its mobility characteristics? Maneuver, Jump?

Also, it interesting that you came up with this - over the weekend, I was thinking about a modular drydock that fleets could use when on long term maneuvers. I was thinking TNE/RC specifically. Or a combination of mining facility/copnstruction facility.
Thanks guys!

Stats and specifications are underway - please feel free to 'prime the pump' with any specific implementations (I like the drydock idea, Jim!)

I use Adobe Illustrator for my blueprints. I know it well and it's really quite easy to get it beam laser-sharp.
There's a smaller image on the first page of the post - does that suffice for you, Marquis?

My feeling was that a rudimentary Power Plant and Maneuver Drive can be used to travel in a deployment area (planetary surface, amidst asteroids, etc.), but it relies on a jump tug (mounted on the hub and reusable as a secondary power source) for redeployment.
It's quite costly ($499 for the complete edition), and more complicated than a simple drawing program, but a good Illustrator operator can make a living in technical illustration, prepress or print production.

I did not realize that there was a first page, but that suffices! Great work!

Another idea: military base. Great for a military on the move. Packs up when the campaign is over and moves on when it's done. Of course, it might not need to be so big, but that's for Logistics and Administration to determine.

More ideas:
  • Mobile Hospital: used in disaster relief and by the military.</font>
  • Temporary Housing: same concept as the hospital, but for people that do not require medical facilities.</font>
  • Temporary Prisoner-of-War camp: hey, enemy combatants that have been removed from combat need to be housed somewhere.</font>
  • Temporary Warehousing: Supplies are kept here in a disaster zone.</font>
  • Construction Site: It would be helpful to have housing, offices, medical, & so on that can be picked up and moved to the next site.</font>
  • Any combination of aforementioned ideas</font>
This design makes it defendable. I LIKE it!

All of these ideas are rapid-fired from the top of my head.
Hmm! Drydock, mobile base... sounds like the Lao Che might just bring in a profit after all those design overruns and early testing mishaps.

What testing mishaps? Oh, wait... that's classified.
Testing mishap on a mobile base.

No, no. That was those pesky guerrillas. Every once in a while, some sentry doesn't do his or her job correctly. And they are usually a casualty afterwards. ;)
Originally posted by Marquis Deadlock:

I did not realize that there was a first page, but that suffices! Great work!

Another idea: military base. Great for a military on the move. Packs up when the campaign is over and moves on when it's done. Of course, it might not need to be so big, but that's for Logistics and Administration to determine.

More ideas:
  • Mobile Hospital: used in disaster relief and by the military.</font>
  • Temporary Housing: same concept as the hospital, but for people that do not require medical facilities.</font>
  • Temporary Prisoner-of-War camp: hey, enemy combatants that have been removed from combat need to be housed somewhere.</font>
  • Temporary Warehousing: Supplies are kept here in a disaster zone.</font>
  • Construction Site: It would be helpful to have housing, offices, medical, & so on that can be picked up and moved to the next site.</font>
  • Any combination of aforementioned ideas</font>
This design makes it defendable. I LIKE it!

All of these ideas are rapid-fired from the top of my head.
Brilliant ideas M. Deadlock!

Back in April (I shared this with Ms Mickazoid recently in the irony of GMTA) I described in our campaign the following (bear with me for the irc time stamp "munge" these are raw transcripts from the session):

