The classic of course is any doggie comment for Vargr, I am looking for OTU alien or various human org insults, but also ATU insulting.
One of the things about this thread is the unspoken assumption: that the individual(s) you are insulting have the same cultural context that you do. If they don't, "standard" insults such as those given in this thread may be met simply with incomprehension.
For example: "Here, kitty, kitty" would be meaningless to an Aslan unless the Aslan
knows that (a) humans think that Aslan resemble lions, (b) lions are considered a kind of cat, (c) humans keep "cute" and non-dangerous cats as pets, and (d) "Here, kitty, kitty" is a way of calling the pet cat.
It will be far more effective if you generate an insult that fits into
their cultural context, and does so in such a way that it's clear that you know exactly what you're implying. It's even more effective if you do it in their own language.
Thus, asking an Aslan male if he'd be willing to assist in straightening out the human ship's books would be a clearer insult to him than "here, kitty, kitty" because it plays right into his culture: Accounting is a
female occupation among the Aslan, and no respectable Aslan male would be competent in it - or would admit it if he was. Still clearer would be to look him up and down, and sneer something to the effect of "You couldn't own and defend {some miniscule area, preferably in Aslan measurements} of land even if you had the entire Tlakhu backing you." (This, however, could result in the insulter's death and an interstellar Incident.)
Similar arguments with respect to the Vargr, K'kree, and so on can be made; for example, a high-charisma Vargr would be likely to react if you loudly and pointedly ask a lower-charisma Vargr why he (the lower-charisma Vargr) allows himself to appear with such a {Vargr word with social connotations equivalent to 'low-charisma mangy cur'} - doesn't it pull down
your (lower-charisma Vargr's) charisma?
Note that the above is in the spirit of the thread - generating a near-instant and violent reaction. Sometimes, it may be better to insult your target in a way that doesn't generate an instant reaction, but requires your target to work out that he's been insulted - which adds the fillip that you've implied that he was too stupid to realize he was being insulted, and may make him look like the
provocateur if he works out the insult faster than any bystanders.
The author of this article disclaims all responsibility for resultant reactions and consequences of use of any insults given here, or designed in accordance with concepts outlined here. Please note that in extreme cases, death is a possible consequence.