Cool. Let us know any viable assumptions. I've found Hiver books to be a dreary repeat of each other. Perhaps MgT has something. Haven't read it all.
So, if they consider it a challenge that's cool. But the game is up at that point. The cards are on the table. They've lost. A smart person would break away at that point. I cannot see tossing something in any sophonts direction and then coming back for more. That would be arrogant.
From GURPS Alien Races 3:
The Hiver parenting drive is so strong that it spills over into a drive to educate and improve other adult Hivers and other races as well. The means by which this is accomplished is the Hiver art called "manipulation," in which a Hiver secretly and subtly influences the acts of its fellows to guide them into a better way of living. Manipulation is a sophisticated practice, with many time-honored rules. At this point it is sufficient to note that a Hiver manipulator is setting itself up as putative "parent" to all of those that it seeks to manipulate. In fact, the Hiver terms for alien races reflect this: Fiiuh or "adult alien," and Fiyuh, "yearling alien." Fiiuh include the starfaring races, and Fiyuh covers basically every other race the Hivers come in contact with. The Hivers have never met a young race that could not use some improving. Note that the term "adult alien" does not mean that Hivers do not seek to manipulate these mature races. Hivers are perfectly willing to manipulate their fellow adult Hivers, and extend this courtesy to other races as well.
Bold and italic text is my emphasis, it seems to me that the subject Hiver might even thank you for being concerned enough for it's welfare that you took the time to "parent" it.