[19:31] <GM_Liam> we will scroll back the calendar roughly eight months ago, to late 1209, the former TL-13 world of Grecorn. Argos has established a salvage colony here with about 3,000 workers salvaging old mining equipment off the planet.
[19:33] <Vrrag> kk
[19:33] <GM_Liam> Problem: there are 50,000 surviving folks of the original inhabitants as well who refused to die.
[19:33] <Yumiko> Sure. Il follow Liam’s lead on that side of things We shall assume she’s been long since blinded ( she had her eyes out when she was midteens)
[19:34] <GM_Liam> And they resent Argos hauling off stuff they could use to maintain their lives.
[19:34] <Yumiko> argosians are such bastards!
[19:35] <GM_Liam> Pitted against these the Starfarer’s Guild (Argos) and the Free Traders League
[19:35] <Vrrag> oh goodie :| prime trouble for my skeelz to fall into ;)
[19:37] <GM_Liam> Grecorn before collapse: B7A858C-D Ni Fl 700./ after collapse: D7A85T6-7 Ni Fl 500.
[19:38] <Yumiko> a string of numbers...feh. That’s a grognard -pointless thing to do. I never could read UUW!
[19:39] <GM_Liam> LOL. An earth sized world, with everything for atmosphere but oxygen; fission power replaced fusion power, fortunately.
[19:40] <Vrrag> UWP fewl! ;) so we need breathing apparatus then or Vac suit?
[19:40] <GM_Liam> and the survivors here are very clannish, and their government is technology based-who holds the relic tech holds power. yes
[19:42] <Vrrag> kk
[19:42] <GM_Liam> There were 7 major sites, and 14 smaller sites on the main world. Fissionable, metals, rare earths, and chemical compounds of even the atmosphere itself were harvested and used elsewhere here. The "oceans" are fluid, but not necessarily water.
[19:42] <Yumiko> joy. Nothing a blind folk likes better than being in a Vac suit, with no sense of the outside
[19:42] <Vrrag> haha. sucker ;) that’s why this ole pup will help ya out! arooo
[19:44] <GM_Liam> the job: targeting one of the seven major sites and the hospital there at it. the haul: any possible low berth, Automed, Autodoc still salvageable; computer records, and personal medical / electronic devices.
[19:46] <Vrrag> sweet
[19:46] * GM_Liam each of these 7 site had a small C-class port. the smaller ones had D-class. the survivors have gathered at one of these. only 20% of the planet is above the fluid seas, much of the mining was underwater/ and into sea floor. the 7 sites are all situated on the seven major islands. Argos has camps on two of these of 1500 workers management each.
[19:49] <Vrrag> ok so none of the sites with a hospital would be isolated entirely then?
[19:49] * GM_Liam ten of the 14 smaller sites were non-mobile, like oil derrick rigs, only larger-much larger. tapping the sea floor, with a landing pad and management refinery superstructure above surface. four were submergible, but had to be towed to move them about before casting 'anchor' in use. Isolated without aircraft/ spacecraft to get to them or a submersible/ watercraft using non-oxygen needing engine. The target is the largest of these seven islands, but Argos for 25 years has been incrementally clearing the islands off..
[19:52] <Vrrag> ok so we face potentially Argossean interference and local interference?
[19:52] <GM_Liam> and hostile 'tin-cans' (Viral robots) are a hazard here...
[19:53] <Vrrag> oh good
[19:53] * GM_Liam smiles. yes
[19:53] <Vrrag> can I de-volunteer? ;)
[19:53] <GM_Liam> Get in, grab it, get out is the M>O> on this island.
[19:53] <Vrrag> I'll let the computer wiz handle the viral robots ha
[19:54] <GM_Liam> Argos and Pit Stop want the machinery. Pit Stop pays better, Argos means a middleman cut included before planetary sales cut on salvage. But Argos has more ships; Pit Stop has to back/ side with the Free traders against the big boys
[19:55] <Vrrag> one of which I assume delivered my boat
[19:56] <GM_Liam> In essence, Yumi's ability to locate areas via computer once jacked in, necessitates the speed the grab team goes with. One of which delivered your boat, yes:
Choose: Argos, or Pit Stop.
[19:56] <Vrrag> so is it just the two of us? totally pit stop
better contacts there; more cash. I'm all about the cash :D
[19:57] <GM_Liam> You two, a grav skid, whatever crew the ship you choose allows to schlep the loot.
[19:57] <Vrrag> and the ladies,
[19:57] <Yumiko> money. Absolutely.


