At the risk of violating Rule 0, I could take the sincerity of this thread a lot more seriously if it weren't for the hostility and disinterest I've seen here at CotI directed toward Mongoose's Traveller.
Frankly, the rumored COTI hostility towards Mongoose Traveller is simply untrue. In the early days of MgT, there were a vocal few who made it a personal crusade to attack anyone or anything pro Mongoose. There were an equal number of vocal fans who made it their personal mission to attack anyone or anything that criticized MgT. Fortunately, both have long since either learned civility or been shown to the door by the moderators at COTI (except me, cause I wasn't a moderator back then.)
As far as Mongoose Traveller being ignored, the board statistics do not bear that out ... 706 Mongoose Traveller threads and over 14,000 posts.
Right now, T5 is the new kid on the COTI block. So naturally, there are lots of new T5 posts and topics right now. You cannot have read the posts about T5 and think that T5 experienced none of the criticism that MgT suffered. Criticism goes with the territory of publishing a new game. I am happy that COTI has more moderators now than it did when Mongoose was released, so the personal attacks against T5 fans and critics were never allowed to reach the level that the worst of the posts reached at the unveiling of MgT.
At present, criticism and even strong disagreement are welcome at COTI, but personal attacks are not tolerated. COTI has no opinion or policy towards any version of Traveller, except they are all welcome to be discussed. The members of COTI, on the other hand, run the full spectrum of Traveller preferences and dislikes.
Personally, I have played Mongoose Traveller and enjoyed it. I really liked the broader skill emphasis on Trade and I greatly enjoyed using the Mercenary book and equipment in an actual game. On the other hand, I prefer a crunchier design system ... more like MegaTraveller ... and I prefer the lower skill levels and characteristic emphasis of LBB1-3 Classic Traveller. So THIS moderator has no axe to grind against Mongoose Traveller.
Ultimately both 'Mongoose Traveller on COTI' and 'Traveller in general among the greater gaming community' suffer from the same problem ... too few people talking about and actually playing it. ... Both have the same cure, play it and post about it.
So you can either 'curse the darkness' or you can 'light a candle'.
If you want to see more Mongoose Traveller topics on the "Today's Posts", then start posting about MgT. I don't think that it will happen, simply because Mongoose fans have a very nice home at the Mongoose Publishing Forums, so they don't need COTI (just as GURPS Traveller has a natural home at the SJG Forums). For better or worse, COTI is the logical home for the T5 community since this is where they discussed it pre-release and COTI is now hosted by The publisher of T5 (FFE).
Anyway, I am sorry that you feel COTI is hostile towards Mongoose Traveller, but I respectfully disagree.