[20:57] * GM_Liam the Site is as described from Morgan's data, a major settlement, Nijmegen-down. former population, 155,000 sophonts. Towering arcology style buildings, and refineries aligned like starfish. The hospital was in the central tower, between the 50th and 100th floors. an emergency craft LZ is still there one of a dozen such, marked with a faded red flag. which on closer inspection afterwards, is a bloodstained shirt.
[20:58] * GM_Liam the former C-class pad is at the south end between two of the five massive "arms" of machinery/refinery

[20:58] * Vrrag points out the window
[20:58] * GM_Liam Savard nods.
[20:58] <Vrrag> What do you reckon....
[20:59] <Vrrag> I think the Emerg LZ will give us fast access....
[20:59] <GM_Liam> Savard: That’s where the man marked the entry point. Leopold’s shirt. Damn armed tin can shot him with a laser rifle on our way out..
[21:00] * GM_Liam growls from the men at this.
[21:01] <Yumiko> I will take your word for it...
[21:01] <Vrrag> Savard, what do you reckon the odds are that tin can is still around?
[21:02] <GM_Liam> Savard: Stow it--get the cutting tools and breech charges boys. we’ve got some work to do ahead of us. There's an airtight access we cobbled the code into and a terminal station. We've got a battery here can give the girl here about an hour's worth of scanning the comp inside for the floor plans to ER and trauma stations..
[21:02] <GM_Liam> Savard: Odds are likely <hoists his weapon>
[21:03] * Vrrag mutters under breath "oh good"
[21:03] <GM_Liam> First we get inside, and secure the terminal--then she does her magick..then we grab and go as we can.

An excerpt from the background adventure "Dog-eat-Dog" I ran for the players of the salvaging Vrrag Nouvekh & Yumiko Hatakawa.

This mining facility eventurally grew into its own "small city", with public works, hospital, spaceport, etc., like several others on this planet.

Your concurring ideas of Modular Mlitary, Exploration, Research bases, storage, hospitals, etc...Imperial FEMA buildings for subsector-planetary disasters?? :eek:

GMTA grist for the mill!

Game On!
I love the synchronicity.

I hope the design, when fleshed out with stats and more detail, will be the site of countless adventures - commercial, personal and xenobiological!

Before I 'deep dive' for a night of detailing, here are some of the configurations mentioned, and a few ideas/issues I've got so far.

* Base: Drydock, Downport, Highport, Wetport, Military, Way Station, Commercial, Private
* Scientific: Hospital, Research, Exploratory
* Housing: General, Colonization, Penal
* Industrial: Construction, Warehousing, Mining, Processing

These functions can be blended using multiple dedicated-function installations, or for smaller applications using arms of different customizations within a single installation.

All of these functions can be provided using superstructures on the 'upper platform' as well, but the arms are designed to be extremely capable of the core mission applications when used in combination with the central hub.

In different configurations, all sorts of structures dot the areas between the arms - including but certainly not limited to additional housing, laboratories, ore vein extensions, vehicle bays, defensive weaponry bays, sheeted roofing, etc. In addition, exension modules are under development that would pressurize the entire 72° wedge between two arms, to provide a large habitable space needed for long-term deployments in particularly adverse environments.

Designer's Note: If Siiriani Megacorp does not provide these modules, another megacorp surely will - and the safety risks could be significant for a third-party attempting to interface to the encrypted systems we now proudly employ.
Corporate Censor (ID 88191)'s Note: Please delete before distribution.

For starport applications, the arm 'runners' can be extended out to vehicle bays located at a safe distance from the central facility, and accomodate on/offworld traffic using maglev shuttle vehicles.

The hub can be adapted around a central spire, and multiple hubs can be attached in a vertical configuration for crater-edge, cliffside, or crevasse deployments. In a number of instances this spire has been reinforced with multiple supports, providing an upper platform capable of supporting buildings of hundreds of meters in height, based on gravity and terrain integrity.

Possible configurations: Spherical or chordal asteroid-circlers, terrain-crawling layouts, vertical cliffside structures, vacuum and ocean floaters/sinkers, flat geometric layouts.

Transport: After launch the five arms slow-rotate from their flat position to a 90° rotation downwards, into a collected cylinder. The five arms' ends are joined to form the front of the vessel. Command remains in the hub, with a gravity field 90° offset from the arms.

So, I need a new name - it's not just a mineralogical rig... since Siiriani corporation is marketing these to so many sectors (private/industrial/commercial/military), there's got to be a more jazzy, but cross-functional name.

The design group suggestion box is open, citizens. The winning citizen will have an early production run named for him/her/it.
Asteroidea class seems the obvious designation, in the ship class scheme of things. Named for the biological class of a common Earth sea creature, usually with 5 "arms". Common names of the creature are "Starfish" or "Sea Star". Variants are named for other 5 "armed" creatures from many different environs and planets throughout charted space.

As for how it might be noted descriptive wise, that's trickier. Nothing leaps to mind there but I will give it some thought. Probably an acronym ;)

In field use I think something like this would probably be officially numbered, along the lines of:

(insert descriptive name of structure type) Asteroidea (if we're talking the first one and class scheme naming) - #####...

...with the number detailing the type of base structure and extensions, kind of like (and there's folks warming up lasers as I type this ;) ) the USP from HG.

something that its' legs/arms can slowly move, encircle, grasp, and splay out, eh?

It can be mobile or stationary...

The Terran Starfish (Asteroidea)certainly fits the bill. However, the central hub, or tower configuration portion begs the difference from this obvious analogy imo...

How about the Cephalapod-class (Kemakharidaama-class, in the Vilani manufacturing worlds*). Much like the non- sentient cephalapodia Nautilus, Cuttlefish, and even the Traveller aquatic minor sentient race of the Githaskoi (of Spinward Marches/ Deneb region).

All of these examples have multiple arms, offensive and/ or defensive capabilities, mobility & grasping of prey, etc.

* Used Lonnie's Tribblescape for this word.
Thinking for several minutes gets me these names and ancronyms as entries in the "name" contest.

Individualized Function of Modular Unit Designs for CIvilization Needs - IFMUDCIN

Articulated Modular Units for Individualzed Functions - AMUIF

Limited Articulation Modules for Individualized Functions - LAMIF

Self-propelled Articulated Modular Units for Individualized Tasks - SAMUIT
"I layeth my hands upon thee and bestow the name BISH-class Mobile Modular Base. So say you all!"

BISH = Base Industrial Scientific Housing

The other name I just thought of is BHIS-class Mobile Modular Base.

Mobile can be replaced with the word Conforming.
I don't know about you guys, but I think EACH works... here's how.

Word usages like Asteroidea / Cephalopodea can, in use as a proper noun, refer to the mode of the base - whether 'headless' or not.
The Vilani equivalent can be a popular name for the rig complex.

Like 'Garalon Asteroidea Way Station', or 'Krekiish Ceph Towers'.

Acronyms can/should be employed as well - both using the USP (known by a number of downworld builders as the 'BISH code' (a form of shorthand like the general USP, but customized for Siiriani mobile installations) and in other ways. I like the use of a code and acronym design like Randy and Marquis' ideas as well for a possible product name, but it would have to 'roll off the tongue'.


Oh, and here's a few little teaser snappies. Bear in mind that the maglev shuttles in the first one are way too out of scale (big) and will be bidirectional to avoid needing to 'turn around':


Ms Mickazoid wrote:
I don't know about you guys, but I think EACH works... here's how.

Word usages like Asteroidea / Cephalopodea can, in use as a proper noun, refer to the mode of the base - whether 'headless' or not. The Vilani equivalent can be a popular name for the rig complex.

Like 'Garalon Asteroidea Way Station', or 'Krekiish Ceph Towers'.

Acronyms can/should be employed as well - both using the USP (known by a number of downworld builders as the 'BISH code' (a form of shorthand like the general USP, but customized for Siiriani mobile installations) and in other ways. I like the use of a code and acronym design like Randy and Marquis' ideas as well for a possible product name, but it would have to 'roll off the tongue'.


Agreed! Using noun-specific Function type names for the actual use of the base, and the acronym name for the overall ship/ modular unit parts makes easy sense.

"Non-Towered" versions using the Asteroidea name, aka those sprawling about say an asteroid, island, or crater floor, etc. what have you.

"Towered" versions can use the Cephalapodea / Kemakharidaama-name (Cliff-faces, crater faces, undersea or floating versions, Mountain top mounted stations, orbital highport versions, etc).

Hmmm as for "rolling off the tongue" acronym...
BISH is okay.



MASP-SHIBU vessels?